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教育王國 討論區 嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園 收到聖心取錄通知啦!
樓主: iantsang

收到聖心取錄通知啦! [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-2-14 21:31 |只看該作者
oh!  I am a bit shock and feel sorry.  But it may just mean your daughter will fit the characteristics of "another" kindergarten.

I wish you good luck and all the best!


原帖由 stinkyrabbit111 於 11-2-14 20:44 發表
congratulations to those who received offers la  
haha , we got reject letter , not too unhappy at all, maybe I always have this impression at the back of my mind, since shck admit a signific ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 11-2-14 21:36 編輯 ]

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發表於 11-2-14 21:34 |只看該作者
haha, of course not!  I am just a volunteer (by the way, I am a father) to help out baby kingdom to look after these forums.  Of course you will know who I am if your child is accepted and later attend SHCK.

原帖由 kwboy 於 11-2-14 20:51 發表

我想知妳係版主, 係咪話呢個WEBSITE 係由妳寫出來架?

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發表於 11-2-14 21:35 |只看該作者
normally the waiting list will match the number of seats in the past, i.e. I assume it will be in the range of 180 (normally) to 240.

原帖由 kitken 於 11-2-14 20:54 發表
My daughter is in waiting list. How many waiting offer? Any chance to get accepted finally?

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發表於 11-2-14 21:36 |只看該作者

原帖由 蕃薯仔媽媽 於 11-2-14 20:58 發表
報到! Waiting List!

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-2-14 21:38 |只看該作者
You are welcome and it is also the best Valentine's day gift to our family too!

原帖由 cdpen 於 11-2-14 21:25 發表
Dear Ian
Thanks a lot for these days for sharing with us
and thanks for all the mummies ,
Thank you daughter, this is the best Valentines gift I ever have
Congratulations to you ar
Love you ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 11-2-14 22:09 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-14 22:07 |只看該作者
We've also got the Valentine's day's gift: am offer!!

Rank: 4

發表於 11-2-14 22:17 |只看該作者
we got the rejected letter..... 其實我想問下accepted d小朋友interview個陣係咪好自發性禮貌架?即係唔駛人叫都自動叫人,say thanks. 我b係細b, 佢面試時候唔識自動自覺, 可係呢個原因reject啦.....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-14 22:49 |只看該作者
my daughter is 'medium' girl and she was rejected.

Or maybe she wants to continue at the present school.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-14 23:00 |只看該作者
Ian, thanks for your sharing and appreciate about what you have shared with all of us.
I have another concern, given my girl is now studying at PN (morning session) and she got a PM offer from SH (I assume I cannot switch to AM session), I wonder if it is ideal to let her go to PM class???? Can she adjust her nap nap time easily??? in addition, seems it's quite difficult for me arrange extra activities for her if she will go to PM class...what do you think???
Please advice! tks alot again!

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-2-14 14:28 發表
I guess I won't try to compare the two kindergartens in overall as I respect everyone should have their own preferences.

Solely on curriculum, SPK has its own designed curriculum so they don't use bo ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-14 23:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 jasprincess 於 11-2-14 10:17 PM 發表
we got the rejected letter..... 其實我想問下accepted d小朋友interview個陣係咪好自發性禮貌架?即係唔駛人叫都自動叫人,say thanks. 我b係細b, 佢面試時候唔識自動自覺, 可係呢個原因reject啦..... ...

你好, 我個女am offer, 0805, 天主教徒, 我係Full Time Mum

佢Interview時唔係自發有禮貌, 一入去我叫"老師你好",佢會跟住我望住老師講"老師你好", 跟住所有野都同老師對答如流, 淨係唔識白菜, 講菜菜, 砌Puzzle時佢本來攞住果個係砌唔到的, 佢試左唔得就放低再攞第二個試岩左, 最尾老師送貼紙比佢佢自己講多謝, 跟住我地走時老師同佢講ByeBye佢又自己同老師講ByeBye, 然後我同佢講一齊拍好椅先, 佢就同我一齊做

我見SMM個Interview,老師係小朋友未拍椅前已經填Form, St Paul的Interview老師會叫小朋友拍椅, 淨係得SH既Interview老師等小朋友拍椅(老師無提小朋友拍椅), 感覺SH既interview好睇小朋友既禮貌, 因為我好清楚睇住老師係望住+留意+等小朋友講ByeBye同埋拍椅(老師無提小朋友拍椅), 呢兩樣小朋友都有做老師個樣好滿意

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-14 23:03 |只看該作者
恭喜 Ian ...同埋 w_y, 仲有其他 accepted 既家長....

