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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 SC vs KV vs Victoria, how would you rank?
樓主: huielaine

SC vs KV vs Victoria, how would you rank? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-8 09:49 |只看該作者
I don't agree the placement result of Victoria is not as good as SC & KV.  People go to vic's p1 are only their choices but doesn't mean that's the only option.  

Talking about in Kowloon side, there is only HMT campus with 100 students graduated in a year.  Compare with SC & KV got 600 each... definitely more students can be accepted by the so-called famous schools you mentioned.  I have friends' kids are studying at SC and KV, heard that still have a lot of people can't get what they wanna at the end.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-12-8 10:27 |只看該作者
如果要三揀一, 我一定會選KV, 因為我覺得你一日留係香港讀書, 入傳統小學的機會都會較大, 所以選KV在課程上和課室服從性上較易適應.  SC係好, 學生很smart英文又好, 但我覺得學好中文和數學更重要, 因為英文唔好可以靠外面補習, 但中文較難補習, 而且中文較英文更難學好.  

另外, 如果我無打算俾bb讀國際學校或到外國讀書, 我唔會俾小朋友讀victoria.  因為近日有睇"小一選校"那版, 睇到唔少victoria家長話該校課程好難銜接傳統小學, 而且最大問題係, victoria的小朋友比較好動活潑, 在小學面試坐定定答問題時表現會無咁好 (這些係我在"小一選校"那邊睇番黎).  我同意那邊家長所講, "discipline"先係小一面試的致勝關鍵, 這方面KV學生相信會有優勢.

不過如果大家打算小朋友長大後到外國升學, 升小時又想搵D行IB課程的小學, 如保良局蔡繼有和啟思小學, victoria都係好的選擇, 因為英文環境和英文師資確實很好.  不過行IB課程的小學一般學費較貴, 這點都要考慮清楚.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-8 10:30 |只看該作者

回覆 20# Bilobi 的文章

Hi, you mentioned - "Also, it can be reflected in the P1 admission result of the three schools".

in fact, only Victoria announces their admission result online. how do you know SC & KV's result. 我從未見過呢兩間的入學資料, 只是我們一未在猜猜猜... 盲目跟從; 如有此項資料的話, 你可以告訴我們嗎??

起碼我們可以從網站看到Vic 的升學資料. 老實說, 各位媽媽, 我們經過st cat interview 後, 一點也不欣賞. 現實到死.父母讀名中小學就一定收硬!!! (話之你讀邊間大學喔... 因為根本不給你填!!!!) 邊有幼稚園就那麼市繪?????

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-8 11:19 |只看該作者
Personally, ranking among these school is not so important.  Most important is what u target for your kid's primary shool.  It's true that KV has much homework in K3 (around 3 every day) and (around 4 to 5 for weekend) but in fact all homeworks can be finish with 45mins.   It really provide a good training for students to do homework by themself.  My daughter now at K3 and she said she has so much test on english, maths and chinese but she love to go to school because of her nice teacher.  I believe that most students graduated from KV do not feel any diffciulities in study local primary 1.  The academic of KV is really not bad.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-8 17:21 |只看該作者

你錯誤理解我的意思, 我指SC(班房比KV迫,商業化得來質素一般,照顧欠周到), 而你所引的資料是"師生比例", 跟我所提到的是兩個範疇來的。
原帖由 kkyyho 於 09-12-6 09:35 發表
but I see this web :

SC  -  1:9.5
KV   - 1:14.2      

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-12-8 17:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 jaycee_mami 於 09-12-8 10:27 發表
如果要三揀一, 我一定會選KV, 因為我覺得你一日留係香港讀書, 入傳統小學的機會都會較大, 所以選KV在課程上和課室服從性上較易適應.  SC係好, 學生很smart英文又好, 但我覺得學好中文和數學更重要, 因為英文唔好可以 ...


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

醒目開學勳章 貢獻勳章

發表於 09-12-8 17:51 |只看該作者
原帖由 granddelsol 於 09-12-8 09:49 發表
I don't agree the placement result of Victoria is not as good as SC & KV.  People go to vic's p1 are only their choices but doesn't mean that's the only option.  

Talking about in Kowloon side, there ...

