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La Salle Primary School - is it really a good school? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-10 09:20 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
It is a dream school of many parents including myself.  But I recently heard a lot of bad comments about this school regarding the ways the children is taught.  I wonder if any current or previous La Salle parenets can give us some advice.

The school is demanding but does the teacher actually teach the children or just ask the parents to follow the sylubus?

The students mainly coming from central allocation, the standard of students therefore expected to be vaired, how does the school align the standard of the children from different kindergarten to lift the standard?

Would this mean that many children withdrew after entering P1 if they can not cope with the homework?  

I heard that there are some special tutoring house only design for La Salle students, how effective are these tutoring?  in my experience, tutoring by other people is not always work.

Would this mean that it is better not to let your son studying at this school if you are busy working parents (ie home around 8 pm)

Your valuable comments would be appreciated as I am deciding whether I should give up the place at La Salle and go for private school.

Many thanks

[ 本帖最後由 elegant 於 11-6-10 09:23 編輯 ]
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-10 10:01 |只看該作者
依個世界冇一個完美既學校, 作為家長應該搵一間適合自己小朋友既學校.

我個人覺得真正既教育, 唔係揀d叻既學生, 再教佢叻d, 而係有教無類.  係冇得揀既情況下, 而又教到d學生叻, 呢d至係教育.

好多補習社都以專注一線既學校既課程作為招生既號召, 呢d學校係控制唔到.

至於讀唔上要離開, 我想講唔係名校至會咁, 我大女讀既一般小學一樣有呢d情形.  當然, 有時係家長自己選揀離開.

我上年情形同你一樣, 有一間私校在手, 老實講, 論性格, 亞仔岩讀私校, 但好在佢到依家都適應得ok.

我都係working mom, 仲要中港兩邊走, 我冇補習, 依家大考, 我都冇請假同佢溫書. 不過你問我, fulltime mom 既小朋友, 家長可以跟貼d當然會好d (讀任何一間學校都係), 但事實唔得, 都冇辦法...


Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 11-6-10 10:09 |只看該作者
原帖由 elegant 於 11-6-10 09:20 發表
It is a dream school of many parents including myself.  But I recently heard a lot of bad comments about this school regarding the ways the children is taught.  I wonder if any current or previous La  ...

為了中學保持全港top schools之一的地位,又不能像直資名校嚴選收生,她必須從feeder着手,盡量確保能夠升上來的質素.兩難是feeder因派位而質素參差,必須明白津校的資源有限,老師要付出多少才能將質素甚差的稍作改善,你我心知肚明,事倍功半,何況目標不只是改善,是要最好,這種低成效,耗資源的工作,因學生流失替補後而減少,事半功倍,很多名校都是這樣做,反正是姜太公釣魚,願者上釣.學生成長的過程受到挫折,只是考驗,比好成績更難能可貴,父母一鼓怨氣也無補於事,認為改變對阿仔好便應該果斷去做,做了便不要後悔,將來是壞也有可能.

[ 本帖最後由 redkoni 於 11-6-10 18:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-10 10:43 |只看該作者
la salle primary is a good school, but is not a perfect school. chinese is very good, math is very good.    But la salle college is a top school, most of the parents in primary section aim at the college.

most of the parents are very very good, they keep very good relationship.

if ur son is very smart, he can finish everything before u go home and u just check homework, u may try.

parents' support is very important in la salle

the boys here are very very happy, they like their school very much

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-10 12:12 |只看該作者
Many many thanks for all your comments,  they are very useful.

it seems only positive comments here, is there any negative feeling about this school?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-6-10 12:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 elegant 於 11-6-10 09:20 發表
Would this mean that many children withdrew after entering P1 if they can not cope with the homework?  

same situation in good private school...we can't say "many"...may be "few"

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-10 12:46 |只看該作者
原帖由 elegant 於 11-6-10 12:12 發表
Many many thanks for all your comments,  they are very useful.

it seems only positive comments here, is there any negative feeling about this school?

其實真係睇你把尺既邊, 同埋你要d乜 ?  有人話d學校程度淺, 就覺得小朋友學唔到野, 係negative points; 亦有人覺得學校程度淺, 就係愉快學習... 其實你想下要d乜先 ? 而個小朋友係乜野性格囉 ?

我個人覺得, 學校有好多家長支援都好足夠, 對小朋友有要求, 睇下你自己會唔會介意自己比唔到咁多支援佢囉... (如果你係一般家庭); 另外, 學校好多活動, 所以小朋友要顧學術, 又要參加活動, 校隊, 體力都要有一定既能耐... 亞仔小一, 就會有d攰囉... 所以我會等佢放學返黎食完野, 沖完涼, 瞓一陣, 夜晚至做功課.

不過我知上左高年班, 可能會辛苦好多...  讀書唔會單靠父母, 我希望亞仔有一定程度既自覺性去學習, 如果單靠父母拖牛上樹, 大家都辛苦 !  希望我現行既方向岩啦 !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-10 13:33 |只看該作者

回復 5# redkoni 的帖子

其實所知真係唔係好多學生走, 每年插班都係幾個, 點樣夠換血?

從來都冇聽過喇小中文好, 已有好多中學家長話: 小學d中文根本應付唔到中學 !

[ 本帖最後由 overview 於 11-6-10 14:01 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 11-6-10 13:53 |只看該作者

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 11-6-10 14:39 |只看該作者
原帖由 overview 於 11-6-10 13:33 發表
其實所知真係唔係好多學生走, 每年插班都係幾個, 點樣夠換血?

從來都冇聽過喇小中文好, 已有好多中學家長話: 小學d中文根本應付唔到中學 !

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