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樓主: hellokids

IGCSE [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-8-31 11:14 |只看該作者
In this day and age, people may live to 80 or more years, so being ahead of fellow classmates for one year in the context of an entire lifetime is trivial to say the least :)

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 15-8-31 11:20 |只看該作者
hellokids 發表於 15-8-31 10:58
Thanks all for your contribution to the topic! More is welcome😊
What exactly are your concerns or queries?

Rank: 4

發表於 15-8-31 12:48 |只看該作者
回覆 nintendo 的帖子

My understanding was IGCSE exam is taken at F.5 / grade 11 and wondered why there're students taking such exam on some subjects at F4 / Grade 10. Also, what benefits would there be in taking that exam in advance of the normal age. Some parents have already provided some very useful info in their earlier replies (including you). Of course more comments / thoughts are welcome if some reading this topic found that we missed something in the discussion or they'd like to share some more insight or cases relating to taking such exam earlier.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 15-8-31 13:24 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 nintendo 於 15-8-31 13:35 編輯
hellokids 發表於 15-8-31 12:48
回覆 nintendo 的帖子

My understanding was IGCSE exam is taken at F.5 / grade 11 and wondered why th ...

Like I said, Year 11 is F4. So it is fine to take it in F4 if you are in local school.
Note that the system in the UK is not the same as in HK.

HK F4 = UK Year 11 = US Grade 10

Would this make more sense to you now?


hellokids  Thx:)  發表於 15-8-31 22:06

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-8-31 13:38 |只看該作者
hellokids 發表於 15-8-31 12:48
Also, what benefits would there be in taking that exam in advance of the normal age ...
The benefit is, assuming the student passes, there will be one less exam to sit for in the following year so the load will be lightened, but in reality the school generally expects the student to take on an extra subject (I did Additional Maths) to fully utilize the time.

Like I said in my previous post, that tiny bit of edge gained at that age hardly makes any difference.in the context of a lifetime :)

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-8-31 18:54 |只看該作者
My girl took IGCSE Chinese (super easy) at grade 9 instead of grade 11.   At grade 10 she took AS and she will take A2 at grade 11.  

I heard that nobody cares if a Hongkonger took A Level Chinese but that's her school's arrangement.

She took a foreign language at grade 10 too (teacher insisted that she's capable though I was not particularly convinced).  Her school will arrange another public exam at grade 11 so there's no "savings" in terms of revision time.

However, I must admit that it's good to give her a taste of public exam especially because she had no school exam until the last semester of grade 10 (which was a total disaster as she did not know how to deal with two weeks' exam).

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 15-8-31 19:46 |只看該作者


原帖由 Chole 於 15-08-31 發表
My girl took IGCSE Chinese (super easy) at grade 9 instead of grade 11.   At grade 10 she took AS an ...
My girl's school is also like this and definitely will not save time. The school is concerned about posting appropriately challenging curriculum for the students at all times, no time saving or early head start of IBDP.

The more bizzare a thing is, the less mysterious it proves to be.

Rank: 4

發表於 15-8-31 22:32 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 hellokids 於 15-8-31 22:34 編輯

Too bad...thought that pressure would be lighten at the normal IGCSE exam year if some subjects have been done a year earlier:(
Thanks all for your valuable sharings😊
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