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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 DBS真係好煩!
樓主: thomasha

DBS真係好煩! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-9-12 02:11 |顯示全部帖子
I also attended the first briefing section and all along I think that the 10 pages means the page limit of "portfolio" and therefore should not include any supporting document like HKID, Birth Cert, School Report etc.  I also recall that Mr. Cheung said if exceed 10 pages, score will be deducted...

I think this is "clear enough" and have never thought of that the 10 pages include HKID, Birth Cert, School Report.....(?)  And hence I've never thought of calling DBS to clarify again... Yet I do agree that this should be stated clearly in the application requirement as this is quite unfair for parents not able to attend the briefing section.

I just started to prepare the application and my "10-page" portfolio when I suddenly read this post... Really need to re-plan my pages again...

Anyway, thanks thomasha for sharing the requirement.  It's not a matter of "the no. of pages" (some schools' requirement is even less) but agree that it's more a concern of whether the requirement is conveyed clearly and fairly to all potential applicants.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-9-12 02:34 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 yypapa 於 10-9-12 02:27 發表

I attended the first session and had the same understanding as you do.  Sticking on this belief, I submitted today 2 pages of b-certificate + ID,  12 pages of K1+K2 report card and 10 page ...

Thanks yayapapa for your sharing...

Sigh... Better get prepared for both possibilities.

I'm a busy working mom and is having sleepless nights recently in preparing the P.1 applications.  It'll certainly be better if the requirements are clear so that I don't need to go through the 冤枉路...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-9-12 18:28 |顯示全部帖子
Still working...

回心一諗,if 10 page is all-inclusive, 咁又係聖公會又係舊生嗰啲咪仲弊?
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