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教育王國 討論區 保良局蔡繼有學校 Siblings 在CKY和傳統學校的分别
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Siblings 在CKY和傳統學校的分别 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 13-7-19 11:47 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 sschiu 於 13-7-19 16:21 編輯
lewis5 發表於 13-7-19 00:04
回復 sasa1202 的帖子

It is because we, as parents, are exhausted with the school's pace - too much  ...

lewis5: It is very wrong to think that CKY is a place for escape from the traditional school pressure you are experiencing now! Actually you may be even MORE frustrated with CKY's style of teaching if you are already used to the traditional style. While in your daughter's school they will give you full details of curriculum structure (at least from the textbooks) and full guidelines of expectations (as in my girl's school, pages of rules to tell you how marks will be deducted in dictations, e.g. the letter "a" is "taller" than the blue line, commas cannot be too long, etc). At CKY, they only give you a high-level objective of the unit's learning (e.g. about "inventions" at Y6, for example) and then give students reading materials and worksheets around that topic. Occasionally there were grammar notes and exercises and then some quizzes to "test" their understanding. However, quizzes were not announced beforehand and they would not have revised (or learnt) to prepare for them. Some parents prefer this style because there will not be any pressure in helping children to excel in the quizzes. There is also no need to compare with other classmates and aim for higher scores next time. I think some parents like this kind of teaching style which is in between traditional and international schools. For those who monitor more closely may step in more to support the child (e.g. with extra tuitions), for those who are more care-free will be most happy when they see the brilliant booklets and posters the child created but may be horrified when one day they found that the child's ICAS scores has dropped suddenly! The question is, can you let go of being able to control / monitor your daughter's progress, and to know exactly what she is going to learn, in return for less pressure?

I think there are pros and cons for both traditional and CKY style schools. For your case I will also consider the chance of going on to a good secondary secondary. (How is the banding of your daughter's school right now? What is the chance of getting into a good band 1 secondary school, etc?) You may also want to consider if you want to take DSE? If you choose CKY your daughter will be taking international exams at the end. Also, will you send your daughter abroad for university? If not, probably staying with a GOOD traditional school may be more guaranteeing!

Just my two cents. Hope can help a bit. You may also see this thread for a reference:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-7-19 19:58 |只看該作者
回復 lewis5 的帖子

lewis5: you asked about assessments at CKY. When my son was in primary, the teachers told parents that there is no need to help them study, and worksheets and workbooks were not allowed to bring home for revision (a few occasions for my case). In fact even if my son had brought his worksheets home, I would not have known how to help him study since there was no textbooks at all! I think the school really wanted children and parents not to have any pressure in tests and assessments, as this is the ideal of Principal Lau. They wanted to know how children have been learning in daily classroom. For children who were not able to do well in the assessments, they will be recommended to attend after-school intensive classes. My son had attended the Chinese ICC and it really helped him improve. I am sure you know how different it is in traditional schools about exams and tests and there is no need for me to compare here.

I have to emphasise that this was the case several years ago and I really do not know if they are handling assessments differently in primary now.

Rank: 2

發表於 13-7-19 21:50 |只看該作者
sschiu and ckwliu : Thank you for your very clear explanation!  You are indeed very helpful CKY parents.  Actually, we don't mind "project type" of HW which we can find the time to do research together during the week.   Just can't stand the every day HW load since we've to be available every single night.  I suppose teachers will also guide them on how to do the projects (not totally rely on parents), right?  

Our expectation is : what she learns is not too far away from traditional school afterall, but in a more interesting and interactive way, and she's competitive in the international public exams like IGCSE and IB.

Rank: 2

發表於 13-7-19 21:53 |只看該作者
continue... of course, we do wish that her English and Putonghua spoken and written skills are much better than in local school, in which they are not taught by native speakers.

