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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 RC parents and CWB Parents please verify
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RC parents and CWB Parents please verify [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-5 14:04 |顯示全部帖子
Regarding the Chinese lessons at RC, there is 40 mins of Chinese daily. Occasionally, Chinese lesson maybe cancelled for teachers' meeting but this is only on occasion.

If kid no. 1 is using primary 4 textbook, then she should be in year 6. My son is in Year 6, Chinese as Native Language (CNL) at RC, and they have NOT done anything similar to that of the kid no. 1. Also, they do NOT teach traditional and simplified Chinese simultaneously. Simp. Chinese is taught in CFL, Chinese as Foreign Language, and this class is for students who have very little Chinese exposure in the past. Other students are placed in CNL, Chinese as Native Language, and the class is taught in traditional Chinese only.

In CNL, they use Longman Chinese textbook and exercise book. They also have workbooks for biweekly reading reports (workbook A), writing exercises for dictation words from textbook (workbook B) and finally dictation workbook.

In my son's three years at RC, I have NEVER seen any thing like that of kid no. 1. I am also a very hands-on parent who frequently volunteers and helps in the classroom.

I have seen MANY students' Chinese work at school, and no matter which chinese class they are in, CNL or CFL, their workbooks are neat and without doodling. They are NOT asked to copy paragraphs from the board, and the Chinese teachers are well-qualified and will NOT teach them the wrong characters.

The RC students have various backgrounds, and so they are divided into different levels of Chinese class. Please remember that RC teaches Chinese as a SECOND LANGUAGE, and I find the teachers and the curriculum to be acceptable.

For kid no. 1, I would highly recommend for the parents to TALK TO THE TEACHER. Something is wrong with that picture. Just because of one very strange case, does not give someone the right to judge the entire boat. One or two students do not qualify one as an expert on the situation and certainly does not equate to MANY students as someone said earlier.

As a concerned educator, you should instead recommend the parents to find out what is wrong, and talk directly to the Chinese teacher or the department head. To sit there and spread rumors without basis is simply unbelievable. Very shocking for someone who claims to be so knowledgeable in education and whatever.

I hope this clears up the rumors about Chinese lesson at RC once and for all.
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