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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 小朋友讀幼稚園全日好還是半日好呢?
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Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-13 18:25 |顯示全部帖子

發表於 10-6-13 21:25 |顯示全部帖子
I personally think that WD is good. Kids are more independent. THe other thing is I don't have to find extra curricular activites for them during weekdays. More convenient .. haha

My son starts going to WD in K1 as I'm afraid it's too small for him to start WD in N1.

原帖由 Lindamo 於 10-6-13 18:25 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-14 10:25 |顯示全部帖子
其實如果唔考慮有無人湊小朋友的問題, 幾時都係半日好啦, 返全日小朋友好多病痛架 ! 連我bb個間育嬰園 (全日制) 個校長都話半日制好, 親子時間其實係好緊要架, 更何況, 一日裡面, 其實只有半日係用黎教野, 另外個半日就係用黎sleeping & 玩玩具, 根本呢d野係屋企都可以provide比小朋友, 小朋友仲局限左要留在室內, 如果返半日的話, 起碼另外果半日, 媽咪都仲可以同小朋友出去呼吸新鮮空氣, 上d興趣班又得, 至於話全日制學習自理好d, 咁全香港半日制個d小朋友咪全部自理都慢過人?! 小朋友大大下, 見大人做得多, 慢慢學返黎o既o者, 呢個又點會係問題o丫

發表於 10-6-14 10:40 |顯示全部帖子
I agree that WD is good for working parent. If you're a housewife .. then probably no need to consider WD as you can prepare many activities for them.

For some school, pm is also for learning / doing project. Not just for playing and sleeping ge.

About self management skills, of cos it doesn't mean that if you're not doing WD, then the kids' self management skills must be bad / behind others. Just that WD kids have more chances to be "independent" as they won't rely on the maids / parents too much in things like having lunch etc.  Of course if your maid / the parents can train this at home then, its equally the same.

原帖由 9284 於 10-6-14 10:25 發表
其實如果唔考慮有無人湊小朋友的問題, 幾時都係半日好啦, 返全日小朋友好多病痛架 ! 連我bb個間育嬰園 (全日制) 個校長都話半日制好, 親子時間其實係好緊要架, 更何況, 一日裡面, 其實只有半日係用黎教野, 另外個半 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-14 10:56 |顯示全部帖子
除非3歲都仲係上 "親子班" 啦, 如果唔係出去學興趣班都係自己一個 或 一班小朋友, 都可train到獨立o既

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-14 12:04 |顯示全部帖子
For full-time mothers, half-day lesson is fine.  But for working mothers, especially those solely depend on maids looking after the kids, I think whole-day class is a good choice as well.
I know some KGs now will have various fun and creative activities for the whole-day class kids, not only just sleeping/playing toys.  Some even don't have nap time in the afternoon from K2 onwards.
So it just depends on what you need.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-14 13:14 |顯示全部帖子
其實真係好睇自己個小朋友嘅性格而決定 ~ 如果你小朋友係乖、喺屋企肯聽話聽教, 半日班都 okay ~ :)

我係full-time mom , 而且有個工人姐姐幫手;  今年囡囡讀半日班 N1 , 但出年我會安排佢讀全日班 K1 .... 事關佢對外人好合作、好妥協, 但佢喺屋企就咩都唔會聽, 自己話哂事, 一d 服從性都冇, 仲成日扭計 ... 佢絕對係一個老師講一句, 勝過我哋講十句嘅人 ~

而且我見佢上堂學到嘅嘢, 比屋企學到嘅多, 同埋見佢返學都好開心, 成日喺屋企唱歌... 再加上我想佢獨立d、自理能力高d、亦唔想半日課程咁緊湊(佢係慢熱嘅人).... 基於多種原因, 所以我選擇全日班 K1 俾佢 ~

你細心d 觀察吓你個小朋友性格、行為, 先再決定吖 ~ :)

[ 本帖最後由 MuiMuiQQ 於 10-6-14 13:20 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-14 14:04 |顯示全部帖子

相反我覺得係唸有無人湊,我後來請左工人都由佢讀全日,事關明顯佢既獨立性,規舉,社群生活都好左好多,生活時間好有規律,好懂事,所以我唸depends on你有無人湊同捨唔捨得 !

全日校同半日校都各有各好處,反而黎緊k1個女要轉另一間校係返半日我頭痛緊佢既生活方式好大改變 !

以上係我自己既個人意見咋,你可作參考一下 !

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-15 00:20 |顯示全部帖子
返半日可以比小朋友多D時間上 課外活動, 5知你地同 意嗎?: