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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 收到SC的信D媽咪入來傾吓
樓主: ccc_2baby

收到SC的信D媽咪入來傾吓 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-30 16:06 |只看該作者
sc雙班主任 (中,native), 全日有native teacher, 教phonics, KV 唔教phonics嫁 !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 16:08 |只看該作者
All K2 of SC will be in PM and K3 will be in AM, thus, you need to experience PM class anyway...

原帖由 lancylee 於 09-11-30 15:54 發表
我的女兒收了,是下午英普,我們不大喜歡下午的。其實我們真得不大清楚st cat有什麽優點,當初去報名的時候只是看到大家都報,所以就報了再説了,我真得很想知道,究竟st cat好處在哪? ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-11-30 16:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 sfplam 於 09-11-30 16:05 發表
Hi nozomu-kun,

  Math, not bad, but I think if you wanted more advance math, you can let you kids attend Kumon. My son has joined the trial class before and the entry math is a little bit more advanc ...

hi sfplam,
thanks your opions, it is very valuable... what is abacus class ?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-30 16:19 |只看該作者
Hello officecatcat,
你唔好咁無心機啦, 如果你同一d未有小朋友的人講, 他們一定唔明白現時香港的教育制度, 沒有一間好的幼稚園, 好可能係唔會有一間好的小學, 中學.....始終而家d學校都好睇"學校名"不過, 又真係唔一定係"超名校" 才有讀到書的學生, 因為"名校"其實都有其不好之處, 加上亦要睇小朋友讀得是否開心, 是否適合....不過, 我相信你小朋友將來一定係美好的, 因為他有你咁愛錫他的父母, 我們作為呢一代的父母, 要俾心機呀.
希望你小朋友可以有機會入st. cat啦, 因為我都覺得總有人會放棄的....

原帖由 officecatcat 於 09-11-30 15:21 發

我都只係收到 pm waiting list.
收到當日係好唔開心下. 星期一返工, 同事咁o岩問起, 感覺到d冷眼旁觀 (定係心涼唔知).

我又唔係話一定要個仔讀, 我係想搵比較o岩佢去讀, 係名校就會有寄望有較好既將來 (都係指升小 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-30 16:23 |只看該作者
I have applied TT - rejected

Think (Kln tong) - AM offer

Ming Wai - AM offer

Right Mind - AM offer

St. Cat - waiting

Existing pre-nursery - AM offer

I have limited choice since what we are focus is mandarin and english as my hb is a foreigner but we don't want her to know English only.

Thus the schools I chose are all in mandarin and english...  and I just think that if the eng/pth is so so one, I will prefer staying in the existing pre-nursery though my gal will start pre-nusery only in Jan 2010.

原帖由 officecatcat 於 09-11-30 15:49 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 16:29 |只看該作者
我個女in KV時就明顯主動過SC好多, 不過唔敢想....
我開了另一個topic, 得閒都可以入去睇下交流下最新情況!

原帖由 sfplam 於 09-11-30 15:46 發表
Hi appleng,

  I applied KV too, however, my little daughter is the active type and I am afraid KV is too tradition for her...  Moreover, her interview performance ....... is not better than in SC.... ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-30 16:31 |只看該作者
hi 小豆豬,


正如你同 eggmama 所講, 我都信一定有人唔留位, 總會有希望; 我而家都係已收既幼稚園內簡緊邊間最好.

至於果下嬲嬲地, 係因為同事問起, (我都唔太想答, 但問起又要答) 而家事後就會比人問返起再比d咁既反應我.

係呢, 咁你簡左咩幼稚園呀?

原帖由 小豆豬 於 09-11-30 16:19 發表
Hello officecatcat,
你唔好咁無心機啦, 如果你同一d未有小朋友的人講, 他們一定唔明白現時香港的教育制度, 沒有一間好的幼稚園, 好可能係唔會有一間好的小學, 中學.....始終而家d學校都好睇"學校名"不過, 又真係唔 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-30 16:31 |只看該作者
I have experienced it when i applied N1 for my daughter, all are waiting only 1 be accepted.

