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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 你可以笑我是何不食肉糜,但…
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發表於 10-7-22 12:22 |顯示全部帖子

With a mediocre academic standing, Hong Kong students are still able to get into better universities overseas. It looks like that education planning for our children has more or less become a matter of financial planning.


[ 本帖最後由 uncleedward 於 10-7-22 19:45 編輯 ]

發表於 10-7-22 15:24 |顯示全部帖子
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-22 17:26 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 uncleedward 於 10-7-22 12:22 發表

大女兒原來中五同班同學到我家聚會,七嘴八舌談起AL放榜的事的情形。除却像女兒一樣已在大學讀書的十個八個外,轉到怛商莊啟程的都考得不錯,但留在原校的卻不少差強人意。這些都是意料之內,有點令人驚訝的是,相對留校升 ...





發表於 10-7-22 20:00 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 wunma 於 10-7-22 15:24 發表

你女兒是拔尖入大學的, 對嗎?

我的大曳人舊校情況和你女兒一樣, 留在原校的都考得不好. 到海外留學的, 雖說能入到很好的大學, 但並不開心, 始終是要離鄉別井, 很孤獨的過生活. 值得與否, 見仁見智.

大曳人說希 ...


Not considering the financial implications, 我主張到外國唸大學。離開父母,獨立生活,是大多數國家唸大學的自然選擇。大多是初初不慣,慢慢就要媽媽催促才肯回來。而且如今有Skype、MSN,日夕相對都仲得。

以我的經驗,Other things being equal,僱主是較喜歡聘請留學生,特別是國際性公司。我太太說找女婿也要個在外國請書的,起碼較獨立,唔駛照顧番佢。

[ 本帖最後由 uncleedward 於 10-7-22 20:02 編輯 ]

發表於 10-7-22 20:55 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Tommy 於 10-7-22 17:26 發表



有問題想請教您。我的孩子都只是平平凡凡的,我想知道一個平凡的孩子怎樣在一、兩年間變得不平凡,而獲得受歡迎的大學取錄? ...

I know very little about your kid other than the fact that he is a Pegasus graduate. I may not be able to offer too much help.

First, it is difficult to say whether our kids are mediocre or not. I used to think my younger daughter was mediocre.

Second, we do not necessarily need to think of our children becoming a Nobel Prize winner or a Cal Tech PhD. An academically mediocre person can make a good professional, a lawyer, an accountant, a bank manager ... you name it. Other than medicine, I really can't think of a profession which we are familiar but which denies common souls like us. Normally, leadership, people skills, perseverance, being responsible are more important qualities that contribute more to our success in our professional life.

Third, it is nothing wrong going to mediocre universities, if they match our abilities. In the film "The Blind Side", Sandra Bullock was quite happy to send her son to University of Mississippi which was also her alma mater in the film. The university is only a tier 3 university in the US. It means you do not even need SAT scores to get into the university. In Hong Kong, we are too concerned with the university rankings.

Fourth, the overseas exams tend to be easier (particularly the maths related) because only the top 2 to 3 % will get an A in HK exams but it is top 30% for overseas exams (5 for AP in the US or A for GCE). That is why we see so many HK students doing much better in those exams and subsequently going to seemingly better universities. There was an extreme case. A friend's daughter failed to go up to F7 in her school and had to repeat F6. She then took GCE A levels and then got into a local university under the early admission scheme. A word of caution, being able to get into those universities does not necessarily mean being able to do well in them. A friend of mine was ecstatic when her daughter was admitted into an Ivy League university two years ago but had to fly there a couple of months ago to bring her back.

As a parent, I guess we can only try to be there when our children needs us after they become a teenager. It is a good thing to set a slightly stretching goal for our kids. But anything beyond that, I don't know. I am a relaxed parent. Eviepa may be able to help more.

[ 本帖最後由 uncleedward 於 10-7-23 00:25 編輯 ]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 10-7-22 22:30 |顯示全部帖子
21 Jun 2010 南華早報有一篇名為“An ‘education detour’ secures University place – Pupils sent overseas to avoid HK A-levels” 的文章,很有趣。

Winnie Choi 的女兒 “With a less-than-brilliant score of 21 in the Form Five public exam in 2007, Tsoi figured that the odds of her daughter passing the HK A-levels with flying colours and gaining entry to the HKU degree course would be very low.

So she enrolled her daughter in the private Woldingham School in Surrey, England, for matriculation.  Her daughter sat the British A-levels last year, scored four As and came back to HK to apply for the university programme as an overseas Hongkongers.”  這兩年用了九十萬。


Lam Tin-yan在英國考A-levels時, “I never burnt the midnight oil when I prepared for British A-levels.  For easier subjects like psychology, I did intensive revisions just 2 or 3 days before the exam and scored an A effortlessly.”

英國的高考遠比香港的容易,最重要原因是, “26.7% of British A-level exams taken last year returned A grades.  The proportion of A grades for 16 major local A-level subjects was 3.6%”



Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-22 22:39 |顯示全部帖子
From my own experience, sending kids to overseas rather than staying in local higher education institutions would help them to build their global social networks, and thus develop their 國際視野, which is missing in most of the local university students.

In the last 10+ years, most of the local graduate students I met focused on developing their careers and business networks mostly in Hong Kong (and China), rather than expanding it to overseas.

國際視野 and global social/business networks are very valuable assets to our kids.

原帖由 uncleedward 於 10-7-22 20:00 發表


Not considering the financial implications, 我主張到外國唸大學。離開父母,獨立生活,是大多數國家唸大學的自然選擇。大多是初初不慣,慢慢就要媽媽催促才肯回來。而且如今有Skype、MSN,日夕相對都仲得。

以 ...

