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教育王國 討論區 德望學校 (幼稚園) 德望interview
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德望interview [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-27 17:02 |顯示全部帖子
等候的時間阿女不耐煩 , 我只可抱平常心 , 無得迫佢 , 只可拿東拿西希望佢平伏下來 , 好彩沒有太差的表現 , 直到主考老師拿玩具出來 , 阿女settle down , 主考老師非常友善, 小朋友只須說自己个名.....送gift和收玩具時教佢地say多謝和唔該 , 全程玩玩具 , 都完全無考小朋友 , 又無問家長問題 , 後面有兩位老師就observe小朋友 , 真係估唔到佢哋嘅收生標準 , 其間有位sister在場影相 , 之後排隊講bye bye.......阿女有同sister & 老師 big hug & bye bye , 完咗interview後, 我哋出去草地玩咗一陣 , 騎吓石羊 , 好似去公園玩 , 好開心 , 之後sister又出咗嚟 , 見小朋友咁開心 , 再同我哋影相 , 話D相係作內部參考 , 我老公仲講笑話sister會放上facebook...比C6激死我 .......anyway, 大家已盡力 , 希望有offer.

我好鍾意 Good Hope , 亦鍾意天主教女校 (though I am not a Catholic.... but studied at catholic school from kinder to sec sch...所以with情意結)....學校亦比我feel到佢哋嘅愛心 , 感恩 , 快樂.......上上下下(包括中學部的學生helper)也非常親切.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-27 21:09 |顯示全部帖子
same for us.... the interview time should be 10:30 am & we arrived at around 10:10 am .... so waiting outside at the street for 15 mins..... then going into the sch for line up  for 10 mins... and then sitting and waiting at the lobby floor about 20 minutes.... and then waited again at the upper floor for another 15 minutes...but no toys.... and nothing for the kids at the uppest floor ..... so my kid went up and jumped at the stage....

the waiting time was longer than I expected ...my gal was getting impatient... and I had to make her happy by using lots of stuffs / toys I brought there... even inside the classroom.... till the teacher put the puzzle at the table, she could then settle down and played.

原帖由 BabyHilary 於 10-11-27 20:03 發表
校門等15mins, 校內等10mins, 入大堂坐住等20mins.
(要抱住小朋友坐, 一行開就會有老師叫你坐返好)
叫左名排隊上課室, 再享呢層大堂等10mins,
大堂座位旁邊放滿玩具屋, 煮飯仔, 大 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-29 17:57 |顯示全部帖子
我哋in果間房 , 有一主考老師 , 佢左後方和右後方各有一位老師 , 佢地隻手係揸住支筆 , 拿着叠嘢 ,  做乜寫乜我就唔知勒 , 不過 , 我入去果時見老師係拿着我哋叠application forms架喎 , 如果真係無評分 , 咁點样決定收唔收邊个小朋友呢 ? 真係一个"謎" ???? 有無上年的家長有任何ideas呢 ??

原帖由 whoistheman 於 10-11-29 17:37 發表

我望過幾間房, 冇一間房既老師係有評分板既.  試問, 老師怎樣記得姓名 ?  人的腦可以記得這麼多陌生人的名字嗎 ?  做戲, 都應該入戲. 道具是基本的設備 .  講完. ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-1 23:06 |顯示全部帖子
我諗出咗waiting list之後 , 寫多幾封求位信應有幫助啩 ?

原帖由 joeyma 於 10-12-1 21:34 發表


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-2 23:57 |顯示全部帖子
我都好想快些收到結果 。 Good Hope 係我嘅超級心儀的學校 , 好想好想好想.....阿女入到啊 ! 我而家天天也唸經 , 求天父及聖母賜給一個美好、喜樂和關愛的學習環境給小女。自从面試那天 , 告訴阿女那是聖母像(Mary)之後 , 佢看見家中擺着的聖母像 , 也常常說"Mary...........Mary...."呀 , 佢應該好like德望學校....呵呵 !!! 希望快些有結果 , 等待的日子實在太無奈 、不安 、痛苦 :((((((
原帖由 kenfi 於 10-12-2 22:59 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-3 10:32 |顯示全部帖子
Will the school really consider our 誠意 ??
Really dunno how they will select kids...as they did not test kids with difficult questions or tasks..... so now, I am even getting worrier and worrier :(  
原帖由 siden 於 10-12-3 10:20 發表
"等待的日子實在太無奈 、不安"


Touchwood put on waiting, then need to spend new year holiday to write "誠意"mouth:" />