Although now i got 2 offers on hand (TT + St Cath). i still feel that i have to choose the one suitable my daughter rather than a famous one.
The kids don't have problems although they couldn't be accepted by some KG, they are good enough.

原帖由 ngmyan 於 09-11-30 16:23 發表
I have applied TT - rejected

Think (Kln tong) - AM offer

Ming Wai - AM offer

Right Mind - AM offer

St. Cat - waiting

Existing pre-nursery - AM offer

I have limited choice since what we are focus ...

[ 本帖最後由 leunter 於 09-11-30 16:32 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-30 16:37 |只看該作者
Agreed - I even heard some parents got acceptance letter from some schools but no idea how good those schools are....

I understand that my baby is a super small B and will be very difficult to get into good KGs and that's why I applied many KGs.  Luckily I got offers from York, Cannan and Wanchi Church.  Still waiting results from KV, KM and yet to attend interview at Alliance, KCIS, and SKH.

What about you?

Again SC is good but I am sure there is another good KG waiting there for your child to get into.  Don't treat those gossips too serious and just try our best to fight for a good KG for our child, add oil ar!!

原帖由 officecatcat 於 09-11-30 15:47 發表
hi bebelee,
好多謝你既安慰, 對我好有用!  
朋友同事間, 又想知問起, 基於佢地有d好似完全不可思議咁樣去 interview, 有d覺得名大於實, 個個出於虛榮, 又覺得唔考慮個仔/ 女既能力, etc..

我覺得, 唔係你, 你唔明 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-30 16:37 |只看該作者
既然 st. cath 而家暫時無得諗, 你考慮而家既學校都o岩, 如果佢讀得好, 有成績, 同一間其實係最好, 好多家長都係為左 k1簡某間 kinder.

你先生係 foreigner, 相信你唔需要擔心英文方面既教育, st. cath 最出名都係 english language, 至於升小派位, 一來無真實資料參考, 二來bk forum 不斷有人講 is dropping 雖不知真假.

原帖由 ngmyan 於 09-11-30 16:23 發表
I have applied TT - rejected

Think (Kln tong) - AM offer

Ming Wai - AM offer

Right Mind - AM offer

St. Cat - waiting

Existing pre-nursery - AM offer

I have limited choice since what we are focus ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-30 16:42 |只看該作者
原帖由 sfplam 於 09-11-30 16:05 發表
Hi nozomu-kun,

  Math, not bad, but I think if you wanted more advance math, you can let you kids attend Kumon. My son has joined the trial class before and the entry math is a little bit more advanc ...

For my opinion, 初學計數就得, Kumon主張不斷重複練習, 但不懂變通。例如, 3+5小朋友好快答到, 5+3就唔識啦

另外, Kumon 教雙十法計加數, 幼稚園教小朋友將大的數值放係心中, 之後數手指。例如: 5放心中, 之後數3隻手指為
答案就係8啦。速度慢, kumon嘅教法唔同。Kumon話錯。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-30 16:44 |只看該作者
原帖由 twinsstar 於 09-11-29 18:25 發表
Today I talked to my son and told him that he probably needs to change to SC next year. He kept saying .... "I don't want to go to the new school, I want to stay in XX KG (his present KG) ..."

In fa ...

Hi twinsstar,

I have some problem with you, ho fa ar !!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-30 16:49 |只看該作者
係, 我都見過.  追隨時都最好自己查下有幾o岩仔女讀.

好多媽咪 super small b 做法係讀左而家收既, 出年再考一次心儀學校. 一來多左時間比自己考慮, 二來小朋友又可以係 '成熟d' 既玷哥姐姐同學中學習.

