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港大同學會書院(HKUGAC)交流區   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-12-4 19:57 |顯示全部帖子
本來攪IB 後來又NSS PLUS 和本地國際
現在是NSS Local
創校教師也很有經驗  當中很多外籍老師  創造一個不錯学習英語的環境
創校校長和老師群箣群力  很有活力
現任校長  集决箣權力如一身
現任老師大多缺乏教学經驗  沒多小參與决箣  事情多是由上而下
現任話事人曾任另一間也是靠死谷的学校 啲老師做到死 好多走曬

原帖由 bkmum2005 於 10-9-22 10:45 發表

你小朋友是否就讀 HKUGAC,可否分享一下校風、學習情況及程度,小女今年升中選校,想考一兩間二線直資。

Rank: 1

發表於 10-12-5 10:23 |顯示全部帖子
Mr Hairness, Mrs Pearson, Mr Hurst, Ms Caroline Chan, Mr superman (Music Teacher), Mr Lazanli (Math teacher) ......
他也曾是粉嶺救恩校長 一間由brand 3 變brand 1的学校
Thank you for your inquiry.  You need to do some serious work!!!!
原帖由 savoy 於 10-12-5 02:25 發表
如果資料是正確,歡迎在這forum大家交流下。不過好像閣下的資料掉轉晒喎。你肯定誰是創校校長,誰是現任校長? 現任校長曾是燿中校長,你說那一間死谷的學校是哪一間, 耀中嗎? 很多老師走晒? ! 更莫名奇妙,大部份老師包括外籍 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-12-6 08:35 |顯示全部帖子
The fact is he is not the founding principal.
The fact is there are quite a significant number of native english teachers who have already left the school for VARIOUS REASONS....
The fact is he worked for a local secondary school for 7 years and he left the school for REASON(S) that you can very easily find out.
Anyone who cares to find out the above facts can simply type in the relevant name and would have tonnes of information for confirmation.  Do you agree?
It is my personal opinion, not exclusive to this DSS school, that the school needs to prove her success by a number of ways within a short period of time.  Knowing the school that he had been working with, wouldn't it be obvious?
It is my personal opinion, not exclusive to this DSS school, that the principal would develop a team consists siginificantly of FRESH LOCAL graduate.  Good or bad?  In the short term, you won't see much difference........at least academically....  In the long term, there is no guarantee.  Unfortunately, for parents who originally intend to relieve their kids of the burden that most other kids would be subjected to in a local school, you may want to have a second thought.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-12-7 15:00 |顯示全部帖子
Interesting comment.  It's good to see people can learn so fast.  Afterall, we are surrounded by information.  Would it not be correct to say its rather hard not letting people know. It is very amusing that you would like to focus the discussion on one person.  Are you related to him?  Remember this is a forum for parents to share their opinions, not a place to put up a campaign for a person.  
Liberal studies is a challenging subject to teach and learn.  Think about the following fact:
Why is the fact that so many local brand one schools use Chinese as the learning and teaching medium for the studies of liberal studies.  Why?  Don't they have students with good enough english to tackle the subject?  Don't they have teachers with good enough english to teach the subject?   The education bureau has placed all our children in one big experiement by making liberal studies as important as Chinese, English and Mathematics.  Do we still remember the outcome of an experiment with "Mother Tongue".  Are we subjecting our kids to another experiment by asking them to use English as a medium to study liberal studies?  Are we subjecting the teachers to an impossible mission by asking them to teach this subject using a language they are still struggling with?  We are talking about thinking and analysing of information.  In this subject we have to relate history, geography, science, economics... together to come up with our own interpretation and argument.  
Hopefully, this information would allow many of us, parents, to have think carefully before we place our children in another experiment.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-12-8 09:19 |顯示全部帖子
As far as I know, most senior form students behave pretty much the same as the students in most other DSS.  They are mostly from middle or upper class families and some are very well behaved, well mannered, and well educated.  You will also find some who are spoiled, lost and hard to have self -control.  Their parents have high expectations and are not reluctant to put their kids in a local school which has all sorts of problems.  They expect an environment where their kids would have much more freedom and much less pressure in their learning.  School fee and expenditures on things such as ELA, school uniform add to quite a large sum.  Personally, I don't think students from low income family would dare to join these kinds of schools.  Some say, "The DSS have become the country club for students from "middle and upper class family".  I recently encountered the following experience which many parents would find quite disturbing.
Parent:  These kids come from poor families.  They don't often have dinner.  You should be graceful to be having what you have now.
Student:  Why don't they eat in Mac Donald?
These kinds of schools usually have more rooms for freedom.  We shouldn't expect DSS's students to be different from most other youngsters.  However, don't forget the training most of them have received in their primary schools - strict discipline, heavy rules and strong supervision!!  To many of them, it would be like living in two different worlds when they go from primary to DSS.  One is a relatively oppressive world where they are constantly supervised by many different authoritative adults.  The other is ... should I say.... a wonderland.  Students who rely on others to keep their path strict would find it difficult in many DSS.  They have not developed self-control and I wonder whether they will in the wonderland.  Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not exclusively happened in boys but girls as well.  So you would not be surprised to hear rumors now and then.
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