Being parents really not easy ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-3 13:11 |顯示全部帖子
我見全校D staffs 个个都好友善 , 以前我也讀catholic gal school....sisters 好鬼惡架 , 又專制 、沒民主 ,  但在Good Hope遇見的兩位sisters都好nice....完全沒有兇惡的感覺 , (以前讀書D sister好惡 , 我哋見到佢个影就掉頭走 , 似老鼠見貓 , 有个代課老師也很怕sisters...稱佢地做"白衣人"和"黑衣人" ....haha)
講番Good Hope, 老師又很有愛心及耐性 , 學校比我簡樸 、平和 、關愛 .....這一切是我欣賞它的地方 , 此外 , 當然係佢係Band 1 , 校风好且一條龍到中學 , 我更想女兒讀女校 , 無咁複雜 , 學生乖D .....
你又點睇呢 ?
原帖由 bigbighei 於 10-12-3 12:18 發表
德望係一間好好的既, 但其實你最喜歡佢邊樣呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-3 14:19 |顯示全部帖子
haha.... really ? I hope gals of both you and me can really be classmates at Good Hope .. u have to advise me as soon as u get any news....:)
Many ppl dun like their gals studying in gals school... but I do really prefer gals school for my daughter. Gals behave well and better than those at co-ed school.
But gals from gal school will have more simple mind / thinking and may not get or understand what ppl are talking about those "bad" stuffs ...Do u agree ? Further, as when I just got into a co-ed sch for maticulation, I'd made so many jokes for my friends.  
Agree ? Similar experience as me ?

原帖由 BallBall417 於 10-12-3 13:52 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-3 18:54 |顯示全部帖子
My  friend's daughter is studying in GH for primary 2. The gal was graduated from St. Cat. She is smart and can finish homework very quickly. But at times of dictation & tests, my friend needs to revise with the gal till 10:00 pm or even later.
I've heard some kids graduated from kinders with easy syllabus & little homework have to pay more & extra efforts studying in GH. Maybe, those kids are not familiar with doing homework when he was at kinder. So it is sad to hear that the homeworks are only to be finished by 11:00 pm .......
But in my opinion, parents can consider to change to some sch with easier syllabus if their kids really cannot catch up in GH.  At this stage, I won't scared of the difficult syllabus but only worrying about the offer...........hahaha . Anyone agree ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-4 01:15 |顯示全部帖子
Sister Pauline 話有優先收番自己的幼稚園學生 , 大部分係正選 , waiting 果D都會盡量再比機會 , 幾个月後再見過和評估過 , 如果係真 , 咁點都好過在出面考十項全能 , 打生打死啦 , 我聽人說 , 家長為争取自己子女入直資小學 , 全計都無句真 , 好奸狡 , 个个話唔報 , 但到interview果日个个都現身 , 仲扮唔識 , 扮見唔到.....唉 !! 我唔想自己比人騙 , 又唔想騙人地.
其实在自己熟識地方面試 , 仲有"優先"收番 , 已經易好多 , 如後補再in都係落選 , 那么 , 就無計la , 無得強求.
到時 , 報多幾間私立/直資 , 再加大抽獎 , 博吓有无運氣 , 但即使讀德幼 , 我也會自己買D深D的書教吓 , 出去再讀D courses , 尤其英文 , 唔會單靠學校 , 講真 , 都要打好个底 , 裝備吓 , 我个friend果女讀P2 , 課程很深 , 近似St Paul's Convent嘅程度 , 功課都多 , 着重英文 , 且係幾谷的小學 . 所以如有GH小學offer , 但跟唔上咪仲死 , 不過相信有優先入GH小學 , 有back-up, 个人會定些 , 無咁徬徨 , 加埋家庭或課外courses , 應該ok喇 !!!
你哋點睇 ? 有咩意見 ? 大家參詳一下.
派questionaire 的老師說around Dec 20 ..... Christmas之前會有結果.
原帖由 BallBall417 於 10-12-3 23:15 發表

得, 緊係得啦 :)
Charlotte2008, 我都好想我個女讀女校, 好似乖d, 獨立d, 同埋純品d ... 我打咗電話去問, 話12月中至12月尾有result ... 係呢, 你地怕唔怕小學唔收返呢? ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-4 01:21 |顯示全部帖子
It was my hubby filling in the questionaire. As he told me, the questions were general, e.g. expectation on kids, what activities / classes taken by kids.....so on. They were not difficult questions at all.
Maybe, with limited time, ppl were nervous and worried ...most men may not be familiar to fill in questionaire ...as I saw all mothers were sitting with kids for group interview. Therefore, men might get into troubles :) :;pppp:   

原帖由 linda4 於 10-12-3 23:02 發表
想問下係咪張問卷好神秘,定係GHS話明唔講得出去,點解好似冇人講張問卷要答D乜?好想知道呀!因為個個都講到好重要同埋連填都唔夠時間填咁。可分享嗎?謝謝。 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-4 11:52 |顯示全部帖子
But some teachers did allow more time for parents not completing the questionaire within 5 minutes, esp for those only with one parent going alone with kids. Anyway, you'd tried the best and by now, we can just keep waiting for the result...... let's pray daily for it.
原帖由 siden 於 10-12-4 01:25 發表

I also got into trouble, I went alone and I 've only got 3 mins to fill in the form! Really upset about my poor performance in the questionnaire.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-9 12:04 |顯示全部帖子
希望快些有信 , 下个星期尾會唔會有結果呢 ? 很期待哩.........等到人都顛.....唉 !!! 个心成日囉囉孿 , 日日吼住个信箱 , 成个傻婆咁 .....wakakaka !!
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