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教育王國 討論區 公開考試 第十屆普帥會比賽
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第十屆普帥會比賽 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-28 23:18 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Are the contestants have high quality putonghua speech than the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival?  It seems that most contestants have very good quality putonghua speech..

Also, they are quite messy in terms of arrangement for the final round...

Any mothers have other comments...
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-31 09:51 |只看該作者
Too bad!和"校際朗誦協會"比賽無得比,校際係全港中小學都會參加,幾十年歷史,有規模,嘩!唔係攞佢同呢個甘架普X會比呀?

原帖由 Monghar 於 10-5-28 23:18 發表
Are the contestants have high quality putonghua speech than the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival?  It seems that most contestants have very good quality putonghua speech..

Also, they are quite messy ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-31 10:13 |只看該作者
原帖由 Monghar 於 10-5-28 23:18 發表
Are the contestants have high quality putonghua speech than the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival?  It seems that most contestants have very good quality putonghua speech..

Also, they are quite messy ...

不知所謂的比賽, 不是參賽者問題, 是那個會的做法很有問題, 貼錢受氣, 唔使錢我都唔會再參加, 你自己睇睇啦


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-1 09:42 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-2 14:43 |只看該作者
普 x 會真係垃圾垃圾, 我今日一肚氣, 借個位呻下, 話說我仔21號比賽完, 即場已知名次, 但無獎頒, 要等通知去領獎, 比賽不公平已一肚氣, 後來佢通知我 30號去領獎, 但對於賽果不公平, 我不想出席頒獎, 所以無去到, 但頒獎前已問得好清楚佢地如果唔前來領獎, 個獎杯會點處理, 佢話會 sned 返去佢地中心度, 家長可以 anytime 去拎返, 咁 ok 啦, 點之我1/6打去佢話去拎, 佢又話落晒倉, 要點晒倉先再個別通知去拎返喎, 又話未刻好名, 真係好難接受呢個解釋囉, 30號又叫人去領獎, 但依家又話未刻好名, 咁叫人去頒咩呀? 頒手指呀, 真係極之亂龍囉, 後來又同佢拗左一輪, 先知原來佢地搞錯左, 又同我講可以去拎獎啦, 又話係 anytime 可以去, 仲係電話同我對晒資料, 我同佢講我今日會去拎返晒 d 獎杯, 佢話無問題架, 點之, 剛才 lunch 去到, 佢居然話無呀, send 晒落倉, 依家搵唔到, 又話未刻完名, 我即時火都o黎埋, 我話我返緊工, 又未食飯, 外邊又落大雨, 我係中環特登過去九龍塘拎, o黎到你同我講無? 我昨日係電話度同你地傾左, 你話有我先來架 ma, 佢話:你話學校趕住, 咁咪比左獎狀你先囉, 獎杯都係要等通知先有, 我差 d 想講粗口鬧佢, 我真係成肚氣成肚火囉, 未食飯都飽晒啦, 堂堂一個咁大間機構, 居然做野咁垃圾, 咁無程序, 仲有係言而無信, 我唔鬧爆佢我下唔到氣囉

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-2 17:50 |只看該作者
其實參加了多個不同機構的比賽, 普師已經是比較公平及結果可估計(有些真是估不到)不過太多人了,時間真是有over-run

Bobo 你30 號係唔係決賽呀, 要分組頭5名才有記會參加,好似我個仔咁都係現場取獎...無得去30
Daniel Cheng is my lovely boy.11/9/2005 is his brithdayWelcome to Daniel Cheng

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-2 23:18 |只看該作者
We receive the certificates only yesterday.  Also,.. during our final - they said they will send us the medals together with the certificate to us at once.  However, yesterday only a piece of paper.  As we are in primary groups, so we only have medals for finalists.. no different from other merit medals.  I do not see a distinguish from top 15 and top 5 finalists.  However, the kindergarten groups have better treatment by distributing the little trophy during their finals to those finalists.  We the primary students only have medals for finalists.  No trophy at all.  Unless you win something in the final to be the top 5 again.  
It is in a mess.. no one pick up their phone when I call to ask about the medals.  so.. it is real messy... they have been so messy for many years already.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-3 09:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 mrs_snoopy 於 10-6-2 17:50 發表
其實參加了多個不同機構的比賽, 普師已經是比較公平及結果可估計(有些真是估不到)不過太多人了,時間真是有over-run

Bobo 你30 號係唔係決賽呀, 要分組頭5名才有記會參加,好似我個仔咁都係現場取獎...無得去30 ...

我仔參加果 d 組別, 無決賽架, 因唔太多人參加, 之前初賽時已有結果公布晒架啦, 30號果日只係去參加頒獎禮架咋, 其實我都唔係好明, why 有 d 項目要有決賽, 有 d 係無o既, 或者係參賽人數多少來定啩, 總之就係一團糟加一團亂, 佢話點就係點架啦, 我都參加過唔少比賽, 講真, 普師同北大, 不公平同亂其實都出晒名架啦, 我個人 真係唔太認同普師會公平囉

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-3 09:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 Monghar 於 10-6-2 23:18 發表
We receive the certificates only yesterday.  Also,.. during our final - they said they will send us the medals together with the certificate to us at once.  However, yesterday only a piece of paper.   ...

其實我聽學校老師講, 負責呢個比賽o既工作人員其實不多o既, 所以好多野都安排得好亂, 電話無人聽都唔出奇, 不過我就好好彩, 打幾次去都有位姓陳o既小姐聽, 就係多得佢, 搞到我昨日兩頭撲囉, 下次同佢講野我要錄音

以我所知, 初賽係會揀頭5名入決賽, 另加幾名優異, 優異果 d 就即場頒個金牌o既, 而頭5名就未有獎拎, 會進入決賽先頒獎, 但有 d 組別比賽因為少人參加, 所以唔用決賽就可以分勝負啦, 我仔果 d 組別就係咁, 所以佢地通知左係30號決賽日下午頒獎比唔用決賽o既組別, 但既然你叫得人去領獎, 咁你就要一早搞好晒 d 獎杯啦, 如止頒一張証書, 咁不如唔好頒, 一係你就搞好晒刻晒名先叫人去頒獎, 呢 d 咪就係安排不當囉
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