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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 瑪利曼vs St. Paul's Convent 點揀好?
樓主: bobomegan

瑪利曼vs St. Paul's Convent 點揀好? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-5 21:58 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 bobomegan 於 10-6-5 16:40 發表
瑪利曼vs St. Paul Convent 點揀好,請給些意見…….

女兒會係9月升上St. Paul Convent 既小一, 點知今天派位既結果係第一志願:瑪利曼, e+唔知點揀好, 好亂………
估唔到呢個問題會輪到我去煩, 因為根本冇想過會” ...

SPC if you daugther can handle the curriculum, as it is more guaranteed to get in the secondary section.

~60% of Marymount PS goes to the secondary school, so you need to keep your daugther at the top half to play safe.  On the other hand, the MPS curriculum is relatively easier than SPC, so it may not be too difficult to get in the top half.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-7 21:16 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 wootaitai 於 10-6-6 23:38 發表
the  2 schools' HKCEE results are very similar. By that logic, one can conclude that Marymount has higher "value added" to their students in terms of an improvement factor since

- it has no selection ...

This may be a risky conclusion on the "value-add", as 40+% of MSS students came from band 1 top students of other primary schools.  But I agree both are good primary schools that will try to nurture their pupils.
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