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教育王國 討論區 嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園 因為細佬,要家姐放棄聖心?
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因為細佬,要家姐放棄聖心? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 11-4-13 01:35 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
所謂一條龍學校,家姐有今年聖心及九龍民生書院K1 offer.
我都知聖心好,但如果揀民生第日細佬可跟家姐條路(可以一起由幼稚園讀到高中),揀聖心嘅話又唔知第日佢收細佬機會大唔大?同埋第日上小學更頭痛. 我係N冇,絕對唔會參加大抽奬. 聽聞聖心男生可入高主教,唔知有幾真?

Ian, 能俾啲意見嗎?雖然我只去過聖心兩次,但卻能感受到她是一間很好的幼稚園;雖然我去過的幼稚園不多,這種直覺在其他地方係feel唔到。我住西九龍,但為一間好學校地點不是大問題。
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發表於 11-4-13 05:20 |只看該作者
I guess it must be an headache for you to post so late at night!  (And I reply so early in the morning!)  

Back to your questions, I guess neither Munsang and Sacred Heart would make a commitment to you that the younger siblings would be admitted for sure.  However, from my observation having an elder one studying in SHCK would help the young one to be admitted.  Not a guarantee, but it would help which I am pretty sure.  Basically majority of boys studying have an elder sister either studying here or graduated from here.

Concerning why there are people saying SHCK boys can enter Raimondi easier.  Actually I think you need to know the selection criteria of Raimondi first.  They have a heavier preference for Catholic families and so are those boys from SHCK.  Of course, the two schools do have some ties (and location wise too before the primary section moved to current location) so it may helps the acceptance too.


Rank: 1

發表於 11-4-14 01:01 |只看該作者

回覆 2# iantsang 的文章

So you mean my little boy will still have a higher chance to Raimondi even we’re not Catholics?  “Raimondi has a heavier preference for Catholic families and so are those boys from SHCK” Does anybody can share where are those SHCK boys went to and their %?

I’ve gone through almost all the threads and believe the day for me to make up my mind is getting closer, this website is really useful.

Last question, I remember there’s a topic talking about arranging a West Kowloon Nanny bus line, is there any progress? I’m live in MeiFoo and just want to know what we can take, TsingYi line?

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-4-14 08:59 |只看該作者
What I meant was, when previous mentioned that SHCK boys went to Raimondi, it is because they are also Catholic families.  But despite that, the two schools still maintain good relationship so I would assume it may help.

I am not sure if a percentage would really help consider there are usually around 10-20 boys a year.  Basically where they go may simply because of many different reasons.

At the end, I would suggest you to try to plan one kid at a time without making such assumption that the elder one can help a young one to admit a kindergarten.  It just doesn't happen all the time so the decision should be made independently.

Considering West Kln nanny bus, there is one currently in use for the AM classes (has stop at Mei Foo).  The one for PM classes is formal arranged school bus but it doesn't stop at Mei Foo.  It is still an area where we have not as many students living currently.

原帖由 mickeylo 於 11-4-14 01:01 發表
So you mean my little boy will still have a higher chance to Raimondi even we’re not Catholics?  “Raimondi has a heavier preference for Catholic families and so are those boys from SHCK” Does anybo ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-4-14 12:27 |只看該作者
如果你和大女喜歡聖心, 咁就不如先搞掂大女先啦, 如你所講, 大女來年才讀K1, 咁細仔就很小了, 佢入小學之事, 真的仲有好多變數...

首先, 正如版主所言, 細仔入聖心再入高主教機會不少, 咁如呢兩關唔難過, 摶得過...

第二, 細仔唔一定要入考聖心幼稚園, 但亦可以同時考九龍名幼小如培正, 禮賢或九龍塘名校, 對不? 這又是另一個安全網;

第三, 到了升小, 佢又可以考直資, 私校如 DBS, 英華, ST.Paul etc, 這是第三個安全網.

而你所放棄的只是民生, 恕我直言, 女仔讀民生跟讀聖心都有幾大差距, 中小學就更唔駛講,  為了民生去放棄聖心非上策, 況且你有三重安全網, 萬一真的咁黑仔, 細仔入唔到聖心, 你還可以K2 插入民生或其他名幼稚園呢第四個安全網 (好多人走呢條路, 而且冇你想像中咁難) , 因為佢冇得俾你大抽獎, 好多家長K2就轉走, 而且佢位都唔少, 你去教育城睇佢K2啲位都唔滿, 囡囡當年陪同學仔去考K2都收 (注意: 我囡唔喺叻), 所以真的唔駛犠牲大女.


