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教育王國 討論區 約克中英文幼稚園 York新開的國際班
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York新開的國際班 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-2 15:26 |顯示全部帖子
Hi all,

I have called Ms Fung this morning which the below are their update information to me per my requested : -

(A) Difference of the class teachers
- normal class : 2 class teachers - all local
- International class : 2 class teachers - 1 net speaker (either English or Mandarin) + 1 local

(B) no of Mandarin class
- normal class : once a week
- International class : once per day

(c) campus -
- normal class : at either no.8 York Road (OLD campus) or 49 Cumberland Rd (new campus that we took the interview)
- International class : MUST study at 51 Cumberland Rd (new campus)

(d) School fee
- normal class : Max HKD 3600/month x 11 months
- International class : confirmed at HKD 4200/month x 11 months

That's the information that I learnt from the phone conversation.

Hope it can be helpful for other mommy who consider to YORK.


原帖由 ck07hk 於 10-3-2 11:58 發表
其實國際班係多左英文既時間同埋普通話既時間... 我諗都係唔可以慳架啦........

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-2 18:24 |顯示全部帖子

I just called YORK & talked with a lady – Ms Ho.

She gave me some update information as below : -

Difference of Ordinary class VS International class
1./ Class teachers : 2 local VS 1 NET + 1 Local
2./ Number of Mandarin class per week : ONE vs FIVE

By the way, for the snack fee, the monthly fee should be HKD 320/month

At the same time, I have also requested them to consider to set up a seminar for us (the parents will send our kid to their school) to know more about this NEW class.


原帖由 totobi 於 10-3-2 16:30 發表
How many English classes per week in ordinary class and international class???
If they hold same number of English class ( assuming one for everyday), it means that the increased $ 600 is for the ext ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-3 21:17 |顯示全部帖子
Hi all mommy,

Honestly, I do feel disappointed on YORK's suddenly notice especially they set up an "International Class" --- and the school fee almost is the expensive one in Kowloon Tong other's billingual kindergartens.

I do want to send my girl to YORK for educating her with a GOOD English language environment... but now they suddenly set up an "International class" ... it makes the oridnary class look down grade

But, on the other hand, my friend's son is now studying at oridnary class which the comment is good.... I have told my friend about the international class and she's interested in that change... HOWEVER, per my checking with YORK's staff, the international classes are only set up for 2010 K1's student. So, her son & other upper class kids will not have chance to study in international class at YORK.

Oh no.. i am now so struggled in which kindergartens to be chosen again.

YORK --- why do you make difference talking topic to all your competitors to put you onto the table ... and also why do you make all the parents to an dead corner after they decided to choose you...

****** other mommy, if you have another kindergartens on hand, you will keep to choose to study at YORK ? if so, keep in oridnary class OR International class ?

Can someone share your idea to me. Please ....


原帖由 poon小朋友 於 10-3-3 20:54 發表

咁可能我唔會左..因為我一心比佢讀國際班 ..所以我問佢係唔係我地in(49号)嘅隔離(51号)佢話係

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-7 00:05 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Jeco,

Yup... i have the same feeling as your...YORK's managment level ...- 係鐘意轉就轉..加$就加$....都唔理家長感受既...and they always have 新攪作又要加$...=.='..好似局住我哋no choice to 跟隨.... no respectation to the parents....It really makes me to re-consider my decision to be made correctly for my daughter ????

anyway, I will go to check with them face to face when I pay the MISC fee by coming  Sat...

I do hope some miracle happen that YORK's HM will re-consider their direction for the LOCAL classes ....

Besides, I found some update information from other parents after they checked with YORK ... they are scheduling to set up 3 classes am + 3 classes pm for IS syllbus... so the LOCAL class will be down graded ?

That is the another key point i must know & check with YORK staff or some senior directly. $4200 + $320 snack fee ==> the grand total monthly fee at $4520  - which is expensive than Stafford./ SC/ KM & HK Preschool international class.. What's their thinking .. so strange.

anyway... blessing us GOOD luck la ....


原帖由 Jeco 於 10-3-6 22:41 發表
我仲有一間OFFER係手..我心裏都十五十六想唔讀YORK...雖然如果我係YORK讀唔揀IS班的話..其實都係原定揀返LOCAL讀..相對無咩影響(只係變返係舊校舍)...但我好怕到時會唔會因為學校資源去晒攪好IS而影響左LOCAL班...好 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-10 21:03 |顯示全部帖子
Hi all,

I have also called YORK this afternoon and confirmed to join 3/19 4:00pm seminar.

Honestly, if the syllbus is same but only difference on the NET class teacher along with more PTH lesson, I may stay at Local stream.

However, I do want to know more about the international stream. So, i also join the seminar.

Well, i just think if i can call them to postpond the registration time by this Sat. If i feel interest to join the international stream after attend the seminar .... I can pay immediately & confirm to change.

How about other mommies ?


原帖由 牛精仔 於 10-3-10 14:38 發表
無錯, 係已經過左註冊日期, 我的註冊日期是今個星期6, 所以點都要決定轉唔轉先, 而要face to face 問清楚, 一定要在註冊前問好, 即如果是下午register, 最好早少少去到。

打完電話問york, 基本上都已經知道係點, 所 ...
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