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Kornhill Int'l [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-11-21 02:38 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 yame 於 10-11-21 02:34 發表
Did you go to their interviews?  How do you find the school?

After the interview, I found that they only have 44 seats for N1.  So the chance is a bit slim.  But I take them as my first choice.  Hope ...

Wish you good luck.
How do you feel about this school?
We give up the interview today (but I forget to call them to cancel it), they called me to follow up.  I think this school should be quite well organised ^^

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-11-21 21:34 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 turtlelau 於 10-11-21 07:37 發表
I like the environment and the interviewing teacher is american. But we donno the reputation of this nursery. We think it is better than ming wei. Which school dod u choose?

If 蘇淅 accepts my son, I will choose 蘇淅.  If fail 蘇淅, we will go for Mingwai.

I finally did not consider Kornhill internation because I prefer my son also learn Cantonese in  school.  But heard that Kornhill Int'l only use English, Mandarin and Japanese.

My situation now is:
1st choice -  蘇淅 (Nov 27 至in, 未知收唔收)
2nd choice - 明慧 (收左PM Class, 希望轉到AM Class)
3rd choice - 迦南 (收左AM Class)
4th choice - 啟思 (收左PM Class)
5th choive - 聖道明 (收左AM Class)

因為明慧已經收左,所以我 IN 埋蘇淅就算了. 唔打算再去咁多interview 啦 (原本仲有躍思, Victoria, 衛理堂, Kornhill Int'l, St Anna)

[ 本帖最後由 jelly-pudding 於 10-11-21 21:36 編輯 ]
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