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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 讀二間幼稚園的家長請進....
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讀二間幼稚園的家長請進.... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-6-29 11:23 |顯示全部帖子
Would like to share with you my experience:

My boy K1 studied at a local PLK kin 9am-12noon (8mins walking distance nearby shopping center).
Then my wife found out there is a private international kin at a nearby another shopping center (5mins walking).
From K2, my boy went to PLK in the morning then lunch at home, then went to the p.m. international class (all English) from 1pm-4:15pm.

My boy had no problem and no complaint, he enjoyed very much to attend two schools as he always complain not enough time to play and learn. Distance between the two schools and your home is very important, and if you join two schools, they should have different style so you can get the most benefit.

From K3, my boy dropped PLK and changed to the intl. class full time from 9am-6pm as my boy said he wants to stay longer in that school and feels more happier, we also find the school teachs my boy more knowledge and provides better English speaking environment. I suppose all of these trained my boy quite well and he has a few offers from different primary schools and finally he is going to SFA P1 this Sept.
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