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請問德望,St. Paul,培正边間好? 是否大家是優先上小學/一條龍? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-30 01:31 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Ian,

Enjoyed vy much reading yr posts and blog, i believe many parents find their direction and even answer after reading them.  To me, i'm still struggling between "through-train" and "English proficiency", just wonder if you agree that they are kind of "opposing to each other" to certain extent.  Would be grateful if you can shed me light on this area.
In the very beginning, i was looking for a kinder which can provide a good Eng environment and active/flexible teaching as my child is rather active.  i didn't think of  "through-train" at that moment as most of them have religion background and it gave me an impression of "strict" and "not that gd in Eng".  But for security sake, i still gave a try.  For now i got an offer from Stafford, St.Johannes and GH, and will attend an interview at PC on 12th and consider whether go to queue up for SH on 4th.

My headaches are:-
St.Johannes: seems can provide a gd eng environment, it also offers full day class which i think is a gd way to train up my girl to be well-disciplined and independent.  But then i need to fight for a gd primary school three yrs later.
GH: thousands of ?? as it's new.  May not consider GH primary school for several reasons like large class, early class (7:30am, i live in NT) and relatively expensive.
PC: a vy gd school in terms of Chinese proficiency and culture, but relatively week at English.  Like a big family that gives me a vy warm feeling after going to their open day.
SH: Floods of gd comments, relatively cheaper school fees on both kinder and primary.  But it's too far from my home.

Have thought of thousand times on the above but it truly hard to get a balance.  May you please share your views?  Deeply appreciate...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-1 13:50 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 1# iantsang 的文章

Hi Ian,

Thanks for your comments.  Yes, you're correct, I'm afraid i have to list out all the things, prioritize them and then just go for it without further hesitation. The KG selection process (application, interview and decision making) is really painful, don't wanna to drag it on any longer.  Thank you.
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