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乙醯肉鹼和蘋果提醇 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-9-24 00:38 |顯示全部帖子
Dear parents,

Very very important!
Please be extremely careful about medication u assigne dto yr kid.
There are steps you need to follow before taking medication.
Please do not just listen to a pharmarcist's advice ( i guess u might know whom I am talking to)
Most medical pro knows Acetyl -L-Carnitine & pectin are nutrients for the brain nerve. U might even found in internet. Please at least follow the doc's advice in the very beginning, coz the side effect could be very significant. Worst case could lead to a regression for the kid's situation.
Giving additional nutrition to the brain nerve should come after the cleaning up of the brain infection and damage. By then, clearing the bacteria/virus from the brain, by then detoxication. And then adding additional nutirtion and stimulus and so on.
If you are adjusting the level of medicine or supplement after long consultation from doc or expert. Of course, u dont need to listen to my passage. However, please let me know if u want to know what steps u need to follow. Otheriwse, it is dangerous just giving extra supplement without a minimum consultation.
Let me give u an example. If your brain has an infection over a sector, your extra nutrients will also burden the sector's recovery since its primary work now is reconstruct the infected area, but not any extra workload. Extra nutrition could have no use. By then, these extra nutrients will divert to some other sector which might already be overgrown. The effect could then come to more serious over certain development disorder.
Again, pm me but written yr kid situation and medication history if u want to know my advice

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-24 01:01 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Concoma,

That's gd and eased my worry.
At least u have followed doc's procedure in the beginning which is very important.
I knew that each doc (there are about 4-5 doc doing BMT in HK) has different approach. But  at least, I heard from parents the framework is similar. Some might stress on injecting B12, some might use selenium (mercury detoxication). But at least, the basic steps are taken.

When did u start the medication. How's yr kid's situation after medication since now.

I tell u I just cut the medication from my kid half yr ago mainly the finance burden is too high and he has already worked extremely well though some area like attention could have room to improve. I am a bit lucky since i start the medication very early since 2 and I could cut it now without much effect.
原帖由 conconma 於 11-9-24 00:46 發表
Dear LPYdad1

But i did consult the doctor...since i m not professional in this field, i really have no idea, i just did the research and read the journals of those supplements, finally, i can only co ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-24 01:15 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Conconma,

No worry.
I am not a doc nor a pro.
Just a parent like u.

原帖由 conconma 於 11-9-24 01:12 發表
well...he has heavy metal overloading, thus he used to take chelation once per month...he seems much better in general when compare to 1 year b/4...

hey...yr identity is mysterious...i m so curious . ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-30 23:58 |顯示全部帖子

回復 1# ikebukuro 的帖子

These are explanable, but talked during the HK island gathering since there are merchants over the products, ok?
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