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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 赤柱St. Stephen vs 英華
樓主: fsforth

赤柱St. Stephen vs 英華 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-13 16:46 |只看該作者
原帖由 childrenfirst 於 09-12-13 16:09 發表
SSC changed the school principal in the last 2 years. The new principal should be better. In fact, I once read about their 2008 data, it was much better than the year 2006. However, I have forgotten t ...

Do you mean primary section? It had great increment in Band1 student %.

I don't find any HKCEE report in SSC web site.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-13 17:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 cmchang0927 於 09-12-13 13:37 發表
Just for your reference, my knowledge to SSCPS is not updated.  I studied F.1 to F.3 in SSC 18 yrs ago.  For the secondary school at that time, it's not academic strong.   
1.  Love Aff ...

我所知的就是這樣, 不過, 盲目追明牌不一定是有錢人家的玩意, 窮的一樣會追. 而拍拖問題, 學校又有沙灘又有山, 風景優美, 根本就是拍拖的好地方! 不過, 現在資訊發達, 就算讀男校/女校也一樣會有機會拍拖.

很多香港學生都未能做到"outgoing and presentable in English", 成績好的也不少是"電車男"

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-13 17:31 |只看該作者
You can check that the current principal of SSC is a very young lady. And, the faculty for its DSS section is different from the subsidized one. They employ more NET for lower forms. Not only the syllabuses, but only the batch of students are very different from the previous ones.

Although SSC is not my only option in the future, I won't benchmark the "new" SSC with YW, because I know the " expected values" I get from SSC are different from those that YW could give us.

(*I have no detailed knowledge about YW. I think it is a good school for many parents. )

Nevertheless, it is always parents' own decision for choosing schools for their children. No need to argue.

[ 本帖最後由 ssspwong 於 09-12-13 20:05 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-12-13 22:40 |只看該作者
And I forgot to mention that, 18 years ago, when I compared my school's atmosphere to Cheung Shuk Shan (I have some friends there), it was completely different.
- no branded stuff
- students were v. innocent (no love affairs in lower   forms)
- don't spend much time on Athletics and music
- teachers revised stuff with them frequently
So I really think that SSC is very different from the traditional schools.  My friend is running a tutorial centre (she is an old girl of SSCPS and SSC from P.3 to F.7), she told me that the Eng standard of SSCPS now is high but the Chinese is not so good.  Although the Eng standard is high, the expectaion of the teacher is not high.  She has a student from SSCPS P.4 now.  She told me that the marking of the homework is not harsh, still commented good when it was not so good........... but I think it's the style of foreign teaching.   One thing can have 2 different views, u can say that it's good for the kids if you prefer your kid to have a happy learning environment.   It's just what you want your kid to have.................

原帖由 fsforth 於 09-12-13 17:07 發表

我所知的就是這樣, 不過, 盲目追明牌不一定是有錢人家的玩意, 窮的一樣會追. 而拍拖問題, 學校又有沙灘又有山, 風景優美, 根本就是拍拖的好地方! 不過, 現在資訊發達, 就算讀男校/女校也一樣會有機會拍拖.

很多香 ...

[ 本帖最後由 cmchang0927 於 09-12-13 22:42 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-14 09:13 |只看該作者
原帖由 cmchang0927 於 09-12-13 22:40 發表
And I forgot to mention that, 18 years ago, when I compared my school's atmosphere to Cheung Shuk Shan (I have some friends there), it was completely different.
- no branded stuff
- students were ...

不可能以地區名校來比較, 它們很多都是資源有限, 要在運動, 音樂等範疇去提升校譽, 難度很高, 不如"死谷爛谷", 搏公開試好成績, 成本低, 效益高, 保得住英中之餘又可以偶然有狀元見報, 對學生來講, 大部分都是來自普通收入的家庭(正如我自己小時一樣), 讀書只是唯一的出路, 運動音樂已經成為奢侈品, 成績 is a matter of survival!

對於其他傳統名校, 特別是學費貴的, 學生多來自中產以上家庭, 未必知道一無所有的壓力, 考試成績不好可以去外國, 有錢自然有書讀, 有一部分學生他們不是資質低, 而是沒有危機感, 所以成績也不會好.

對於SSC, 我會把它定位成為"有中文科的國際學校", 大家心目中的國際學校就是"貴\自由\English environment\重人權\creative\presentable"

英華小學也不算是傳統的學校, 活躍的小朋友也會有快樂的學校生活, 不過, 學校在學術上絕對是有要求, 成績有保證!

