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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 CAIS vs VSA
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CAIS vs VSA [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-2-22 17:36 |顯示全部帖子
my daughter was once accepted by both SIS and CDNIS. I picked SIS for her and she had studied in SIS from PY1 to PY2. Although we have switched her to another school finally, I would say SIS is a good school.

For SIS,
The school teaches phonics at PY1, which helps students to pick up reading skill very fast. The Chinese cirriculum is really structured and I guess it could be comparable to that of local school.

Students in SIS are mainly local people and Singaporean. Occasionally you can see one to two non-chinese and non-singaporean in one class.. if you expect you will not have pressure and have more time to spend with your children, like other international school, SIS is not the type that fits you. I would say, SIS provides you with an environment that your child could be fluent with English and PTH. Most of the students in school communicate in fluent English (singlish). Yet, their accent might change as other people say, most of the subjects are taught by singaporeans (apart from english).


I do not hv any first hand experience. Yet, for what I have learnt so far are all bad and I wont put my child there.  you may wish to seek advice from other BK parents.

just my two cents.


原帖由 waiee 於 10-2-22 16:13 發表
Hi all,

Sorry for my stupid question, i wanna ask you're talking about Canadian Int'l School (CNDIS) located in Pokfulum, right?

Cuz my son got accepted by CNDIS Reception class, and also got accept ...
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