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德望 vs聖保祿:那間學業成績較出色 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-3-18 16:20 |顯示全部帖子
Just wonder, is this comparison on academic achievement on kindergarten, or primary or secondary level?

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發表於 11-3-21 13:03 |顯示全部帖子
Hope can provide some pointers for the concerned parents to consider.  This is basically a way to understand how to plan your children's education.

Basically both schools are traditional schools and they both are also the ONLY TWO Catholic girls' schools which secondary section became DSS.  So, they do have their similarities.

However, putting aside their kindergarten section first since GH has just re-opened recently so there are not enough information to make a valid comparison, their primary and secondary section has quite a difference.

SPCS, being the only band 1 girls' school on HK island to become DSS, has been able to have much greater control over how they can path the girls' way from kindergarten to secondary.  It is obvious that if we would have to compare purely on academic standard between the two primary schools, I would have to say GH should actually be having an edge over SPCS.  The reason is simply because the two schools are taking different approaches.  GH's way is to use heavy workload internally from the beginning to produce high standard of academic result.  I think SPCS's parents would agree too that they have less pressure internally thru workload during primary school year.  However, I believe many SPCS parents are all well prepared so they have enough supplement outside.  Also, girls are encouraged to participate in many outside competitions on their own so they have the chance to have a boarder visions from the early childhood.  So, this is obvious that these two are very different.

One key issue going from primary to secondary is this:  frankly speaking SPCS has an advantage being the ONLY girls' school on HK island which is a band 1 DSS.  GH, on the other hand, will have DGS and other girls' schools (no school fees) in Kowloon side as higher priority by many parents.  So, this explain partly why this situation happen where you will lose around 20% of your top students to the open market.

If look carefully, the school paths in HK island and Kowloon side is very different.  On HK island, basically if for parents who look for girls' schools, we would have made our choice early in kindergarten or primary time.  So, most of these children will stay with the same school.  However, for the Kowloon side, there are less seats available early on the kindergarten level and so choices are made somehow related with lucks at a later time so some parents may not get exactly what they want.  So, GH provide a good platform to prepare the girls for the S1 allocation, and so that's how these students may leave.

More to that, I believe truly that SPCS's method is indeed a very good one, less workload from kindergarten thru primary level inside of schools.  It is because you can tell from experience, very few kids will actually stay on top all the way from kindergarten thru secondary.  I am not saying there won't be any, but in natural fact some smart kids lose interest to compete on academic level after 9 years.....  So, SPCS has carefully managed the kids' motivation to only utilize it during secondary stage.  And frankly, although their pressure inside the school is lower during early time, parents nowadays are doing a good job to accompany external courses to ensure their children will stay competitive at a later time.  The only downside will be, those who really cannot cope with the program after 6 or 9 years, may actually be quite lost.

I guess this should help the parents to understand more of what can happen in different education environment.


原帖由 siden 於 11-3-21 11:58 發表
可以告訴我嗎?我都覺得迷惑,德望的成績不像太差,但那些什麼report 又話入大學率大跌。有冇德小高年級的家長提供第一手資料?
我估下,會唔會係德小primary 其實幾好,有d似maryknoll. 但因為升中時冇左selection mechanism,  ...

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發表於 11-3-21 13:13 |顯示全部帖子
純屬個人意見: 討論時若能持開放態度, 才能更開放視野.

原帖由 happymami 於 11-3-21 12:48 發表
其實,  GH 唔係差既, 只不過而家攞佢同 ST Paul 比較, 真係無得比咁解姐.
如 GH 同一般學校黎講, 可以說 GH 是地區名校, 但如果用黎同 全港名校黎講....實在差好遠...不過而家只係 幼稚園, 我相信兩間幼稚園差唔多, ...

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發表於 11-3-22 11:21 |顯示全部帖子
Just a friendly reminder:

Please kindly keep the discussions relevant to the subject mentioned kindergartens.

For discussions on secondary schools, please kindly share your information on the secondary section, thanks for the co-operation.

版主 Ian

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-3-22 18:34 |顯示全部帖子
The following assumptions must be true and consistent throughout the 15 years of study in the same school.

(1) The parents/ family financial status are stable and sound;
(2) The family do not move;
(3) There are no other siblings in other schools;
(4) The personality/ characteristics of the girls do not change;

there are plenty of things around the environment that will change which affect a family's decision.  It takes more courage to leave a school than staying in a school.  At the end, there are just 15% of primary schools are either one-dragon or feeder schools to their own secondary school.  So, I assume changing school is the dominated fact, and mainly contributed by the "wonderful" S1 allocation method designed by the EDB.  Try to collect more information on this perspective will certainly help on understanding how disastrous an environment has been created by such policy.

Particularly on (4), it is very dangerous for parents to make such assumption that the girls SHOULD BE staying on the same school throughout.  Although personally I have such preference too if it may, but I will never force my daughters to stay in the same school if I discover that there will be other schools which will be more suitable for their development.

So, I would suggest rather than questioning whether a school that is good or not, there is a more worth considering question of whether the same school is suitable for the children.  Because if parents don't make such assessment, then it will become an unfortunate experience for the kids' childhood.

Just for the record, I am not a GH parent and didn't apply for both kindergartens under this topic for my daughter this year.  However, I do suggest parents to be considerate for the feelings of the current parents of these schools during discussions.
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