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德望 vs聖保祿:那間學業成績較出色 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-3-18 10:47 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印
我有個朋友說德望既學業成績比聖保祿好, 她建議讀德望, 我好猶豫不決, 請賜教
   1    0    0    0

Rank: 2

發表於 11-5-5 19:43 |只看該作者
My daughter and son studied previously in SPK.   My daughter was lucky enough to get promoted to the Primary section.

Although none of my kid studied in Good Hope, I do think that Good Hope would be a good school.   The purpose of my writing here is to provide my experience with SPK as a reference to you.

To my mind, the teachers in SPK are responsible and also very experienced.   Taking the example of the classmistress of my daughter in K1 and K2, she successfully trained up the 30 kids in her class to be independent and discipline.  They show confidence when they interact with ppl.   

You would find their teaching programs well designed - they spend quite a lot of effort to observe each kid and are able to provide comprehensive reports (around 6 1-2 page reports for each year apart from school reports) on each of them based on the observations on their programs through interesting activities.  You would in fact know something about your kid by the reports that you cannot observe yourself.

My son was not progressing very well when compared with the rest of his classmates in K1 and K2.  His teacher, however, did not give him up but in fact spent additional efforts looking after and encouraging him.  She also encouraged and urged us to give more patience to the little one.  We felt so lucky that he was not abandoned by his teacher (some teachers could only focus on those talented kids) that by K3 my son was back to the average performance curve under the guidance of the classmistress.

The school culture is also simple - they never requested parents to spend unnecessary money.  One can hardly spends a lot of money with this school.  The point I wanted to stress here is although quite a number of kids are from families with good financial background, neither the Kindergarten nor the primary section like promoting expensive culture.  The parents were requested by the primary school to use the old pencils in the kindergarten so that to discourage girls to bring back cartoon pencils for comparisons with each others.

The only concern on the kindergarten is that you would find that their homework quite little and too easy when compared to rest of the kindergartens nowadays.   Should you want to have a smooth transition from kindergarten to the Primary section, I would recommend some tuition courses for the kids starting from K2 2nd term and K3, as the lives in SPK (loose and happy) would be quite different from SPCSPR (demanding teachers in the Primary).

In conclusion, you would find SPK to be a satisfactory kindergarten and I think your kid would enjoy going to school everyday.   If transportation is not a problem to you, I would recommend you to let your kid to go to SPK.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-3-31 15:06 |只看該作者

Rank: 1

發表於 11-3-31 13:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 iantsang 於 11-3-21 05:13 發表
純屬個人意見: 討論時若能持開放態度, 才能更開放視野.

difficult to compare

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-3-23 19:59 |只看該作者
thank you,chunlaifat.
我個囡只懂自己讀緊間學校, 有感情呀!而我都喜歡ST PAUL多一點

Rank: 4

發表於 11-3-23 15:04 |只看該作者

你囡囡甘SMART, IN 10 間,10 間都收, 基本上讀邊間都不會有問題...不如你問下囡囡喜歡哪一間吧!

我覺得ST PAUL 的確是名氣大一點, 成績好一點, 學費平一點, 交通方便一點的....不過GH成績都唔差, 好似上年會考都有OVER 80% 學生有14分或以上的, 只是A LEVEL 考得唔係甘好, 可能預科學費貴,多人走啦.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-3-23 12:11 |只看該作者
Yes.  I agreed with you.  讀邊間無咩所謂.  睇下邊間同你的緣份厚, 讀得"舒服".  可能比較認識某一間學校的家長/員工多, 又會喜歡那間也不定.  找高年班家長問問, 也不能信片面之詞, 自己分析下.  教育理念, 家庭經濟, 地點....有太多原因, 不能用計算機去找那一間最好, 沒有排名的.  

原帖由 siden 於 11-3-22 20:24 發表
I agree with Ian.

I really think SPC is better than GH, but I don't think the difference is that great to be 差幾班,唔同級。

如果小女有幸入讀GH primary, 又發下夢她名列前茅(Ian 唔好嬲我借個forum 發夢), ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-3-23 11:46 |只看該作者

最重要系選定一間,盡快放番另一間 d 位俾 waiting list 上的小朋友。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-3-23 10:18 |只看該作者
Siden, you said you will give up GHK, which school will your daughter choose finally?

