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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 有無小朋友返緊維多利亞PG?
樓主: Twinboys08

有無小朋友返緊維多利亞PG? [複製鏈接]

發表於 10-4-14 15:09 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-14 16:27 |只看該作者
原帖由 薯仔1607 於 10-4-12 22:39 發表

Hi 薯仔1607 – 你個小朋友都係上康維記上逢星期二、四的2-3Playgroup?
我第1堂就請假倍個仔仔上,第2(昨天)開始就工人帶。 第1堂的感覺已經覺得唔好(太多自己玩的時間),第一個鐘的中文班都免強可接受,第二個鐘的英文班實在太差,個NET唔主動,無準備,講故事照讀,唔生動,連snack time song都唔識唱,比多多(Tutor Time – 紅山半島)差得勁!
以為第2堂會安排好d, 但工人話差唔多,個NET只係用咗少少時間去做Story Time & Song Time, 餘下時間仍然係自己玩,激死! 明天(15)仲要比下個月的學費($2,069),真係覺得浪費金錢、時間!!

我以前係紅山半島個間,感覺幾好(除咗學費太貴外),但紅山多多無playgroup2歲小朋友,要轉讀Nursery(自己上堂),所以係0912月退學。 2月份收到紅山多多的信,話會開新playgroup(比2-3歲小朋友), 但到現在4月仲未夠人開班(仍欠1個),如果多多有新班,我一定唔會報維記囉!! 

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-14 17:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 sh_yip 於 10-4-14 16:27 發表

Hi 薯仔1607 – 你個小朋友都係上康維記上逢星期二、四的2-3歲Playgroup?
我第1堂就請假倍個仔仔上,第2堂(昨天)開始就工人帶。 第1堂的感覺已經覺得唔好(太多自己玩的時間),第一個鐘的中文班都免強可接受,第二個鐘的 ...

sh_yip, 事實上我對上康PG個校長印象都唔多好, 上次話個NET係第一日返學, 但無可能咩準備都無囉, 仲要攞住張貓紙對住讀, 若之後都係咁我真係會退學喇, 簡單徙時間徙心機, 咁遠帶兩個仔去俾咁嘅學費倒頭來咩都學唔到 ! 事實上小朋友邊須要兩堂時間去適應個地方啊?? 講真...好失望 !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-15 13:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 Twinboys08 於 10-4-14 17:07 發表

sh_yip, 事實上我對上康PG個校長印象都唔多好, 上次話個NET係第一日返學, 但無可能咩準備都無囉, 仲要攞住張貓紙對住讀, 若之後都係咁我真係會退學喇, 簡單徙時間徙心機, 咁遠帶兩個仔去俾咁嘅學費倒頭來咩都學唔 ...

Twinboys08 - agreed.  Frankly, I found that The Principle (Upper Kornhill) is not well-prepared too.  She forgot the name of the new NET during her introduction to us on 1st Apr.  

My maid just told me that got a memo from Victoria after school today.  They will change 2 new teachers (for Chi & Eng) to lead our PG next week.  Hope the new teachers are much better than the current one.  

BTW, how's you boys?  Are they fully recover?   

Have you confirmed to put your twins in Lingnan PN(AM) ?  Did you apply Victoria PN?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-15 13:42 |只看該作者
原帖由 sh_yip 於 10-4-15 13:32 發表

Twinboys08 - agreed.  Frankly, I found that The Principle (Upper Kornhill) is not well-prepared too.  She forgot the name of the new NET during her introduction to us on 1st Apr.  

My maid just tol ...

Hey sh_yip, my boys are getting better and they did go to PG this morning. Not sure how'd it go though...will find out from my helper and my 99 later.

Oh wow, changing teachers already after two sessions ~~ I have reservation for the Cantonese one also as she sometimes used English and sometimes Cantonese during the session, not too professional. I hope next two new ones would be better. Being such a well known school, they should well aware that parents would have high expectation on them !

Yes, already decided to let the boys try out LN for PN. Didn't apply Vic PN, may give K1 a try later though. You, still struggling between KCS and LN, right?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-15 16:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 Twinboys08 於 10-4-15 13:42 發表

Hey sh_yip, my boys are getting better and they did go to PG this morning. Not sure how'd it go though...will find out from my helper and my 99 later.

Oh wow, changing teachers already after two s ...

Pls do find out more from you helper and 99 later.
Anyway, we can’t quit till end of May (1 mth in advance notice for withdrawal).

Most likely will pick LN (though very far away from my home) as KCS not guarantee for K1.

Guess I need to make final decision soon as most kinder will arrange 2nd registration during Apr – May.
Good luck to me!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-16 01:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 Twinboys08 於 10-4-14 17:07 發表

sh_yip, 事實上我對上康PG個校長印象都唔多好, 上次話個NET係第一日返學, 但無可能咩準備都無囉, 仲要攞住張貓紙對住讀, 若之後都係咁我真係會退學喇, 簡單徙時間徙心機, 咁遠帶兩個仔去俾咁嘅學費倒頭來咩都學唔 ...

我想問問, 你哋2-3歲班嗰兩個老師叫咩名, 因為我哋1-2歲班今日收到memo由下個week開始,我哋兩個老師會轉教2-3歲班,相信可能學校收到家長complaint,所以學校要做番d嘢.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-16 09:00 |只看該作者

回覆 47# yatyatbb 的文章

hi yatyatbb,
my daughter also attends 1-2 year PG,
my daughter's teachers' names are Miss Jean and Miss Nikki, how about yours?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-16 10:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 sh_yip 於 10-4-15 16:11 發表

Pls do find out more from you helper and 99 later.
Anyway, we can’t quit till end of May (1 mth in advance notice for withdrawal).

