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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 金巴倫 vs Think (美孚) 邊間好D?
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金巴倫 vs Think (美孚) 邊間好D? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-21 08:01 |顯示全部帖子
I am so glad that my boy get a a.m. offer in Eng/ Put class. The interview conducted in Put, acutally my boy doesnot' know any Put, he speak cantonese and I will speak Eng to him, but he just ans me in Cantonese. The interview teacher, Putonghua teacher was very nice, I sometimes gave tips to my my what the teacher asked him.

As there are not much comment about the school (I choose Think in KLN Tong), I am actually a bit worried about the programe and the teacher qualification. And one very impt. thing, the school fee is out of my expectation:
School uniform (2 suites) $260
school bag $140
Book fees for 1st term $2722
School fee $4500 x 11 installation
is there a great increase in the fee, as I checked the website of school, for N1 & K1 should be $44000/ year, school fee for 2011-12 is $49500, 12.5 % increase. And the book fee is  expensive, $2722 for 1st term, unbeliveable, that means about $5500 for whole year. It is just kinder!!!! how come the books are much expensive than that in Secondary sch.
I think the sch fee will similar to that of Stafford after increase.

So I am still considering! :
I am worry the other mis fee will be huge too.
How do you think???
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