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 11-3-22 20:24 |只看該作者
I agree with Ian.

I really think SPC is better than GH, but I don't think the difference is that great to be 差幾班,唔同級。

如果小女有幸入讀GH primary, 又發下夢她名列前茅(Ian 唔好嬲我借個forum 發夢),我絕對會俾小女去interview 插班HY/St Mary 等津校。就算負擔得到,我不是富豪,想儲多點$,有間有質素的津校收,我會飛撲去。

GH kg 收了小女,我很感恩,但未必會讀。因為我不會太計較那間famous 或high grade, 我要的是最適合孩子和自己家庭的一間。入了不high grade 的又怎樣?誰說入了最high grade 的就最上等?只要小女在純樸environment 中長大,academic中上就ok。

贊同大家make comments時可以持平一點。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-3-22 18:44 |只看該作者
For your ref, 各校的辦學宗旨.

Christian setting - develop values, skills, competencies of life long learners while nurturing students in a supportive, stimulating environment.










Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-3-22 18:34 |只看該作者
The following assumptions must be true and consistent throughout the 15 years of study in the same school.

(1) The parents/ family financial status are stable and sound;
(2) The family do not move;
(3) There are no other siblings in other schools;
(4) The personality/ characteristics of the girls do not change;

there are plenty of things around the environment that will change which affect a family's decision.  It takes more courage to leave a school than staying in a school.  At the end, there are just 15% of primary schools are either one-dragon or feeder schools to their own secondary school.  So, I assume changing school is the dominated fact, and mainly contributed by the "wonderful" S1 allocation method designed by the EDB.  Try to collect more information on this perspective will certainly help on understanding how disastrous an environment has been created by such policy.

Particularly on (4), it is very dangerous for parents to make such assumption that the girls SHOULD BE staying on the same school throughout.  Although personally I have such preference too if it may, but I will never force my daughters to stay in the same school if I discover that there will be other schools which will be more suitable for their development.

So, I would suggest rather than questioning whether a school that is good or not, there is a more worth considering question of whether the same school is suitable for the children.  Because if parents don't make such assessment, then it will become an unfortunate experience for the kids' childhood.

Just for the record, I am not a GH parent and didn't apply for both kindergartens under this topic for my daughter this year.  However, I do suggest parents to be considerate for the feelings of the current parents of these schools during discussions.

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-22 18:20 |只看該作者
如果係好既學校.....我真係唔太讚成同小朋友轉校....除非無小學/中學啦.....有時想下小朋友由幼稚園讀到上中學十幾年在同一校園, 大部份同學都係老友, 真係好開心架 .......我唔知其他媽咪係咪咁諗, 比係我, 搵到間好學校我一定咁輕易放棄羅....

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-3-22 18:12 |只看該作者
要再睇多幾年, 家長們有沒有幫囡囡轉中學.  其實, 少了協恩津中一個選擇.

另外, 我大膽猜猜, 2009 form 7 畢業那批學生是2002年入form 1, 當時全球經濟不穩定, 可能家長轉向"官津"意欲比較高.  2003(SARS)-2004 收生也不會太好, 即2010-2011畢業的也未必有大進步.

近年, 經濟好轉而且考band 1官津也不易, 大家hold了ghs直資中學offer 也不能等round 1, so 我估呢幾年入小學的家長意願是直升中學部, 唔敢搏.  而這一批家長是願意付出1x年的學費的.  但, 也有部份家長安排海外升中.  再看多幾年吧!

原帖由 happymami 於 11-3-22 17:41 發表
其實我都覺得有小小奇怪, 如果真係好既學校, 學生和家長都唔會輕易轉校架, 始終小朋友一路讀上去係有自己同學(由其是係女仔, 她們與同學間既感情會好好架痳), 應該會對學校有強烈既歸屬感先岩架, 點解會因為要交學費 ...

[ 本帖最後由 easybring 於 11-3-23 11:59 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-22 17:41 |只看該作者
其實我都覺得有小小奇怪, 如果真係好既學校, 學生和家長都唔會輕易轉校架, 始終小朋友一路讀上去係有自己同學(由其是係女仔, 她們與同學間既感情會好好架痳), 應該會對學校有強烈既歸屬感先岩架, 點解會因為要交學費而去轉校呢, 我覺得佢地由第一日選擇入入讀就知道要交學費架啦, 無理由為左唔使交學費, 而要小朋友重新去適應新學校/朋友/課程......是否還有其他原因呢!!! 還是真係要入去讀過才知道學校是否適合家長/學生.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-3-22 13:42 |只看該作者
Yes, 100% agreed.