同意SC/KV人多.. 入好學校嘅人頭會多d
但係你都可以去小一嗰邊睇睇.. 維記今年d成績真係..
mouth:" />

[ 本帖最後由 小曳人 於 09-12-8 17:54 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-8 17:52 |只看該作者
想問維多利亞課程是否淺(compare with sc, kv)? 對考直資or私校 (p1) 是否沒有kv那麼好?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-9 00:32 |只看該作者
Victoria is a school where you could be able to find quite a number of suitable activities organized for children. All of these could surely help develop their interest in exploring and learning the world  This is important to children in the long-run as they need to learn life-long.

And this is exactly the mission of the school, as far as i know.

However, the fact is that some parents would ideally think that going to Victoria or schools like this would mean that the school could certainly help their children to fit in "traditional" primary schools in Hong Kong, like taking a "through train" or do everything for them to "fix" their children.  They may be too naive.

As parents in Hong Kong, we need to learn how to work even harder to help our children to become "perfect" kids besides the teaching of the school.

On the other hand, if the Primary 1 results of  Victoria are not good this year, the school would have to face the reality that some of their best students would quit after K1 or even K2. And if things go in this way, years after years, their reputation may possibly go down.,  

Their policies should change now!  For example, they could add some more interview training sessions by the end of K2 or even the teachers could allocate more time in class to stress the importance of "sitting still" in class for children. This might be a bit helpful and would not be contradictory to their "mission".

Victoria in these years have spent a lot of time and money designing the school curriculum, improving the school environment.  Toys, books are new, clean and hygienic.  Their teachers' quality are above the average in terms of their attitude and qualifications.  Things are quite organized.  And this is comparable to some renowned schools in KLN. Tong.

I support Vic.  (judgment based on relatives/friends experience)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-9 01:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 JulyJo 於 09-12-8 11:19 發表
Personally, ranking among these school is not so important.  Most important is what u target for your kid's primary shool.  It's true that KV has much homework in K3 (around 3 every day) and (around 4 ...

My girl is also in KV K3 and 3 hmwk a day is very natural as the 3 main subjects are taught.  Hmwk is used to reinforce what is taught in school.   I don't think this is a lot of hmwk, if other KG have less then its not KV has lots but others have too few.  And, my girl also completes her hmwk very fast - I don't know the actual time spent as she also teaches the maid to write Chinese.  But, change of clothes, lunch, hmwk, playing with little brother is completed within 2 hrs of returning home.  We have 30 min revision each day.     4 dictations a week.  All this is eating choi for my girl, as she is so used to it.  

Going to particular KGs will not guarantee your kid a specific place in P, unless connected such GH.  The P1 interview process is even more severe then the Kg interview process.   There are many variables such as interview performance, character of your kid, interviewer, etc.  

You should really focus on what your suits your kid and you when choosing a KG (for those lucky to choices).    We choose KV for academic standards, conduct and manner, simple school without too much ECA.   It was a gamble we took as our girl is not what you consider the academic type, i.e. she can never sit still and is always constantly moving, dancing, singing, her mind is in an imaginary world.  Our gamble is working out pretty well as she is a very well behaved in school and very helpful to other kids.   She is not a top student but not far, she loves to go to school, thinks world of her teachers, enjoys learning and seeks to learn even more, takes every opportunity to speak English and PTH, and off course loves singing.   If there was a complaint with KV is that more PTH would be better.

We are also looking forward to our son starting at KV next year.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-9 09:21 |只看該作者
"Victoria in these years have spent a lot of time and money designing the school curriculum, improving the school environment...... Their teachers' quality are above the average in terms of their attitude and qualifications ......  And this is comparable to some renowned schools in KLN. Tong."