我地就無緣做吓同學仔既家長, 講真..真係有D失望, 惟有衷心恭賀大家.....

Rank: 4

發表於 11-2-14 23:10 |只看該作者
Congrats Ian!
I've got PM offer. May I know that 冠忠 has bus route from school to Tsuen Wan? When do they get on/off the bus? Thanks a lot.

發表於 11-2-14 23:23 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-14 23:53 |只看該作者
My daughter got PM offer too, so unexpected....

Dear Iantsang,

Will all the graduated girls from SCHK KG promote to P1(private section) directly...how many seats in P1 (am-private section) each year?

Thanks for yr info

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-2-15 00:03 |只看該作者
You are welcome and I received a lot of inputs from previous SHCK parents so I am simply continuing the tradition.  May be some day some of you will be helping the new ones too!

My elder one also had N1 in the morning but we applied pm class for SHCK.  Are you aware that SHCK's am classes begin at 8:25am?  That means many school buses would arrive the campus as early as 8am so you can do the math what time the children need to get up to get ready for classes.  On top of that, SHCK has a longer class hour than regular KG so the children will be quite tire if they don't have enough sleep.

Anyway, that's just my personal reason why we prefer PM classes over AM classes and the adjustment can be made by some kids but not all.  The sleeping pattern of the kid will be a key factor.  In my elder daughter's case, she can sleep 11-12 hours straight so she doesn't nap at all.  I know some K1 students who cannot sleep that long and will need to sleep before going to school or right after return from school.  This really depends on each individual.

And your daughter is taking extra-curriculum activities while in N1 already?  haha, actually we never have any outside classes until K2, and all of them are just for fun.  So, arrangement of ECA can be quiet causal.  For our case, these classes are arranged right after school during weekday.  My elder one now has classes at 6pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

My advice is, let the kids enjoy the kindergarten life first.  Unless you are aiming for DGJS or St. Paul's Co-ed, otherwise there are really no needs to take so many outsides classes as I feel the curriculum in SHCK is already enough for a K1 kid.

原帖由 vlui55 於 11-2-14 23:00 發表
Ian, thanks for your sharing and appreciate about what you have shared with all of us.
I have another concern, given my girl is now studying at PN (morning session) and she got a PM offer from SH (I a ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-2-15 00:04 |只看該作者
Oh I am sorry to hear that!  Waiting list or rejected?

原帖由 joyjoy815 於 11-2-14 23:03 發表
恭喜 Ian ...同埋 w_y, 仲有其他 accepted 既家長....

我地就無緣做吓同學仔既家長, 講真..真係有D失望, 惟有衷心恭賀大家.....

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-2-15 00:08 |只看該作者
I am sorry but no stops at Tsuen Wan at the moment.  Only covered Tsing Yi area, Olymipic station area and Sorrento at Kowloon station for pm classes this year (on trial run).  We still need to get confirmation from the school bus company to see if these Kowloon routes can become permanent the coming year, depends on the new students' location.

原帖由 marwai_1030 於 11-2-14 23:10 發表
Congrats Ian!
I've got PM offer. May I know that 冠忠 has bus route from school to Tsuen Wan? When do they get on/off the bus? Thanks a lot.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-2-15 00:09 |只看該作者
I know some K1 will still take nap the first few months, before dinner.  But many of them won't.

原帖由 wootaitai 於 11-2-14 23:23 發表

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發表於 11-2-15 00:12 |只看該作者
aiya, need to answer this over and over again tim......

basically it depends.  But in short there are preferences given to own kindergarten students, but some of them will head to the pm gov't aided section while some got lucky through discretionary places and lucky draw.  If places allowed, then they can take all the remaining ones.

private section has 3 to 4 classes (depends on space availability), around 36-40 per class.

原帖由 bbexpect 於 11-2-14 23:53 發表
My daughter got PM offer too, so unexpected....

Dear Iantsang,

Will all the graduated girls from SCHK KG promote to P1(private section) directly...how many seats in P1 (am-private section) each year ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-15 00:22 |只看該作者
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