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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 港大同學會 vs. 聖保祿天主教小學 (跑馬地), 你地會點揀 ...
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港大同學會 vs. 聖保祿天主教小學 (跑馬地), 你地會點揀? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-9 14:03 |顯示全部帖子
It really depends on what kind of childhood we wanna give to our kids and what kind of personality our kids have.

St Paul is a good school.  HKUGA is not bad neither.

You may want to go to both schools when school ends.  It can help to get a general feeling of the students as well as chat with the parents there.  I did this myself.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-10 14:34 |顯示全部帖子
Allow me to share my views here re school selecting.  My boy is going to be P1 this coming Sept.  Over last year, I was under constant debate on what to do.  My observations as follows:

Government schools (good ones) - Very grade driven.  Since students are form many types of families, it can also serve better as a "society/value" learning place.  Problem is kids from different background are also equipped very differently.  This makes teaching hard.  The traditional curriculum can also be dull and less stimulating.

Good traditional schools that turned private - Very competitive and kids like school in general.  Official home work not as much.   However this is because these schools expect their kids to know the stuff before going to class.  80+ marks are considered low.  A majority of the kids have tutors.  At home, they study hard and play less.  Thus, their fun time is actually in school when they can actually play.... Value building can be a problem for some schools.

New open learning type school - No guarantee.  If take this route, the parents need to input lots of effort to study with the kid.  Course material may be easy or hard but once take this approach, should expect the kid to be lively and active.  Cannot expect the kid to have fun while doing superb in public exams.  Some schools are better in value building but some are less.  Very school depending.  Kids in general are happy while parents need not go thru the hell-like exam drilling part that can kill the fun of studying.

In short, all schools have their merits.  Most important is to make an educated and informed decision.

Of coz, I am over generalizing here.  Again, just sharing.

[ 本帖最後由 easydad 於 10-6-10 14:39 編輯 ]
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