發表於 10-7-23 00:05 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 eviepa 於 10-7-22 22:30 發表
21 Jun 2010 南華早報有一篇名為“An ‘education detour’ secures University place – Pupils sent overseas to avoid HK A-levels” 的文章,很有趣。

Winnie Choi 的女兒 “With a less-than-brilliant score of ...

That's why I said education planning has more or less become a matter of financial planning.

Actually going overseas for secondary education is more expensive than for university education. And going to American private high schools is even more expensive than the case you quoted.

However, there are some less expensive ways to do it. The girl who failed to make F7 did her GCE exams in Hong Kong while she was repeating F6.
You can take GCE exams in Hong Kong and apply to local universities under the non-JUPAS route.

Going to UK universities costs around $900k to1 million for 3 years if you exclude London. The difference between this and the cost of going to local universities is around $500 to 600K for the 3 years and is still within many people's reach with a careful financial planning from the beginning. The difference will become smaller when local universities change to four years under 334.

[ 本帖最後由 uncleedward 於 10-7-23 12:56 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-23 00:39 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 5# uncleedward 的文章



無錯,平凡人都可以幹出不平凡的事,好像地震災區的義工「阿福」、官校女教師吳美蘭,甚至女導遊「阿珍」………身邊很多平凡人都有不錯的成就。您所說的心理質素、內在能力等我絕對認同是成功的關鍵因素,早年我較著重孩子這方面的發展,So far佢地都 OK,我唔太擔心佢地揾唔到食。這些能力對工作絕對有用,但對投考大學好像沒有太大的幫助。

沒有一張亮麗的入場券,揾食初期會好辛苦。我係擔心佢連入U都入唔到, eviepa話香港的入U比例只得18%,我肯定小兒現時的全港排名是18%以外,因此才看看有甚麼「捷徑」。




發表於 10-7-23 01:34 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Tommy 於 10-7-23 00:39 發表


無錯,平凡人都可以幹出不平凡的事,好像地震災區的義工「阿福」、官校女教師吳美蘭,甚至女導遊「阿珍」 ...

Don't worry, Tommy. As I said elsewhere, I have not seen a single high school graduate in recent years who wants to study for a degree but fails to do so. Eviepa's 18% is correct since it was the same percentage my elder daughter told me and she has a photographic memory. However, this number does not inlude students going overseas or students doing top up degrees or assos.

The important thing is to provide a condusive environment to our children. Try to keep up their academic curiosity.Surround them with books, interesting things, interesting but decent peers (if their mates mostly go to universities, do you still to worry about your children not going to university?)

[ 本帖最後由 uncleedward 於 10-7-25 09:11 編輯 ]

發表於 10-7-23 11:38 |顯示全部帖子
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發表於 10-7-23 11:49 |顯示全部帖子
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發表於 10-7-23 12:55 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 wunma 於 10-7-23 11:38 發表

怒我孤陋, 會有人讀完中六後原校不准她升中七而讀不到中七的嗎? 成績這樣差卻又能考到GCE再循EAS入大學, 真有點匪夷所思.

的確匪夷所思,若非認識該女孩,我也不相信。據說還是學校老師教路的。少許更正,是依從non-JUPAS route,不是EAS,雖然二者十分相似。

[ 本帖最後由 uncleedward 於 10-7-23 13:20 編輯 ]

發表於 10-7-23 12:59 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 eviepa 於 10-7-22 22:30 發表
有錢人的機會遠比窮人大,真有「何不食肉糜」之嘆。of .


I think Tommy's attitude is more practical.

[ 本帖最後由 uncleedward 於 10-7-23 13:01 編輯 ]

發表於 10-7-23 13:13 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 wunma 於 10-7-23 11:49 發表


現時大學的學位課程, 不少都有機會到海外交流半年, 沒錢如我等的子女, 還是有見識機會的.


Agreed. Opportunities abound for students doing well in local universities. Some can even go to an Ivy university for a year on local HK fee, with grants and loans, special purpose loans and subsidies as well.

Most students with good A level grades have scholarships upon getting into local universities.  Even for summer courses elsewhere like at Berkeley, some local universities subsidises half of the fee.

Hong Kong is still very much a rich society at the government level which is still able and willing to help out good students within its financial means.

[ 本帖最後由 uncleedward 於 10-7-23 13:18 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-23 14:53 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 uncleedward 於 10-7-23 12:59 發表


I think Tommy's attitude is more practical.


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 10-7-23 22:55 |顯示全部帖子
沒有一張亮麗的入場券,揾食初期會好辛苦。我係擔心佢連入U都入唔到, eviepa話香港的入U比例只得18%,我肯定小兒現時的全港排名是18%以外,因此才看看有甚麼「捷徑」。








Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-24 00:24 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 17# eviepa 的文章






發表於 10-7-25 10:07 |顯示全部帖子
去年大女兒從美國回來後,到姨母姨丈家拜訪。當我們在我的in-laws偌大的客廳(超過一千呎)談起女兒大學選科的事,觸及了錢重不重要這個老生常談的問題。大女兒對太太和姨母陳腔濫調的"錢並非萬能,但無錢則萬萬不能"和"冇錢但又想買Chanel袋,咁點"等論點自然不為所動。但想不到my brother in law就在這時說出令好辯如我也一時不知怎樣回答的論點:"假設你兒女很渴望去外國讀書,但你又沒有能力負擔,你會覺得點?"我大女兒也不知該如何回應(特別是她剛剛花了我一筆錢在美國遊學了十個月之後)。當時我只有暗暗敬佩,心想my in law 本身沒有兒女,竟可想出如此觀點,商人的智慧真不可小覷。


[ 本帖最後由 uncleedward 於 10-7-25 10:30 編輯 ]

發表於 10-7-25 17:36 |顯示全部帖子
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