發表於 13-7-19 22:24 |只看該作者

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發表於 13-7-19 22:55 |只看該作者

回覆:Siblings 在CKY和傳統學校的分别


發表於 13-7-20 02:08 |只看該作者

回覆:kyliema2006 的帖子

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發表於 13-7-20 08:27 |只看該作者


原帖由 kyliema2006 於 13-07-19 發表
看來ckwliu對學校頗為不滿。我在蔡繼有所見的孩子,有些越來越強,亦有些賣老本的學生,對中學係被大市拋離 ...
Kyliema2006: 你的意思是,被大市拋離了的學生應要走是吧?不能自學自強的不適合...這是學校/劉校長/老師對教育的態度嗎?請你clarify ?(可是我們見到不少成績最好的能成功轉校啊!)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-7-20 09:51 |只看該作者


原帖由 sschiu 於 13-07-20 發表
Kyliema2006: 你的意思是,被大市拋離了的學生應要走是吧?不能自學自強的不適合...這是學校/劉校長/老師 ...
據我所知學校沒有因為學生成績勸退學生。成績好否主要取決於其自學能力及學習態度。小兒也將選科,igcse或者 ib 是否辦得好,我也會特別關注。若如你們所說學校是那麼不濟,我也會為孩子選擇更有經驗的學校。

ckwliu. 你要我慳d乜呢?點解要咁無禮貌呢?!我唔會話學校適合所有學生或者係家長。學校仍有不足。我對學校處理ib成績的手法也有不滿,不能只報喜不報憂。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-7-20 23:59 |只看該作者
回復 ckwliu 的帖子

No matter what is the reason, I'm surprised and very disappointed to know that CKY has parent who use "你慳啲啦" to comment somebody else :(

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-22 01:10 |只看該作者
非常多謝大家的意見,令我對CKY了解深咗,但我仍對CKY有一些問题想知,想知詢大家的寶貴的意见。小女讀根徳園幼稚园,一向接受開在老師教導下,遵守老师規舉下完成功课,而她本身在校內show and tell 的表现不是太理想,即唔會好presentable 又有點兒緊張,請問她如果讀CKY會不會成為迷失的一羣呢?
她现在有一間傳统幾好的學校收咗她,但那所學校是没有中學的,雖然間學校本身派位都有90%入band 1的中學,但由于我自己心儀一些傳统較出名的女校,故foresee到嚟緊6年都要比较努力,,才可以在6年後入到自己心儀的中學,以我自己觀察她的性格不是很內向,但屬觀察形,通常不太主動,會留意咗人地先去嘗試,所以真的很想聽下大家寳贵的意见,睇下應否選擇CKY,有勞大家。

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 13-7-22 10:47 |只看該作者

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Rank: 2

發表於 13-7-22 15:02 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Twinings 於 13-7-24 09:26 編輯

After my six years' CKY experience, I can't be so positive as other parents.  Turnover of teacher is a real issue, especially secondary.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-22 22:43 |只看該作者
Tx twinins for the sincere sharing.  Hope other senior forms parents can shed some lights to us as we'll. tx a lot

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-7-23 08:58 |只看該作者
如果要孩子不要迷失就要有人帶領他們,教他們有用的知識,用地圖和指南針找到方向,迷失時便要引領他們囘正確航道。我覺得這是老師應有的責任!在CKY六年,我見到有的老師做到了(阿仔也有幸遇過幾位),但也有些是令人失望的。我覺得學校真的要加強品質管理 (quality management),不能讓迷途的學生自生自滅。

發表於 13-7-23 10:42 |只看該作者
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發表於 13-7-23 11:14 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Twinings 於 13-7-24 09:25 編輯

xxxxx xxxxx

Rank: 4

發表於 13-7-23 11:52 |只看該作者
回復 sschiu 的帖子

你的分享很客觀及詳盡!我的女兒現在21個月,今年11月會讀GREENFIELD的PN,另外她有YORK k1 OFFER。她比較活潑,不過有點慢熱,在這階段還是很難確定是怎樣的性格。在教育方面,我對她的期望除了有學識外,還要懂得思考及分析,CYK似乎是我杯茶,最重要是學費比同類學校低。如果我以CKY為目標,K1應該如何選擇?有GREENFIELD及YORK為BACKUP,我還會報其他K1,哪些幼稚園比較適合?是英普的較好?哪些幼稚園上CKY的機會比較高?另外,CKY是否只能出國讀大學,上本地大學容易嗎?
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