[ 本帖最後由 fsforth 於 09-12-14 09:15 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-14 09:16 |只看該作者
You reminded me that in my old years, Cheung Shuk Shan had been very famous for his high success rate for the two universities and it was very pushing . It seems that it is not as renown as before. Why?

原帖由 cmchang0927 於 09-12-13 22:40 發表
And I forgot to mention that, 18 years ago, when I compared my school's atmosphere to Cheung Shuk Shan (I have some friends there), it was completely different.
- no branded stuff
- students were ...

發表於 09-12-14 09:32 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-12-14 10:53 |只看該作者
And there is an interesting phenomenon.  The two friends of mine (studied in SSCPS from P.1 to F.7) preferred to send their kids to Kei Wan Primary school (much workloads) rather than SSCPS as they both live in Sai Wan Ho.  They wanted their kids to have a more hardworking time.  But for some friends that I know from Kei Wan, they claimed that they wouldn't let their kids to study in Kei Wan in the future cos' the high workload.  I think parents always want the things that haven't been done well in their childhood to be corrected.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-14 11:27 |只看該作者
原帖由 cmchang0927 於 09-12-14 10:53 發表
And there is an interesting phenomenon.  The two friends of mine (studied in SSCPS from P.1 to F.7) preferred to send their kids to Kei Wan Primary school (much workloads) rather than SSCPS as they bo ...

This may be NATURAL.

1. people had a hard time when they had heavy loads in their childhood won't send their children to such harsh schools.

2. people could cope with the heavy loads will send their children to such harsh schools because they didn't feel any pressure before and they don't think it would be too harsh to their children.

3. people without heavy loads in their childhood may be attracted very much by the very good academic result of such harsh schools because they didn't experience any difficulties of heavy workload before.

4. people who had not experience heavy loads in their childhood and don't believe heavy loads will not send their children to such harsh schools.

[ 本帖最後由 dvb 於 09-12-14 11:29 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-14 19:13 |只看該作者
very true...
原帖由 cmchang0927 於 09-12-14 10:53 發表
And there is an interesting phenomenon.  The two friends of mine (studied in SSCPS from P.1 to F.7) preferred to send their kids to Kei Wan Primary school (much workloads) rather than SSCPS as they bo ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-14 20:48 |只看該作者
Sorry, I think you have oversimplified the situation.

I am a member belonged to Category II as you have mentioned, i.e. people who experienced heavy studyload and could cope with it.

However, my history does not affect my decision for choosing school for my child. I am a forward looking person that I know the important essence for success in the future would be very different from the past -- Acadeimic standard is only ONE of the factors for success,  and it is even not the most crucial and decisive factors.

原帖由 dvb 於 09-12-14 11:27 發表

This may be NATURAL.

1. people had a hard time when they had heavy loads in their childhood won't send their children to such harsh schools.

2. people could cope with the heavy loads will send the ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-14 21:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 ssspwong 於 09-12-14 20:48 發表
Sorry, I think you have oversimplified the situation.

I am a member belonged to Category II as you have mentioned, i.e. people who experienced heavy studyload and could cope with it.

However, my h ...

Then, let me add one more category

5. people who experienced heavy studyload and could cope with it don't choose "harsh" school because they are forward looking people that know the important essence for success in the future would be very different from the past -- Acadeimic standard is only ONE of the factors for success,  and it is even not the most crucial and decisive factors.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-14 21:53 |只看該作者
OK. It is your model as you like it.

原帖由 dvb 於 09-12-14 21:02 發表

Then, let me add one more category

5. people who experienced heavy studyload and could cope with it don't choose "harsh" school because they are forward looking people that know the important essen ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-12-15 00:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 ssspwong 於 09-12-14 21:53 發表
OK. It is your model as you like it.


Absolutely agreed with sspwong said academic is the not the only crucial criteria for the childen's life long learning life. How to cope with other people as well as having better communication skills are more important in these days.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-16 10:53 |只看該作者
結果出了! 二選一, 95% 我會選英華而放棄SSCPS

我接觸過不少兩校的準家長, YW的比較可愛和平易近人.

而我還有一個細女要養, Value for money 絕對要consider...而且SSC個plan 係會加宿舍收海外生, 到時年年加學費, 月花過萬讀小學, 寧願留起來供個仔出國讀大學好過!
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