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發表於 09-12-31 18:04 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-31 18:13 |只看該作者
K1, waiting ONLY, =failed?
Next week should receive result from KLN Tong

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-31 18:38 |只看該作者
sorry, it should be waiting list.......seems no hope.....

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-1 17:48 |只看該作者
N1 failed

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-1 19:50 |只看該作者
asked 3 frds, all waiting list
i heard only 20 space available, the whole admission thing is a scam to cheat HKD 30 out of parent....

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

醒目開學勳章 貢獻勳章

發表於 10-1-1 20:18 |只看該作者
waiting list too..
it's the very 1st "rejection" letter we received..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-2 17:22 |只看該作者
only 20 seats? for K1 or N1? we applied K1, and waiting only.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-2 20:26 |只看該作者
for k1 only 20 seat.. maybe less if all their N1 decided to move on to K1....
everybody waiting la.. anyway this is not our first or even 2nd choice we already paid deposit to St cat and they have much better experience teacher there... Preschool teacher are pretty young also not stable, my frd say always change teacher

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-2 23:37 |只看該作者
I have rec'd letter, waiting list too, so no need to make decision now coz waiting list = failed??!!!  Anyway, this is not my first priority na.!
原帖由 fatma2222 於 10-1-2 20:26 發表
for k1 only 20 seat.. maybe less if all their N1 decided to move on to K1....
everybody waiting la.. anyway this is not our first or even 2nd choice we already paid deposit to St cat and they have muc ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-3 10:28 |只看該作者
得20個位......咁誇張 之前都聽聞唔多位, 但又會少成咁.......

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-1-3 11:13 |只看該作者
去年收街外生都係差唔多呢個數, 當呢個係參考數字吧.  但總會有d 自己學生到差唔多新學年先決定到去留, 咪到好遲時先有位放囉, 不過聽聞有不過唔多.

佢地老師要話好young 咩, 我又唔覺喎, 大多三十幾, 四十 屬young or 唔young 呢 ? 我覺得唔係young 啦.  咁又有幾個睇落係似廿幾歲的既.   幾多歲又如何, 如學校d 老師大老, 家長又會話, 老師咁老同小朋友有無gap 架 , 太young , 家長又會話, 識唔識教架, 點都會有人講.

net 老師流失快, 呢個係風氣來, 你去邊間幼稚園, 都預左會有呢d 情況.  st. cat 的一樣有呢個情況, 朋友的小朋友在st. cat 讀. 佢一樣話一個學期內轉過英文老師.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-3 19:38 |只看該作者
monkey05 do you work at preschool?
i want to reflect that so far i haven't see anybody get accepted here
if preschool only have so so limited space in K1, why still cheating HKD 30 out of the parent? why not just say they don't admit K1 student?
like KV or St Cat, not easy to get in, but you still see good mix of people get accepted or waiting list here
but preschool so far nobody get accepted...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-1-3 20:50 |只看該作者
原帖由 fatma2222 於 10-1-3 19:38 發表
monkey05 do you work at preschool?
i want to reflect that so far i haven't see anybody get accepted here
if preschool only have so so limited space in K1, why still cheating HKD 30 out of the parent?  ...

咁又唔係, 只不過係小朋友在呢到番學啫.  

其實,你唔覺bk 呢到係好少好少hkps 家長上來既咩 ?  同 st. cat or kv 比, 少好多人發言的.  就算上來傾番報左k1 or pg 的媽媽都唔係特別多.   就算佢地今年又係收20個位, 都未必呢20個媽媽會上bk, 好難知有幾多人收acceptance letter.  而家間間幼稚園打開門同你interview都實收 $$ 架啦. 無論人家收幾多個學生,  你想in 就預左要比, 你情我願, 唔好話 "cheating" 咁嚴重, 咁人地的碓有位係收街外的.  而本身有n1, 其實, 去in k1都預左位係少架.

[ 本帖最後由 monkey05 於 10-1-3 21:42 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6


發表於 10-1-3 22:18 |只看該作者
cheating? I heard this when ppl talked about KM.. as KM has around 30% vacancy for outsider (around 50 kids will be accepted) but over 1000 application recieved.. some parents said the same thing.

honestly, it's a fair game, and it's not some big money.  and most importantly, parent need to do some research before applying a school.  So, you should know hkps's policy and it has pn/pg class.  If you still willing to pay that $30, why saying this kind of words afterwards?  the school itself doesnt know how many kids will leave the school exactly!  then how can it offer you a place?!  well.. if you can wait, I am sure that during Jun-Aug, many waiting list candidates will receive calls.

well.. my boy is on waiting-list too.. he got all the am offer from the most competitive KGs, and hkps ascot is the only one gave him a waiting-list..
so.. calm down!

[ 本帖最後由 kerkermui 於 10-1-3 22:19 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-3 22:36 |只看該作者
sometimes it is not about money, but the feeling of being cheated as actually they have not much space, but they will let you apply

if only they only have 20 free space, and still let so many people download form and apply , i would strongly feel that they are very commercialized school.. i heard they over 1000 ppl applied, so they make HKD 30x 10000 = HKD 30K already ...

i applied for kln prescchool too, another HKD 30 gone, but after went to Ascot Pre school interview, i felt the school not nice, situated in a car park, smell like hosptial, and pretty small, so i don't even go to kln tong preschool interview

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-4 18:21 |只看該作者
I would like to say sth.....I would also share my experience here.

My daughter is studying K1 in HKPS now. She studied PN in the other KG, not HKPS....
We applied HKPS - K1 last yr and we are in waiting list too. My gal is a small girl (0612) so we are not surprised to receive reject or waiting list letter.
We like HKPS after the interview so we wrote letter to principle in order to ask for a offer. Finally, we can get an offer in late AUG last yr......

So, if you are in waiting list, you still have chance to get an offer. They are really keeping your record.

From my point of view, it's a fair game. If you are in waiting list, you can still have chance to get offer. However, if you dont apply or NOT pay $30, you will not have that chance....

I cannot see any cheating...that's the rule of the game.

發表於 10-1-4 19:10 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-4 21:15 |只看該作者
preschoo very smart
first they make money from a lot of HKD 30 from parent
but also they create noise here, now everybody think it is difficult to get into their school which means their school is good /famous

the fact it, nobody can get in there...

i pay HKD 30 based on the believe that they have space to admit people....a reasonable amount.. like ST CAT or KV.. you will see good mix of acceptance and rejection or waiting here....  but it turn out that preschool only have very little or not even 1 space....

when i pay HKD 30 to buy something, it must based on the fact they have stock so i buy
but now they don't have stock and still give us the impression they have , then i feel cheated

i applied over 15 schools, but only preschool can give me the cheating feeling

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-4 23:19 |只看該作者
原帖由 fatma2222 於 10-1-4 21:15 發表
preschoo very smart
first they make money from a lot of HKD 30 from parent
but also they create noise here, now everybody think it is difficult to get into their school which means their school is goo ...

it is Another "sour grapes" example.

As you said, HKPS is not your 1st or even 2nd choice, but you still pay that $30 for the game.  That means you are willing to be cheated even you do not care to be accepted or not.  You made noise here because of $30 = no return.  They do not accept your kid in the 1st round which made you angry.  If you are the one out of the 20 successful candiate, do you have any word to say?

Somehow, hkps is lucky, not accept this kind of stubborn parent.

What a pity! a small kid has to attend more than 15 interviews.

[ 本帖最後由 pharaoh 於 10-1-4 23:21 編輯 ]

發表於 10-1-5 00:23 |只看該作者
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