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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 名牌幼稚園對入好小學係咪真係咁重要?
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名牌幼稚園對入好小學係咪真係咁重要? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-10 09:39 |顯示全部帖子



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-11 10:11 |顯示全部帖子
I think interest classes are helpful nowadays because:
- family size is small and such classes give opportunities for social activities
- working parents may not have a lot of time to play / teach the kids
- full time parents may need time for other housework (or just a get-away, which is a healthy thing to do)
- helpers may not play / teach the kids enthusiastically, especially when employers are not there

If none of the above is of concern, I agree interest classes are not important.  And, I believe that interest classes are not important for getting into P1 (unless the kid has exceptional performance).  The portfolio and the interest classes shown thereon usually only serve as subjects for opening the interview dialogues.

Sometimes, I think we should not under-estimate the value of free time given to kids.  With guidance, kids will learn to organise their time if they are given the chance.  If the activity schedules are so packed that they don't even have any free time, they'll learn to be like a machine and do things as scheduled and won't bother to think.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-22 23:41 |顯示全部帖子
Agree!  Parents can't be lazy and passive.

Of course, if the kids are in those "elite" kindergartens, parents are "forced" to supervise their homework and do home reading with them.  Some may even got the pressure to revise with the kids (which I doubt if this is a good approach at the kindergarten level).

If kids are having a lot of fun at school (which is good),  parents can take the initiative to teach them writing, vocab and arithmetics and read with them at home.  The kids will still learn and may be able to achieve even more at their individual own pace.

原帖由 金毛B媽 於 10-6-22 11:11 發表

講得好呀, 我2位小朋友都係讀緊有學卷學校, 學校好重視品德教育, 不過課程就淺左少少, 沒有考試, 默書, 所以我地做家長, 就要在家同佢溫習, 上興趣班, 我唔覺得個仔程度比起其他幼稚園學生水皮, 計計下, 三年, 都 ...
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