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有冇小朋友同時學E.nopi Math and 珠心算? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-28 13:37 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
囝囝5歲上咗E.nopi 1年,而家Basic Level 12, Critial Level 8。加減數大致上冇問題,但就算2個加或減1個位都好慢。知道學珠心算會心算快d,如果同時學E.nopi Math and 珠心算可以嗎?
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-6-28 19:32 |只看該作者
我小朋友三歲﹐我都打算讓他先學Enopi math﹐再學珠心算。都正在想兩者能否同時學...

另外﹐請問BigBoyMaMa ﹐你滿意Enopi 的課程嗎?

原帖由 BigBoyMaMa 於 10-6-28 13:37 發表
囝囝5歲上咗E.nopi 1年,而家Basic Level 12, Critial Level 8。加減數大致上冇問題,但就算2個加或減1個位都好慢。知道學珠心算會心算快d,如果同時學E.nopi Math and 珠心算可以嗎? ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-6-29 02:15 |只看該作者
My girl has attended both of these courses since she was K2.  She is now a K3 student and I have stopped 珠心算three months ago and have stopped Enopi since June.  I think Enopi is better since it has the critical thinking part and the basic thinking part also has covered the simple maths for lower primary levels.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-29 10:43 |只看該作者
Thank you for your comment.  Did you daughter feel confuse when she was learning 2 math courses at the same time?

Actually I am very satified with E.nopi Math especially the "Critial Thinking" part.  He is K2 and learing 乘數now. However, when he calcualte 加減數,the speed is so slow.  When I saw some kids who are learning珠心算,the speed is very fast.  That's why I am thinging to my son 珠心算too.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-6-29 15:14 |只看該作者
oh, she didn't confuse abt the two maths.  But I think the advantage of learning 珠心is just calculating faster......... and I think if u have patient in training yr kid at home to do so, no need to attend an extra course for him/her to calculate in a faster way.  

My girl reached level 14 in Enopi and I decided to let her stop cos' as she is going to promote to P.1 this Sept, she needs more ex. on Chinese 應用題.   I think the most impt thing for maths is understanding the concept rather than the speed of calculating.  For P.1, only simple addition and subtraction skills are needed.  When I bought those P.1 ex. for her to do, she can manage well for those simple equation Qs.  But for those with words, she needs my help to explain the Qs for her sometimes, so I think the most impt to fix the kids is the 應用題skills...............

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-6-30 02:19 |只看該作者
Is she now doing any other math courses?

原帖由 cmchang0927 於 10-6-29 02:15 發表
My girl has attended both of these courses since she was K2.  She is now a K3 student and I have stopped 珠心算three months ago and have stopped Enopi since June.  I think Enopi is better since it has ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-6-30 02:22 |只看該作者
Thanks for your sharing. I am attracted to the Critical Thinking element of Enopi Math, too!

原帖由 BigBoyMaMa 於 10-6-29 10:43 發表
Thank you for your comment.  Did you daughter feel confuse when she was learning 2 math courses at the same time?

Actually I am very satified with E.nopi Math especially the "Cr ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-6-30 16:55 |只看該作者
She is not enrolled for any maths course at this moment, I decided to focus on training her skills of reading chinese maths this summer holiday.  I used the money to enrol her for primary one Eng and Chinese courses first.   I just think it's no point for her to be very familiar with multiplication and division without understanding the concept behind all those (she is familiar with the times table already, e.g. u ask her 8x9, she can answer u 72 straight away without thinking but she doesn't know when there are 9 oranges in a box, 8 boxes ll have 72 oranges...........)

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-30 19:36 |只看該作者
What about Kumon compared to Enopi? My friend told me that her son is attending Kumon and doing good. But it really depends on the tutor...
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