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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 ucas 選校策略
樓主: yoyo2103

ucas 選校策略   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-17 00:47 |只看該作者
回覆 katrinayinwing 的帖子

Yes, ICL preferred Mechanics 1 and 2, so not taking M2 weakens your daugther's chance to get admitted.

Your daughter's results are very impressive, so it is O.K. to be a bit aggressive. Taking out ICL from your list, Bath is the best option. An alternative is Southampton. Both are top tier universities in engineering, and competition for admission is very keen, at least A*AA. For Bath, Maths at least A, while Southampton requires Maths A* and one science subject A. In view of entry requirements, Bath is slightly more linient. However, in terms of reputaton, Southampton is a bit better. It won't be wrong to pick one of them to be your daugther's first choice. Of course, to be more aggressive, take both.

Birmingham is OK, but in my personal opinion, I will pick Manchester or Nottingham which are of the same ranking, top uni 2nd tier, and same requirements (all 3 unis require AAB in 3 AL subjects including Mahts and one science subject; Nottingham being more demanding, requires A in Maths). The reason is Manchester and Nottingham are more prestigious and renowned than Birmingham in engineering, especially if you daughter considers coming back to work in HK or Asia. Nonetheless, all three are good insurance.

Leeds is an appropriate choice of top uni 2nd tier, requires AAA for civil engineering. However, I will recommend Sheffield for your consideration. The latter also requires AAA, but it is the top 10 in UK in engineering. Personally, I prefer picking Sheffield instead.

UCL is a very famous university in UK, but not so good in civil engineering. So I myself won't put it in my list. Alternatively, consider Exeter and Bristol if you cannot pick 5 from the above suggestions.

Competition for BEng at HKU via non-JUPAS will be very keen as BEng is a very popular program among HK science students. Having said that, in view of her results, your daughter still got a chance. But be prepared HKU may give a very demanding conditional offer of A*A*A.

Hope the above can help!

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 16-10-17 07:04 |只看該作者
HHHR 發表於 16-10-17 00:47
回覆 katrinayinwing 的帖子

Yes, ICL preferred Mechanics 1 and 2, so not taking M2 weakens your daug ...
May I know why Maths is more important than Phy for engineering course? Seems not all students know the advantage to take Further maths for their A level, so they become less competitive when choosing Uni , right? But why some Uni doesn't have this requirement? What's make the difference pls? Are they 2nd tier uni mainly?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-17 10:16 |只看該作者
May I have suggestion for physiotherapy course ? How should I pick the universities ? the predicted grade for my son for the 3 electives are 5,5,4.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-10-17 11:39 |只看該作者
回覆 MsSleepy 的帖子

Liverpool is just fine. Another university may worth a consideration is Oxford Brookes. Lots of students who failed UCL would like to go there. They think they have similar characteristic in teaching.

Rank: 4

發表於 16-10-17 15:16 |只看該作者
HHHR 發表於 16-10-11 00:14
回覆 jitjitma 的帖子

多謝ivanissue嘅提醒,UCL Economics同Management Science要求M2,所以jitjitma可把 ...


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-10-17 16:59 |只看該作者
jitjitma 發表於 16-10-17 15:16
HHHR,謝謝你提醒UCL要M2,我仔是沒有機會的了,那麼LSE可否作為他策略中的「嘗試」,他現在好像已選定要 ...

阿仔返咗,想趁呢兩個禮拜同佢商量選定大學course, 但佢全無頭緒,有點無從入手,大家可以比tips 嘛?
佢而家Lower six 讀緊math, further math, chemistry, physics 同history. 暫時幾科成績好平均。佢自細數理底,所以本來以為多數揀pure science 或engineering. 但佢而家又好鍾意history. 會主動做extended reading。我一向主張first bachelor degree 應該以興趣行先,所以覺得佢可考慮大學讀history or related subject. 大家點睇?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-17 17:00 |只看該作者
回覆 mummy911 的帖子

Yes, GCE AL Maths has been a basic requirement in many programs offered by top UK unis. Not only limited to Science and Engineering, even Law also gives preference to  AL Maths. Please note that we are talking about Maths, and not Further Maths.

Top unis consider GCE AL Maths a strong subject because they view Maths as the mother of science and logic. Students good at Maths are in general strong in logical thinking and analysis, which is treasured by many popular subject departments like Law, Engineering, Economics, and so on. In addition, GCE AL Maths emphasizes application of Maths concepts into real life situation. The ability to transfer and apply knowledge into different life contexts is an essential quality many top unis are looking for in their potential applicants.

It is common for top unis to be more demanding and specific on entry requirements.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-17 18:25 |只看該作者
回覆 jitjitma 的帖子

你囝囝預計HKDSE 5554 / 554 ,要入英國Top Tier大學讀Account and Finance會有D難度,不過用UCAS 5個選擇其中一個放手一搏亦無不可。


Leeds 同 Strathclyde 嘅A&F係英國本土極出名,名列各大排名榜首5位,但英國以外知名度不大高,如果囝囝考慮回港或在亞洲其他地方工作/執業,要小心考慮清楚。不過話得說回頭,如果考到專業牌照,呢個就唔係問題。

最後都係建議知名度高及位列10大嘅 Bath 同 Warwick,不過入學競爭都厲害,其中尤以 Bath 為甚,要求有選修一科 Social Science,仲要最好係包含substantive essay components。我唔知 HKDSE Econ 算唔算包含substantive essay components,因此為安全計我會選 Warwick。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-10-17 22:08 |只看該作者
Ruby1219 發表於 16-10-17 16:59
阿仔返咗,想趁呢兩個禮拜同佢商量選定大學course, 但佢全無頭緒,有點無從入手,大家可以比tips 嘛?
佢 ...

HHHR, 可給我一些寶貴建議嗎?thanks !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-18 01:28 |只看該作者
回覆 Ruby1219 的帖子

同意你嘅諗法,讀First degree興趣是十分重要的考慮,不過亦都需要同時清楚個人能力。小朋友係呢個時候仍未清楚自己想點係常見現象,可以請囝囝同學校老師傾吓,特別係同佢相熟有教佢嘅老師,以及House Master、Academic Tutor 同 Career Teacher,聽聽佢地嘅意見。如果有需要可考慮找教育顧問公司做學能性向分析,我囝囝讀中六時學校有介紹,我有俾錢幫囝囝做分析,報告都幾詳細同專業,對我囝囝大學選科都有幫助。你可以叫囝囝問學校有無提供。



Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-10-18 08:52 |只看該作者
HHHR 發表於 16-10-18 01:28
回覆 Ruby1219 的帖子

同意你嘅諗法,讀First degree興趣是十分重要的考慮,不過亦都需要同時清楚個人能力 ...

其實阿仔舊學年中五時已做career test, 得出結果是非常math and science oriented,Reasoning and math skills are very outstanding. 而且佢係要用腦丶著重理論多過落手落腳做trial and error.  Suggested subjects/careers are math, chemistry, physics, engineering, actuary, statistics, i bank etc. 完全冇提到history, 不過唔知係咪冇history or history related subject as 職業?

我都有諗過叫佢問老師,不過唔知科目老師會否有「私心」叫學生讀佢嗰科?所以諗緊叫佢問house master / tutor, maybe director of studies? 不過呢d老師應該只可以佢表面成績定奪,因為佢哋冇教阿仔。不過阿仔幾科成績都好平均.....

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-10-18 08:52 |只看該作者
HHHR 發表於 16-10-18 01:28
回覆 Ruby1219 的帖子

同意你嘅諗法,讀First degree興趣是十分重要的考慮,不過亦都需要同時清楚個人能力 ...

我亦有考慮你所講history 會否特別難考嘅問題,尤其佢目標係考top U. 佢仲要不嬲英文成績較差,GCSE Eng Lang 攞A (Eng Lit and History - A*), 而Alevel 佢冇讀English, 除History 外全部讀Science subjects (double math, chem, phy). 唔知有無問題?

阿仔自己都認為first degree 應以興趣行先,佢多數會繼續讀落去,second degree or master... 但其實佢對其他科目如chem, math, phy 都有興趣(只係而家對history 興趣最大)。佢而家參加咗學校的physics challenge, 用physics formula set 密碼做個㚒萬比對手破解,同時要破解對方的密碼,佢亦做得好開心。

我哋計劃咗二月mid term break 時去英國陪佢參觀佢UCAS 會報嘅大學,要計劃行程,佢若target top U 亦應開始準備,所以想叫佢快d開始research 同決定學科,先可制定UCAS 會報邊幾間大學,correct ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-19 01:06 |只看該作者
回覆 Ruby1219 的帖子

你的計劃OK,不過亦無需過份心急。其實好多人都係Year12升Year13嘅暑假先決定到自己想讀嘅學科同大學,有D嘢係急唔嚟。建議如果2月囝囝仲未揀定,可去一間campus university (例如Nottingham、Warwick) 同一間city university (例如KCL)感受一下兩類大學校園的氣氛,睇吓囝囝鍾意邊種。由於要係果度長住3年,如果唔鍾意會好辛苦。

另外如果英文程度唔太出色,就真係要認真考慮是否報讀History。不單需考慮能否考入,還需要考慮入到top uni讀History會否因為語文能力跟唔上。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-10-19 09:59 |只看該作者
HHHR 發表於 16-10-19 01:06
回覆 Ruby1219 的帖子

你的計劃OK,不過亦無需過份心急。其實好多人都係Year12升Year13嘅暑假先決定到自己 ...