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-4-14 17:29 |只看該作者
well said!

原帖由 panbaby 於 11-4-14 12:27 發表
如果你和大女喜歡聖心, 咁就不如先搞掂大女先啦, 如你所講, 大女來年才讀K1, 咁細仔就很小了, 佢入小學之事, 真的仲有好多變數...

首先, 正如版主所言, 細仔入聖心再入高主教機會不少, 咁如呢兩關唔難過, 摶得過... ...

Rank: 1

發表於 11-4-15 00:44 |只看該作者
真的聽君一席言, 勝讀十年書! 我諗通了很多, 你亦俾了寶貴意見幫我作出一個可能是一生其中一個最重要嘅決定!
不過有小小唔明, 你嘅意思係,將來如果有你所講的九龍塘名校收細佬,反而唔考慮聖心,對嗎?不過如果家姐讀聖心,我可能會搬家,唔知港島有邊幾間好幼稚園俾佃佬呢?又或者家姐轉入高主教(是否有點過份?)

我有呢的問題是因為我好想倆姐弟可以番同一間學校,純粹個人情意結。其實家姐仔仲有 St. Cat. 英普上午班收咗, 如以面試之安排及老師俾人嘅感覺, 我都好鐘意呢間幼院,耐何佢不是一條龍,我實在唔想體驗將來升小搵校那種經歷。

亦多謝版主Ian, 希望小女會和你二女做同學仔. 其實我地可能見過, 因為交聖心注冊費個日(下午班)我都係排頭個幾位.

原帖由 panbaby 於 11-4-14 12:27 發表
如果你和大女喜歡聖心, 咁就不如先搞掂大女先啦, 如你所講, 大女來年才讀K1, 咁細仔就很小了, 佢入小學之事, 真的仲有好多變數...

首先, 正如版主所言, 細仔入聖心再入高主教機會不少, 咁如呢兩關唔難過, 摶得過... ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-4-15 01:17 |只看該作者
原帖由 panbaby 於 11-4-14 12:27 發表
......注意: 我囡唔喺叻... ...

Don't be so humble, your elder daughter is quite smart!

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-4-15 01:23 |只看該作者
Honestly, there are really more choices for boys on the Kowloon side.  So, unless it is really necessary to move to the island side, then better leave your options open.  I think it will depends on which year your young son will apply for K1.

I think what panbaby meant was if you need to aim for more private/ DSS schools on Kowloon side, then may be those Kowloon Tong kindergartens would help a bit more.

Not sure if we met, I think when my wife and I arrived, there are at least 50 ppls before us already so I am definitely not the first few.

原帖由 mickeylo 於 11-4-15 00:44 發表
真的聽君一席言, 勝讀十年書! 我諗通了很多, 你亦俾了寶貴意見幫我作出一個可能是一生其中一個最重要嘅決定!
不過有小小唔明, 你嘅意思係,將來如果有你所講的九龍塘名校收細佬,反而唔考慮聖心,對嗎?不過如果家姐讀聖心,我 ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 11-4-15 01:24 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-4-15 13:13 |只看該作者
搬家真的可能唔需要咁急, 查實最好就是等細仔考完K1, 看看上有什麼OFFER 才想, 老實說, 九龍有間一條龍名男女校培正, 如果你細仔入到, 遠好過民生多多聲...

至於姐弟同校, 好多聖心家長都只是考慮方便接送, 而且都是幼稚園緊要些, 因為小孩還小, 但講到姐姐在校可以照顧弟弟, 這可能是美麗的猜想, 點解?  細佬有事, 學校唔會去找家姐, 一定是找你!

查實, 去到小學, 又是個句, 姐弟同校只是方便接送有用, 而且越大就越唔重要, 因入小學小孩已有6-7 大了 有時我想, 小學生同家姐一齊返學好開心, 但同同學仔吱吱喳喳一齊返都咁開心, 就算同工人返都冇唔開心, 去到小息, 你寧願佢同同學仔定又和家姐玩?  平時都在上堂, 兩姐弟根本見唔到,  另外兩姐弟在家都會仲對住好多年, 父母兩姐弟在同一校服回家好開心, 但如果見到佢哋著兩間唔同勁學校唔同校服唔同時間返來我都會好開心... 細佬仔返來會講返學校啲嘢俾你聽的, 咁聽佢哋講唔同學校的故事會不會更有趣?

