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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 身邊多唔多人借地址抽中第一志願
樓主: o^^o

身邊多唔多人借地址抽中第一志願 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-14 15:10 |顯示全部帖子
I live in net 41.  I received a letter from education dept asking me to submit further proof of my address.  Finally my son was allocated to a school in Wong Tai Sin.
原帖由 o^^o 於 10-6-14 12:06 發表
其實係政府特登默許人咁做, 佢如果有心杜絶, 只要改變提交文件種類,例如租約,差餉之類就得啦!
所以出聲冇用, 咁如果去平機會投訴又得唔得呢?舉報要咩資料?我都唔知佢個小朋友叫咩名 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-14 18:14 |顯示全部帖子
I agreed.  My girl got a place in an ideal school 3 years ago but my son got a place out of our area and the school is far from good.  

The game is unfair.  1st round -- why children who have connection with the school can have a bigger chance.  2nd round -- why children who are living around can have a bigger chance.  There is nothing relating to the ability or suitability of the children.  
The situation induce some parents move to the area or using a false address.

I think the best way is let both the parents and schools have the right to choose.  At least we don't need to play the game for a year's time.  We can enjoy the summer holiday and get ready for the new school life.

原帖由 ac321 於 10-6-14 17:21 發表
for most of people:
fair => when they get benefits in the game.
unfair => when they can't get any benefits.

as a third person:
fair => everyone get equal chance

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-14 18:52 |顯示全部帖子
But the fact is most of the parents do apply for DSS and private schools as back up and if the result of central allocation is not good (or even good) then they will knock door again ... so the children still need to drill and face the presure of inteview.  What I mean is to shorten the length of the game and save the manpower.  Maybe the gov't can set up a system to avoid parents holding more than one school place until a particular time so that the other children and get a place and settle down as soon as possible.

原帖由 traeh 於 10-6-14 18:23 發表
咁點先guarantee人人equal chance?


又有人提出覺得自己小朋友有過人之處,點解會派去一間唔理想的學校,點解唔係以小朋友能力去派位?大抽 ...
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