Most likely will pick LN (though very far away from my home) as ...

sh_yip, my helper said the class was terrible. 5 minutes singing then free time playing. Also the English teacher was asking one of my boys question, she walked away already when my boy was replying her...this NET really has no heart to the children !!! I'll quit this school anyway as kind of mad that sending us reminder to pay for the next month school fee already while nothing has been taught for three sessions !!

I called the school yesterday asking what curriculum they actually have in plan for this playgroup, the woman said the 1st 3 classes (thought they said 1st two only), were to let the children get use to the enviornment....I mean....do the children really need 3 days, total 6 hours to get used to the place???

Anyway....glad to know that you'll take LN, so our boys could be school mate together !! Morning class, right?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-16 11:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 yatyatbb 於 10-4-16 01:43 發表

我想問問, 你哋2-3歲班嗰兩個老師叫咩名, 因為我哋1-2歲班今日收到memo由下個week開始,我哋兩個老師會轉教2-3歲班,相信可能學校收到家長complaint,所以學校要做番d嘢. ...

yatyatbb, 我地個廣東話先生叫Ms Wai, NET個個唔記得全名, 但系P字頭...我相信係對調喇, 我地都收到信話會同1-2歲斑調先生...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-16 13:39 |只看該作者
我地1-2歲班個英文老師就幾好, 個中文老師就....唔掂!  我地收到通知要調老師, 有d唔滿意囉, 我阿囡上左個幾月, 而家上堂就識叫Ms. Annette (英文老師), 剛剛熟又話調!

其實我地1-2歲班都free play左成個月, 真係想退學!  4月中啦, 唱歌仔上堂activity時間加埋都只係30分鐘左右, 其他時間free play加snack time, 想點呀????  我阿囡連兩個老師個名都叫得出, 仲要適應d咩??????

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-16 14:12 |只看該作者
原帖由 Jupiter 於 10-4-16 13:39 發表
我地1-2歲班個英文老師就幾好, 個中文老師就....唔掂!  我地收到通知要調老師, 有d唔滿意囉, 我阿囡上左個幾月, 而家上堂就識叫Ms. Annette (英文老師), 剛剛熟又話調!

其實我地1-2歲班都free play左成個月, 真係想 ...

係啦, 仲諗住呢間個名咁響, 點知原來係咁...小朋友適應能力好高的, 使唔使適應成個月, 擺明揾笨的 !!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-16 14:18 |只看該作者
Dear Jupiter and twinboys08,

I feel really surprised to learn the quality of the PG in Upper Korn Branch.

Vic is such a kinder with it's good tradition and background

twinboys08, unlike us, if you are not aiming at Vic Nursery, it's really no need to attend Vic PG!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-16 14:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 yaulinda 於 10-4-16 14:18 發表
Dear Jupiter and twinboys08,

I feel really surprised to learn the quality of the PG in Upper Korn Branch.

Vic is such a kinder with it's good tradition and background

twinboys08, unlike u ...

yaulinda, yes, I'm really disappointed with this branch, given the name of Vic Educational Organization, can't believe they're so unorganized and...sigh...don't know what to say. I was really mad when seeing those two envelopes asking us to pay the next month school fee. Unbelievable !!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-16 14:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 Twinboys08 於 10-4-16 14:25 發表

yaulinda, yes, I'm really disappointed with this branch, given the name of Vic Educational Organization, can't believe they're so unorganized and...sigh...don't know what to say. I was really mad wh ...

I understand how you feel Twinsboys08.  It does sound quite disappointing.  I felt a little like you before.  Very skeptical....and annoyed about the envelop arriving so quickly! However, after 1 or 2 months, I asked my girls if they like their teachers, they nodded.  By now (6 months later), they can sing songs in English and Cantonese which my helpers said are from the NET and Cantonese teachers.  They have lots of arts & crafts to bring home which they still play from time to time.  Anyways, not hardselling it as I'm sure other places like TT would be better but maybe it's really teacher or campus  related.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-16 14:57 |只看該作者

回覆 54# Twinboys08 的文章

Tell you, I received the envelope for paying school fee of next month just on the 1st day of PG

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-16 15:05 |只看該作者
原帖由 twinsmummy 於 10-4-16 14:29 發表

I understand how you feel Twinsboys08.  It does sound quite disappointing.  I felt a little like you before.  Very skeptical....and annoyed about the envelop arriving so quickly! However, after 1 or ...

twinsmummy, I'm confident that Vic is a good school, it's just this campus and teachers only. They said they converted this campus solely for playgroup class...anyway...I hope the faculty does realize parents do have expectation on the class. Sometimes it's not just about money, travelling time also an issue...if they're not able to provide any decent activities to the children, I'd rather use the time and money to explore other opportunities ~

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-17 00:22 |只看該作者
原帖由 yaulinda 於 10-4-16 09:00 發表
hi yatyatbb,
my daughter also attends 1-2 year PG,
my daughter's teachers' names are Miss Jean and Miss Nikki, how about yours?

Miss Law and Miss Annette

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-19 17:24 |只看該作者
原帖由 yatyatbb 於 10-4-17 00:22 發表

Miss Law and Miss Annette

Hope the change of new teacher (Ms Law and Ms Anette) make more fun to our playgroup.
Let’s see what happen tomorrow!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-19 17:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 Twinboys08 於 10-4-16 15:05 發表

twinsmummy, I'm confident that Vic is a good school, it's just this campus and teachers only. They said they converted this campus solely for playgroup class...anyway...I hope the faculty does reali ...

Hi Twinboys08, hope the 2 new teachers will more than compensate for the 2 bad ones previously.  Good luck and pls keep us posted!
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