Thanks for your valuable comments and advice. Yes I also worry about his English not upto the standard for studying history in top U. He is native in English but writing skill is another thing.

He had browsed the history courses in Cambridge website and reckoned that he won't study history for university. He said too much essays to write and part of the syllabus not interesting to him.

So now I told him to start looking at the engineering courses of Cambridge and Imperial to get an idea what the different streams of engineering are about.

Rank: 4

發表於 16-10-19 12:32 |只看該作者
HHHR 發表於 16-10-17 18:25
回覆 jitjitma 的帖子

你囝囝預計HKDSE 5554 / 554 ,要入英國Top Tier大學讀Account and Finance會有D難 ...

HHHR, 我睇緊warwick 既 a&f entry requirement,見到有一段叫做 essential subjects :

To include Mathematics or Further Mathematics. At least one humanities/social science subject (taught in English) at A Level is preferred for overseas applicants. Maths-related subjects such as Statistics, Economics, Accounting, and Finance etc. do not meet the Mathematics requirement for this course.

To include 5 in Higher Level Mathematics. At least one humanities/social science subject (taught in English) at Higher Level is preferred for overseas applicants.

我唔係好明!我仔DSE take Econ, physics and M1,咁即係meet 唔到Warwick 既 human/social science subject requirement? 即係報唔到Warwick?


武航  Econ is one of the social science subject  發表於 16-10-19 12:58

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 16-10-19 17:29 |只看該作者
Natronma 發表於 16-10-14 17:20
問問大家, physiotherapy 應如何選擇?我諗住同亞女報KCL, Birmingham, Nottingham, Southampton, East Engl ...
幾年前跟女兒報過ucas physio, 希望資訊不會太out.

KCL - 你要預過去Interview, 佢當日同知我地 interview 要我地5日後到英, 考緊試去唔到, 我們要求Skype interview=> 結果音訊全無

Nottingham + Southampton - 當年根本無位比外地生(我點知? 下回分解), 網頁都無講, 白白浪費了2個名額

East Anglia - 我地無報, 但有interview, (奇怪嗎?)

當年報左之後發現有間本地agency 賣晒報紙做升學展, 我地報既5間有3間有專人過來, 包括 Southampton, Nottingham, Coventry , 我地無報既EA 都有人過來. 過來的人雖不是physio 的收生專員但也有點份量的

Southampton 的人in 完我女, 不過好快話nhs 無位實習, 想收都無用, Nottingham 一樣, 果區當年根本無位實習都費事in. Conventry in 左有offer了, EA我地無報都In 左, 個專員似乎好like 小女, 話如果不幸ucas五個位全軍覆沒, ucas 係有機制比第6個choice, 到時可直接contact 佢.

所以我覺得physio 可找個agency 搭搭路問實間u 果區夠竟有無位比實習, 無就無謂浪費d位.


Rank: 1

發表於 16-10-19 18:08 |只看該作者
Dear All,

If my son is interest in Chemical Engineering area subjects and his predicted grade on DSE is
Eng 5**
Chi 5*
Math 5**
LS 5
Phy 5**
Chem 5*
Bio 5*

Which 5 Universities he should choose then.

Thank you very much for your suggestion first.


武航  What an impressive grade.  Oxbridge la  發表於 16-10-19 20:08

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 16-10-19 19:16 |只看該作者
武航 發表於 16-10-19 17:29
幾年前跟女兒報過ucas physio, 希望資訊不會太out.

KCL - 你要預過去Interview, 佢當日同知我地 intervie ...
請問你女兒最後是否入讀physiotherapy, 如是, 可否分享那一間?


武航  當年英physio 是安全網的安全網,感恩最後不需張開,最後留港讀書  發表於 16-10-19 20:12
武航  當年英physio 是安全網的安全網,感恩最後不需張開,最後…留港讀書  發表於 16-10-19 20:12

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-20 00:46 |只看該作者
回覆 jitjitma 的帖子

Economics係Social Science subject,所以照睇入學要求你囝囝係合資格報讀。不過英國大學好多只當佢係"soft subject",所以最好send mail去問清楚。

Rank: 1

發表於 16-10-20 08:52 |只看該作者
回覆 JMR 的帖子


I got advice from his secondary school that only the top 5 students in current S6 have the chance to Oxbridge, also I think the school have over predict his DSE result.  BioChem is also considering.

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