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高主教小學 vs 港大同學會小學 邊間好 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 11-7-10 12:58 |顯示全部帖子
May I ask if HKUGA has any support to gifted children?  For example, for children who are advanced in Maths, would the school provide corresponding teaching arrangement?

How strict is the school towards student behaviour / discipline?  Any room they provide to active / energetic students?

For RC, I heard that they have quite much "repetitive copying / writing" type of assigments.  Could any RC parents comment?

Thanks a lot for sharing!

Rank: 2

發表於 11-7-12 21:46 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 11-7-11 12:10 發表
港同有提供有限度既gifted programme(我唔講大話, 有就係有, 不過真係唔會好似部分直資咁豐富)
數學去到高年班會分流教, 將4班分5組, 最叻同最唔叻果2班會較少人(10幾個), 等老師可以睇住黎教, 而"高b班"會較多高階 ...


Thank you so much for your sharing!!  It’s really inspiring!!

My son is at K2 now and is going to apply for primary schools later on.  He’s ok in learning, creative, curious but sometimes too active in behaviour.  He learns new things quickly, but easily gets bored with repetitive work (e.g. copying / writing / repeated calculations).  After he gets familiar with given writings / calculations, he would become reluctant to continue the same repetitive job and we need to try a lot of methods to make him proceeds.

I had been interested in RC.  But I got hesitation when I heard RC has a lot of repetitive writing
assignments.  I’m not only concerned if my kid would lose interest in doing assignments, but also afraid he might be labelled by the school as a naughty student in which case his psychological development may be risked.  So I think I have to asceertain carefully which kind of schools and which specific school would match him well.  I always know HKUGA is a very good school.  After reading your sharing, I've learnt much more about HKUGA!!  It seems that the school would allow more room for students' behaviour and has measures to control such behaviour without hurting students' feelings.  Perhaps, this is a measure of 'positive reinforcement'?.  I really like this concept!  For sure, I will help my kid apply for HKUGA!!

It's so nice to learn that there is school which could kindly understand and accept the non-regular behaviour of my kid.  Thanks God and Charlotte_mom!!

May God let all our kids have the best developments.

[ 本帖最後由 Sunnyland 於 11-7-12 21:50 編輯 ]
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