我是SC畢業生, 現在阿B在 Victoria 讀, 發覺到兩間係不同類型的學校, 以前社會的背景是需要SC這類學校的教育, 因為教學制度都是傾向"死記硬背", 如今社會, 著重創意思維、探索精神,。

就好似"新高中學制" 通識教育科已列為必修科, 這一科係唔可以死讀的, 是考學生的分析及批判能力; 中國語文科已不用考課文問答, 不用再要求學生背問答, 是考學生語文能力及分析能力, 當中卷五係考學生綜合能力, 這些跟以前傳統的教育方針有很大的分別。這正正反映出現時的教育新方向。好似 Victoria, Think 一類學校就是朝著這方向而行, 而非只是可以銜接"國際學校"課程, 我有不少朋友是選這類型的學校, 佢地的子女選完幼稚園都可以考到心儀的小學, 如聖保祿、德望、真光等。香港的教育已變得貼近國際的需要, "填鴨式"教育將會絕跡了! 現在不少歷史悠久的"名校" 已改變它們的教學方向, 因為這個已是大勢所趨。  

這三間都是好學校, 當然, 唔同的家長, 有不同的要求。對於我而言, 我會將目光放遠些, 所以安排阿B讀所謂非傳統的學校------Victoria。

原帖由 ranicanice 於 09-12-9 00:32 發表
Victoria is a school where you could be able to find quite a number of suitable activities organized for children. All of these could surely help develop their interest in exploring and learning the w ...

[ 本帖最後由 charmmykitty 於 09-12-11 13:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-12-9 09:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 charmmykitty 於 09-12-9 09:21 發表
"Victoria in these years have spent a lot of time and money designing the school curriculum, improving the school environment...... Their teachers' quality are above the average in terms of their atti ...

"新高中制"無錯係需要創意思維, 是有點改變, 但底層的小學制度似乎仲係原地踏步, 仍然同我地二十年前差唔多, 依然係填鴨式教育, 而且著重服從性的課室管理.  為左穩陣起見, 還是選傳統小學的人居多.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-9 09:38 |只看該作者
Then for comparing Think and Victoria, which one will you prefer?

原帖由 charmmykitty 於 09-12-9 09:21 發表
"Victoria in these years have spent a lot of time and money designing the school curriculum, improving the school environment...... Their teachers' quality are above the average in terms of their atti ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-9 10:10 |只看該作者
Hi ngmyan,

Think --- 我沒有親身經驗, 不敢妄下判斷。不過, 有朋友個仔讀緊, 口碑不錯, 老師跟得好足, 時常跟她有聯絡, 所以好清楚知道阿仔在學校的情況, 而且佢話仔仔讀得好開心, 好喜歡返學。
原帖由 ngmyan 於 09-12-9 09:38 發表
Then for comparing Think and Victoria, which one will you prefer?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-9 11:18 |只看該作者
Thanks Charmmykitty,

I am very headache in choosing the kinder coz my hb is a singaporean and we may have to go back singapore after her kinder.  Therefore we need to choose the kinder with mandarin and english base school.

Since school there is very strict, I am really afraid that for "free" developing environment will make my gal too free that cannot adapt to the new environment.

I know that both Victoria, Think are good school, just that becoz of my concern I need to consider which one will suit my gal more.

Thanks a lot for your advice.

原帖由 charmmykitty 於 09-12-9 10:10 發表
Hi ngmyan,

Think --- 我沒有親身經驗, 不敢妄下判斷。不過, 有朋友個仔讀緊, 口碑不錯, 老師跟得好足, 時常跟她有聯絡, 所以好清楚知道阿仔在學校的情況, 而且佢話仔仔讀得好開心, 好喜歡返學。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-11 23:13 |只看該作者
原帖由 ic07 於 09-12-8 10:30 發表
Hi, you mentioned - "Also, it can be reflected in the P1 admission result of the three schools".

in fact, only Victoria announces their admission result online. how do you know SC & KV's result. 我從 ...

My son is admitted to Victoria and will attend N next year.  I also brought my son to St Cat for interview... as this Mom said, I don't really appreciate the way the interview was organized.  My husband and I are dentist and university lecturer, St Cat didn't give me an offer, so I guess they won't give offer ONLY to those professionals... but all I can say is my son had a "playgroup like" interview at Victoria, the 3 teachers assessed my son during that half an hour through different games and activities/songs... I am sure they had a much better understanding of my son than what St Cat did...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-12 08:38 |只看該作者
victoria英文係好, 但我見佢地行IB, 如果唔打算讀國際學校或有IB課程的學校 (香港得很少這些學校), 揀SC/KV將來升小學會有多d選擇, 而且我見小學的討論區, 有victoria家長話考傳統小學的成績唔係太理想, 咁選SC/KV可能穩陣d.
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