你係唔係會簡york?  其實我都幾buy 呢間, 我老公唔太鐘意.  但每日英文堂時間較少, 呢點令我地有交留位費但不致即時決定讀.  我buy 係因為有 cambridge .. 唔, 因為我仔仔對 language 都好好, 平時全英or 全中都無問題, 仲夠膽同外籍人士傾計.. 我覺得ok 可以去試下考.

原帖由 bebelee 於 09-11-30 16:37 發表
Agreed - I even heard some parents got acceptance letter from some schools but no idea how good those schools are....

I understand that my baby is a super small B and will be very difficult to get in ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 16:55 |只看該作者
Hi Gladys777,

  Million thanks for your kind comment.  So, I will not waste my money on it la :

原帖由 Gladys777 於 09-11-30 16:42 發表

For my opinion, 初學計數就得, Kumon主張不斷重複練習, 但不懂變通。例如, 3+5小朋友好快答到, 但5+3就唔識啦
另外, Kumon 教雙十法計加數, 幼稚園教小朋友將大的數值放係心中, 之後數手指。例如: 將5放心中,  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 16:59 |只看該作者
Hi nozomu-kun,

  Abacus = 珠心算, my son starts slow, but now is very fast as her teacher said and he enjoys it as well. Thus, I treat this as complement...

原帖由 nozomu-kun 於 09-11-30 16:15 發表

hi sfplam,
thanks your opions, it is very valuable... what is abacus class ?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-30 17:00 |只看該作者

If I haven't get other offer letters then I think I will go for York.  Honestly I quite like this school after attending the interview and quite "buy" the principal's speech.

What's your choices now?

原帖由 officecatcat 於 09-11-30 16:49 發表
係, 我都見過.  追隨時都最好自己查下有幾o岩仔女讀.

好多媽咪 super small b 做法係讀左而家收既, 出年再考一次心儀學校. 一來多左時間比自己考慮, 二來小朋友又可以係 '成熟d' 既玷哥姐姐同學中學習.

你 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-11-30 17:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 sfplam 於 09-11-30 16:59 發表
Hi nozomu-kun,

  Abacus = 珠心算, my son starts slow, but now is very fast as her teacher said and he enjoys it as well. Thus, I treat this as complement...

hI sfplam,
million tks, 我都有聽過, 幾時開始要報呀 ?等呀仔4/5歲幫佢報遲唔遲呀

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-30 17:12 |只看該作者
hi bebelee,

so u consider Cannan and Wanchi Church, I think u leave admission fee for both of them.  

I paid for york, and will pay to LH and TT also.
I will write letter to SC and TT, for TT will ask change to international steam, as we just accepted by local steam (I mistaken tick in this in the memont, deep sigh)

so let time goes by until next year, then select again.

原帖由 bebelee 於 09-11-30 17:00 發表

If I haven't get other offer letters then I think I will go for York.  Honestly I quite like this school after attending the interview and quite "buy" the principal's speech.

What's yo ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-30 17:14 |只看該作者
Hi sfplam,

When can start to enroll Abacus?  Where and how much?
Thx for ur advise.

原帖由 sfplam 於 09-11-30 16:59 發表
Hi nozomu-kun,

  Abacus = 珠心算, my son starts slow, but now is very fast as her teacher said and he enjoys it as well. Thus, I treat this as complement...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 17:25 |只看該作者
Hi nozomu-kun and officecatcat,

  There should be many places that teach abacus, my son starts to learn in K2 summer in YWCA in Shatin, as the teacher said he performed quite good, I thus let him continue.  You may find some more information here http://www.abacusedu.org/  There is competition to take as well and so can get some certificates for applying P1 la (if you let them learn early)...  The course fee of YWCA is not too expensive, I remember it is around HK$620/term (around two to three months) and there is one hour class per week...

原帖由 nozomu-kun 於 09-11-30 17:04 發表

hI sfplam,
million tks, 我都有聽過, 幾時開始要報呀 ?等呀仔4/5歲幫佢報遲唔遲呀
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