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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 音小都幾好!!!!
樓主: mcheung1

音小都幾好!!!! [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-12-14 11:33 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Loklok2 於 09-12-13 09:18 發表


thanks for your infor. as i cannot find the infor regarding the school fee for secondary school in edb's website, do u ve any idea the appro. level of school fee in secondary session?

million thx :)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-14 15:06 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Loklok2 於 09-12-14 14:55 發表


million thanks :)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-14 15:16 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 ming2 於 09-12-14 11:45 發表


"其實學樂器既野係咪一里通, 百里明架呢? 係咪學左一樣可以幫助學第二樣架呢?"...都可以咁講0既... ...

million thanks for your detailed infor.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-14 17:35 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 ming2 於 09-12-14 17:20 發表

佢地宗教氣氛真係好濃,當然係唔主張拜"偶像"啦...不過99佢地都有拜先人,都有叫阿囡上香,阿囡又照上香有野講喎...所以我覺得又唔係真係有好大問題lor.. ...

Sorry, 自由敬拜是基督徒之間的術語”, 有些比較保守的教會不太接受這種方式.

聞說ICQM比較保守, 我們想了解學校的宗教情況. 因為這是我們最關注的.

Thanks a lot :)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-14 22:28 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 ming2 於 09-12-14 22:15 發表

he..he..sorry..唔係好明你"自由敬拜"0既意思係咩?!...不過唔緊要啦...總之就係...阿囡佢地都係屋企都冇話一定被迫要做咩敬拜0既動作...而佢地見到其他人拜神/祖先..亦唔會開口話人地唔應該咁樣做...總括黎講,我個 ...

thanks for your information :)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-22 09:43 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Lovelybbs 於 09-12-21 17:25 發表
音小, 真道同播道點睇 ...

I would also like to know u mums/dads comment on the above three schools, particularly the "christianity emphasis".

million thanks :)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-23 15:57 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks for all you mums and dads' sharing.

My husband and  I went to the briefing last Fri (a bit crazy as our boy is only in nursery). We are deeply impressed by the spiritual emphasis of the school.

But my husband being a teacher in a "so-called elite-traditional" secondary school pointed out that given ICQM is a private school (rather than DSS), ICQM doesn't receive any funding from the gov't on salary of teachers and may not be able to provide the salary as high as those in subsided and gov't secondary school to the teachers. [for your reference, the entry grade for secondary school teacher is GM and GM's current salary is $22,985 (MPS pt 17)-$46,230 (MPS pt 32). ]

Unless ICQM can recruit teachers being devoted to "quality christian education", here's "temptation" for them to change to subsided/gov't secondary schools. I have a colleague who's girl is in F.4 in ICQM. She also pointed out the problem of freq. change of teachers in the secondary session.

While we agreed with the principal that the school has many energetic and devoted young teachers, and this is v. good for the primary kids, for secondary session, esp. those teaching for preparation of public exam, the experience of the teachers really make some difference.

As kids in ICQM won't "submit marks to EDB for F.1 allocation" (i.e. 呈分), they won't have EDB rank (i.e. 教育局排名). In addition, ICQM kids don't have "名次" in their school reports. Other schools won't ve sufficient information to determine the academic level of the kids.

This may worth serious consideration, particularly for those have financial concerns for 12 years of study there.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-24 10:33 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 ming2 於 10-3-24 00:23 發表


音小0既教學理念係希望小朋友識得自律,做好自己本份,而讀書正正就是小朋友0既本份...再者學校亦常強調,每個小朋友 ...

Mings and daddywai, million thanks for your sharing :)

I know many fds just take ICQM as a "back-up" [as they can still join the lucky draw] and thus they think I am crazy to check the secondary session of ICQM at this juncture (i even asked my colleague to seek her girl's help to find out the subjects currently offered in NSS as we cannot find the information from its website). But I don't treat ICQM as a backup. I am really interested in it. That's why I shared my worry and hope parents there can provide some insights to me.

No doubt the emphasis on spiritual area and the character building of kids is what we think having the greatest importance.  I am not saying that  academic performance has overriding importance than character building nor ICQM has any problem in the academic area. However, kids eventually have to face the public exam. This is not the matter of track record (many DSS has no track record too). But the huge salary difference (and prospect if u measure from man's angle but not God's), together with the information shared by my colleague [I don't want to spread 3rd person's comment and thus, grateful if parents in ICQM can kindly share the situation if what my colleague told me about freq. change of teachers in the secondary session is really so serious] really worry me.  

The last but not the least, after discussing with quite a no. of brothers and sisters working in the teaching field, including  primary and secondary schools, their common advice are:

1) ICQM is a v. gd school in building the kids' character and providing a v. strong spiritual env't. For those interested in music, ICQM can provide the best software and hardware to cultivate kids' interest.
2) Owing to no EDB rank, parents putting their kids in ICQM should get prepared (including financially) to put them there for 12 years.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-24 10:40 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 rabbitpiggy 於 10-3-24 09:13 發表

我想問下, 係點樣經常換呢? 係一個學年未完, 一科的老師已換了好幾位或是每個新學年都有舊老師走, 新老師來呢?


I sincerely hope parents in ICQM can share the first hand information to us. It's not fair to judge from one's second hand information.

Owing to the annual recruitment pattern of teachers(normally subsided secondary schools will post ad re. permanent post in May/June), it is quite unlikely that the situation would be changes within the same academic year. But bear in mind NSS is a continuous three-years programme, change within the three years will no doubt have adverse influence. [for that i ve first hand experience. my school was one of those crazy pushing NT "elite (so-called)" schools. Every year, over 1/3 students got A in Additional Maths and the credit percentage was nearly 100%. The year above me recruited a new teacher who was v. energetic. However, she got serious disease after the first term and their class experienced freq. change of teachers within the two years of study for HKCEE. The result was less than 10% A and less than 80% credit, even after requesting 20% students to drop the subject after F.4. The effect on the academic area (including the result which would unavoidably depriving some students from taking their interested major in U) was not the worst problem. I can still remember their frustration on the freq. change of teachers. Quite a no. of students even lost interest in the subject. ]

[ 本帖最後由 bakusensei 於 10-3-24 10:52 編輯 ]
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