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教育王國 討論區 拔萃女小學 del del del
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發表於 10-11-25 16:56 |顯示全部帖子
Why can't we see the proof of address as an internal thing that the school decided, to ensure no one took advantage of writing down very fancy address that didn't belong to them but instead belonging to relatives or friends. Why are we speculating foul play by the school? Why are we even mentioning Equal Opportunities Commission? The school, as a Private Organization does not need to explain it's policies to anyone. As a current parent of a DGJS girl, my daughter went through the old interview process, one single interview by Mrs Dai, I believe Mrs Dai will adopt the fairness approach to selecting your child. We were fortunate our daughter was selected even though we had no expectations. Mrs Dai will look for a variety of students, ranging from academic, sports, music and other special qualities. Some students have just the one or a combination. I am sure there will be other factors as well such as whether the child's mother is a working mother or full time mother. In my daughter class, approximately 2/3 are full time mothers. I can also vouch that address is NOT a factor in the selection process. I live some distance away from the current school location, in the New Territories so I have never doubted DGJS as being unfair and only selecting people from the most exclusive addresses. Whatever the final outcome, pls don't be hard on yourself or your daughter, enjoy the most precious time with your daughter.
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