It also reflects most of the parents' mindset in Hong Kong, including myself.

To rate the degree of 'fame' of a school, people usually look at her history, i.e. the longer the history, the more famous it is.  The more famous it is, people will be more eager to get it.  The more candidates there are, the school will have more choices to grap all the 'top guns' in the areas (i.e. academic, sport, music,) where the school are interested.  As a result, the school become more famous, famous and wealthy.  However, the process does not only take a few years, it might take over a decade to build.

It is just like a circle, that might explain why  DGS, SPCC are more welcome by parents.

However, when i am starting the school hunting for my child, I have changed my mindset somehow.  There are more important factors other than 'fame' of a school to my child's education.  The all-round education and moral education (to me, it is the most important factor) is what I am looking for.

Back to my primary/secondary days, I lived in Hong Kong side, I knew only about SPC, Marymount, but not any schools in Kowloon side.  But now, I am more open-minded to look for the good/bad sides of the schools  I am interested.

Both SPC and GH are good schools, and we are comparing 'apple to apple'.  I will then choose the one closer to home.  Long travelling time really makes the child suffer.

On the other hand, if I live in Kowloon side, to choose between GH and St. Mary (one-dragon), I will then go for St. Mary as it does not need tuition fee.  

Yes, I am one of the middle-class in Hong Kong  .:

原帖由 fcatherinehk 於 11-3-22 01:08 發表
我朋友係名小學英文老師,佢個女幼稚園時讀SPK,但佢都幫個女報GH小學,我都覺得奇怪,問過佢,佢話GH嘅英文深過SPC.後來佢個女考到ST PAUL CO-EDU,DGS,GH,最後佢揀左DGS.
我本人都好鍾意SPK,覺得佢無論學術,校風及辦學經 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-3-22 12:21 |只看該作者
yes .. the same set of data has been discussed in threads related to ghs primary and KG for many times....

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-3-22 11:21 發表
Just a friendly reminder:

Please kindly keep the discussions relevant to the subject mentioned kindergartens.

For discussions on secondary schools, please kindly share your information on the second ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-3-22 11:21 |只看該作者
Just a friendly reminder:

Please kindly keep the discussions relevant to the subject mentioned kindergartens.

For discussions on secondary schools, please kindly share your information on the secondary section, thanks for the co-operation.

版主 Ian

Rank: 4

發表於 11-3-22 10:53 |只看該作者

Referring to the good hope 2009/2010 annual report, you can see the entering university rate on page 9.  What a disappointed!  the university entering rate drop from 81.7% in 2008 to 39% in 2009.  The HKU entering rate drop from 18.5% in 2008 to 2.9% in 2009.   Although I think there is not relationship in kindgarten.  But this reflect the operation looks having some problem.

I don't know why many people have such query to ask GH or St Paul is better.  It is because I always think St Paul. is much better than GH..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-3-22 01:08 |只看該作者
我朋友係名小學英文老師,佢個女幼稚園時讀SPK,但佢都幫個女報GH小學,我都覺得奇怪,問過佢,佢話GH嘅英文深過SPC.後來佢個女考到ST PAUL CO-EDU,DGS,GH,最後佢揀左DGS.
我本人都好鍾意SPK,覺得佢無論學術,校風及辦學經驗都好好,而且我好鍾意佢套校服,但唔收我個女.依家女女讀緊GH KG,再同多D層面嘅人士傾過,得知原來GH 嘅小學係真係好得嫁,不過成日都會有批學生中途插班去更叻嘅/同質素但免費的學校DGS,ST PAUL CO-EDU,MARYKNOLL,ST MARY.
到升中時係最多人走左去同質素嘅津校,ST MARY 同協恩嘅中學成績有部分係靠自行收生嘅學生提升的,因為佢地小學時係用中文教的,而GH小學的數學同常識係英文的,個底打好左到中學時都較易掌握.

[ 本帖最後由 fcatherinehk 於 11-3-22 01:27 編輯 ]
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