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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 美式教育vs英式教育一問
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美式教育vs英式教育一問 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-12-23 13:04 |顯示全部帖子
I personally went to local, British and American school system.  To tell you the truth,  it doesn't really matter whether it's british and american.  At the end of the day, it's IB, SAT, AP and they are all compatible around the world.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-12-28 10:15 |顯示全部帖子
Pros and Cons of the education?  Hey... I didn't go through these education systems by choice.  Of course, my parents made all the choices for me.  I went to a prestigious local girls school and then my parents sent me to a prestigiour boarding school in England (I got in after a lot of hard work done by my parents.  My dad went to visit the schools.  My mom made me do a lot of extra tutoring etc.  I remembered I had to sit through many Common Entrance Exam papers).  AFter GCSE, I went to KGV (ESF), so I have more choices for uni.

The only choice I made was going to college in US.  I didn't like the fact that I had to choose my major when applying for uni in UK.  What if I found the coursework does not lead to the career of my choice?  Then under the UK curriculum, I would have to start all over again.  US uni curriculum is by credit, so I had the chance to explore.

In short, it really doesn't matter what curriculum you choose for your child at an early stage, because it leads to the same end of the road.  At my time, at KGV, we did GCSE and A-levels.  We had graduates going to college all over the world, including HK, India, Korea, US, UK, Australia and many more.  MAny of us sat for SAT and UE (local HK exam).

With IB and A-levels, many US unis award credits with your report.  I was admitted as a freshman (year 1) in a US university, and with my GCE A-levels, I was awarded 24 credits after talking to student counselor at orientation and brought me straight to a sophomore (Year 2).

So... not so much worries to choose the curriculum for your child.  Choose the one that you believe in and the one that your child is happy with.
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