其實入小學的事是幾年後的事, 正路是家姐入聖心小學, 細仔入高主教, 咁你想家姐入高主教姐弟一起, 以我 了解, 聖心是高一線, 如你咁講, 豈不是民生故事重演? 做家姐又要犠牲?

而且如以上講, 同校沒大著數, 我哋個年代, 啲兄弟姐妹又唔係個個都唔同校?  而最緊要, 你想唔想仔仔入X沙, 英華, DBS, St. Jo, 華仁? 佢哋收你仔仔讀唔讀?

你大把時間想, 不如讓大女先好好享受幼稚園生涯...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 11-4-16 22:39 |只看該作者
原帖由 panbaby 於 11-4-15 13:13 發表
搬家真的可能唔需要咁急, 查實最好就是等細仔考完K1, 看看上有什麼OFFER 才想, 老實說, 九龍有間一條龍名男女校培正, 如果你細仔入到, 遠好過民生多多聲...

至於姐弟同校, 好多聖心家長都只是考慮方便接送, 而且都 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 11-4-17 23:59 |只看該作者
嗯, 各位解釋得很有條理, 都係搞好家姐先, 細佬到時再算. 如果我住番九龍呢邊, 家姐都係返下午班舒服啲。

不過日子飛快, 細佬下年就嚟讀N班, 我又應該點樣plan呢?就咁讀屋企樓下求其一間, 定係又要搵有關係之xx幼兒園讀定先?

我見有啲朋友BB未出世己鋪定條路, 是否有用唔知. 舊年幫家姐仔報名時我都係呀呀烏一舊雲, 依家經歷過就知早plan好過遲, 唔好咁老定; 我又驚細佬冇家姐咁好彩, 所以先咁緊張. 唔知有冇咩嘢所謂必讀N班?

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-4-18 09:23 |只看該作者
Actually whether need to plan for N1 class sooner or attending a particular pre-nursery, it would depends on what path you are planning.  Of course, not doing such planning doesn't mean you cannot reach other path if you change your mind later, but just it gives you a stronger feeling of security to "do it right".  At the end, it doesn't guarantee you anything but just a better chance.

I guess you have a few choices here:
(1) If you aim for the young boy to attend SHCK, my suggestion is just take N1 class downstairs.  Although I let my daughter travel long for kindergarten, for pre-nursery I still believe it is better to stay close.  The idea is just to let them experience going to school and interact with other kids.

(2) If you aim for Raimondi, then you need to keep an eye for the news since they are planning to restart kindergarten section.  The latest news I heard is they will resume in 2012, so it may fit your son's schedule.  Of course it may not provide any guarantees to admit all their own students, but I guess you just hope for a better chance.

(3) There are still plenty of options in Kowloon side and for boys, I guess Pui Ching, for example,  is always a great choice for kindergarten and primary school.  And there are more non-voucher kindergartens in case you plan for others like DBSPD, YW, TSL, etc.


原帖由 mickeylo 於 11-4-17 23:59 發表
嗯, 各位解釋得很有條理, 都係搞好家姐先, 細佬到時再算. 如果我住番九龍呢邊, 家姐都係返下午班舒服啲。

不過日子飛快, 細佬下年就嚟讀N班, 我又應該點樣plan呢?就咁讀屋企樓下求其一間, 定係又要搵有關係之xx幼兒 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 11-4-20 22:39 |只看該作者
I think I'm able to make up my mind now.

Thanks to Ian and Panbaby!

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-4-18 09:23 發表
Actually whether need to plan for N1 class sooner or attending a particular pre-nursery, it would depends on what path you are planning.  Of course, not doing such planning doesn't mean you cannot rea ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-4-20 23:19 |只看該作者
No matter what your decision is, I wish you and your family all the best!  

原帖由 mickeylo 於 11-4-20 22:39 發表
I think I'm able to make up my mind now.

Thanks to Ian and Panbaby!

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