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發表於 10-6-6 03:16 |顯示全部帖子
Depends on you are looking for applying private/DSS or allocation.

From the allocation result, really MUST understand how to fill the sequence or preferences since no matter so many parents and books keep reminding people how to fill them, there are always people who make silly mistakes and cause themselves trouble if unlucky!  So must be really really careful!

To make it simple, basically every year it is around 80% people will have top 3 choices, that means popular choices will be filled up well within these 3 choices.....  keep finding parents really filled ALL the schools they like in order all the way and dropped so far behind.  There is a choice to make for the top 3-5 choices and it is very important.

I am still learning the game and hope to share more in the next couple years.  I won't participate in the draw but will collect the info to share.


原帖由 chick1stbb 於 10-6-6 01:09 發表
雖然唔關我地事, 我女女今年8月先返K1, 但今日睇報紙同呢度睇O的消息加新聞...我已經好驚啦.

我諗3年後, 我一定係擔心度瞓唔著O既媽咪, 不過, 另一方面, 今天後, 我會認真想想女女O既小一之路, 我知道除左運氣, 準 ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 10-6-6 03:17 編輯 ]

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發表於 10-6-6 11:56 |顯示全部帖子
I agree with you too!

"唔似得有些區份" <== which ones?  net 41?  

原帖由 jaycee_mami 於 10-6-6 11:28 發表
睇完新聞, 我更覺得揀個好校網很重要, 因為有些名校網, 例如中西區, 灣仔, 有很多唔錯的小學, 質素較平均, 選擇多, 就算少人揀的學校差極有個譜 (這只是我個人意見).  唔似得有些區份, 重點學校只有幾間, 你入唔到那 ...

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發表於 10-6-8 02:12 |顯示全部帖子
Hi alfiechan,

It's really hard to comment on Lingnan Primary School since there are very little information about it.  I think a key reason is their scale is very small, just 1 or maximum 2 classes a year so it is really hard to know whether it is good or not.


原帖由 alfiechan 於 10-6-7 15:39 發表
Hi Ian

What do you think Lingnan Primary School, it is a good primary school.

Thanks a lot!

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發表於 10-6-8 02:19 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Nicole123,

Obviously you won't have such worry as that daddy lar!  Your efforts surely payoff.

I guess I was lucky that I was surrounded with parents who were applying for P1 while I was looking for kindergarten last year.  All of them are from St. Cat and KV so I thought just follow the main norm and it should be fine.  But being around them and experience the uncertainty in the process, I realize there is just too much risk involve and the only way to solve it for me is to look for one-dragon so don't need to worry of primary school.

I guess without them, other parents won't see my one-dragon post.


原帖由 NICOLE123 於 10-6-7 15:55 發表

剛才係美心食野 聽到個daddy講電話, 講到想喊咁話搭上搭都要要求人地比個小朋友一個面試機會...再去小一選校果邊睇....真係好驚...
都係幼稚園開始入一條龍安全好多. ...
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