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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Top Schools
樓主: chifam

Top Schools [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-8-27 23:28 |只看該作者

回覆:Top Schools

其實用consultant唔代表家長not care,0involvement。

Consultant作用是shortlisting, 之後多數家長會深入了解shortlist 咗的學校先決定。

我冇用agent, 但比著我會咁用,唔使講到用agent就唔care子女吧!


jolalee  agree!  發表於 16-8-30 03:28

Rank: 4

發表於 16-9-1 01:59 |只看該作者
找學校還是要親力親為的,多了解,多看,多參與,香港就那麼小,找IS還要school consultant?不如你找我吧,會給你更中立的意見。 家長如果真的因為忙而找consultant,應該不會看到這個thread,還會回應吧。教育是一個大學問,不要以為俾左錢就得到好的,力不到不為財,教育亦然。

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 16-9-1 07:54 |只看該作者

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 16-9-1 08:49 |只看該作者


原帖由 Jane1983 於 16-09-01 發表
幾年前,有聽過有外國護照的大陸朋友,搵agent幫兩個小朋友安排去英國讀寄宿學校,費用50萬。唔熟行情,不 ...


Jane1983  咁又係  發表於 16-9-1 09:49

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 16-9-1 18:50 |只看該作者
hackhack 發表於 16-9-1 01:59

Hey. Do not poke the balloon.
Yep, these busy parents did not have time to search for a school, yet have the time come to EK.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 16-9-1 18:52 |只看該作者
Jane1983 發表於 16-9-1 07:54
幾年前,有聽過有外國護照的大陸朋友,搵agent幫兩個小朋友安排去英國讀寄宿學校,費用50萬。唔熟行情,不 ...

Well, because they are not familiar with that place.
Many people pay agents to find or apply schools overseas.
I think that is fine.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 16-9-1 23:35 |只看該作者
hackhack 發表於 16-9-1 01:59
家長如果真的因為忙而找consultant,應該不會看到這個thread,還會回應吧。 ...
It's true, the friend that I mentioned before, who used the consultancy service to find the spots for his sons, indeed never used EK. He said he never heard of it. If he paid some attention, I think he would not pay extra for his younger son to get into IS, since his elder son is in ESF kinder already and the younger son should enjoy sibling priority automatically. He also told me his friend's son has used the same service and got into Harrows. But I think you applied early enough and passed the interview then buy the debentures will get in isn't it? I really wonder in what way could they provide extra help.

Rank: 4

發表於 16-9-2 03:39 |只看該作者

回覆:hackhack 的帖子

Oh get real!
You really think EK can help with "real international school search"? This place is predominantly about ESF schools ( and ESF schools of Kowloon, NT or at most QBS) and other Kowloon and NT so called international schools. There have been some questions about some of those more reputable international schools the old money families favour, but not much response given here. Even if you ask about ESF schools such as Bradbury, Glenealy or the Peak School, how much response do you actually get? Or how much real help do you get?
Even info about different debenture, capital notes, nomination rights are sometimes misleading.

Well, if you are really serous about getting into the real international schools, and have some money to spend, you should not really expect something useful here and very often if you really trust the info here, you would even be misled. No offend to some loyal fans here. Fairly speaking, I think if you are looking for info of the Kowloon and NT EFS schools, or those international schools with mostly local families, then I guess you do get a lot from here.

If you really know this place well and know what Top Schools can help, you will know the reasons why some people are willing to pay for the service eventually.

Yes, the Top school clients would still see this thread, why not? Many who thought this place could help but after a few walks in this place and decided to send money to Ruth eventually. They may still come back here once in a while for entertaining reads. The thread title caught their eyeballs as they would also like to 8 about what people here say about the service they used.

Top school never promises successful admission. If you are expecting for a guaranteed admission to schools like CIS, German S, ISF, or HKIS....by paying 40K to the agent, you obviously do not know how money in HK is spent. Get real! A guaranteed of interview chance at ESF schools already costs you 500K HK$ (400K for its PIS).

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-9-2 09:25 |只看該作者

引用:Oh+get+real!+ You+really+think+EK+can+he

原帖由 beekay 於 16-09-02 發表
Oh get real!
You really think EK can help with "real international school search"? This place is pr ...
Agree that most parents here are local middle class families who can afford to live  in NT, Kowloon or Eastern side of Hk Island.

For real international schools with many expatriate families (at least in primary and lower secondary), those on my list are HKIS, GSIS, AISHK, CDNIS, some ESF schools on HK Island, Kellet, Harrow, each following the curriculum of a particular country.

We see many threads in EK on RC, CAIS, ESF schools in NT and Kowloon, ISF, Kingston, Think, KCIS, CIS (I doubt how many expatriates they have), etc.  Those are dominated by local families with or without foreign passports.

Rank: 1

發表於 16-9-2 11:27 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 lameloiseFR 於 16-9-2 13:59 編輯

回覆 beekay 的帖子

well put (but i do believe that lots of parents here can afford to go to real international schools but probably choose not to).  thanks so much, and hence I put my money to TopSchool.

Rank: 1

發表於 16-9-2 11:30 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 lameloiseFR 於 16-9-2 14:00 編輯

回覆 hkparent 的帖子

indeed, and the list that the consultants put together for me, do include all those traditional international schools (for applying their kindergarten/primary school sections).  

PS. I do believe that all walks of life do use EK, but just that some choose to be silent for most cases and some choose to read with full faith particularly when it comes to school info while some do form their own views.  To be honest, I see lots of parents use the term "good" in describing certain schools in here.  However, what do we mean by good? Good for one family may not be that for another family.  When views are presented by parents, most of the cases, there are emotions attached to them.  With a consultant, normally views are more neutral.

Rank: 1

發表於 16-9-2 12:29 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 lameloiseFR 於 16-9-2 12:31 編輯
964000 發表於 16-9-1 08:49


yes, they probably have earned decent amount of money.  To be fair, some of them do speak English very proficiently, and even better than lots of the locals here.  Even I spent more than 10 years abroad, I sometimes do find my English appalling when I work with my counterparts in Shanghai/Beijing/southern part of China.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-9-2 13:07 |只看該作者
Is EK going to put an end to this topic?
I thought EK does not allowed company names or personal names to be mentioned?
Or has EK accepted advertising fees from this company?

Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20


發表於 16-9-2 17:54 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3


發表於 16-9-4 01:10 |只看該作者
Based on my observation, they're mainly for expat family moving to hk in a short period of time. They always give advice to parents in fb group, even if they clearly don't need professional consultancy service.

Rank: 3Rank: 3


發表於 16-9-4 01:19 |只看該作者
beekay 發表於 16-9-2 03:39
Oh get real!
You really think EK can help with "real international school search"? This place is pr ...
Agree. The fb group runs by Ruth (Hong Kong Schools) is much more informative than here and way more expat families who are from many different big and small IS in hk. So much more effective to get opinion about a school.
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