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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 04 劍鳴幼兒書友fun club
樓主: ianmami

04 劍鳴幼兒書友fun club [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-19 23:43 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

Hi tanny,

30/10 11:00 - St. Johannes (What about you?)
30/11 14:00 - York (I might give up this one)
12/11 9:00 - SC
13/11 9:00 - Kentville
13/11 10:15 - Creative Primary School Kindergarten

9:00 is rather early but it is also my most preferred time.  Daniel wakes up very early in the morning so it's not a big problem for him.  On the other hand, afternoon interviews would pose a problem as this could surely upset his napping routine.  Ian-king is going to school in 2 weeks' time.  Are you getting nervous?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-20 05:32 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

Hi jc_mom,
I have never intended to send Daniel to York.  I only applied as a warming up for Daniel in going to interviews.  As the time assigned to me was not so favourable (2:00pm),  I'd rather give this one up.  I also like nice and clean campuses but campus is really not a main issue.  The campus of SC is quite old too.  I have also applied for Stafford.  Hope to see you there.   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-21 05:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

Hi tanny,
Good to know that we have the same time slot assigned for St. Johannes.  Why did you choose this one?  I really don't know too much about this kinder.  Which class has Ian-king been allocated in Keen Mind?  Daniel is in Class C.  Will they be classmates?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-21 19:20 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-24 13:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

Hi tanny,

Yes, Ms. Liu is not bad.  我見佢幾夠活力,同小朋友玩遊戲唱歌仔好大動作,D小朋友幾鍾意佢架.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-25 07:18 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

唔好擔心,細女都唔係問題,9月開學課時,Daniel果班都有個細女(8月出生),只係喊少少,到10月又有個新女同學仔加入(9月出生),一日都未喊過,所以個個月都有細仔細女架.From my observation,D女仔適應得快D架,D男仔真係遲熟D,我件Daniel仔幾無用,我第一日去接佢放學,入到班房,佢喊到氣喘喘,老師攬住佢tum住佢,佢都喊到震哂,我仲要扮鎮定,我再望下其他同學仔,無一個喊,自己乖乖玩玩具,全部女仔黎架!D男仔呢?一早俾亞媽接走哂喇!

其實我Daniel仔以前返playgroup一日都未喊過,我以為佢好掂,所以4月開始嘗試俾佢自己上堂,點知由4月搞到8月都搞佢唔掂,喊到死死下,我都諗住佢返Keen Mind起碼喊一個月,點知出乎意料之外,只喊左3日,所以只要你跨過呢一步,你就會好開心,信我!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-25 10:05 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

You are absolutely right! "盡早離開現場" is the best and indeed the only solution.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-25 11:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

唔係好free but 呢排係考幼稚園非常時期,多D入bk update自己.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-2 16:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進


聽日可能見唔到你,事關Daniel有少少咳,本來傷風咳好小事,但呢排係interview高峰期,都係俾佢休息多D,等快D recover.  

How is Ian?返左2日習慣嗎?遲些會搭school bus嗎?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-6 05:37 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

Hi tanny,
o甘咪好囉,Ian-king o甘乖o甘o力仔,係呀,見到小朋友自己返學,真係好開心架,Daniel昨日返學上左校車仲同我wave bye bye,我都開心一餐架,仲有呀,前兩日佢突然扮"男女男",塊面LA埋一住菜o甘同我講 "我唔同你坐,我"男女男"你",真係俾佢笑鬼死,一定係嚮學校學架啦,因為我未試過o甘同佢講野架.

係呢,我check番Halloween D video見唔到龍珠頭,有無同Miss Liu講,佢地點處理?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-16 18:04 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

Hi tanny, jc_mom, Phoebe, Tiffany and all KM moms:-

Has everyone signed up for the Christmas Party to be held on 18 Dec?  Hope to meet you all in person.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-22 23:42 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

Hi tanny,

Long time no chat!  I have a quick question about the Christmas present competition.  Do we really have to buy a present and then wrap it up nicely to enter the competition or we just use, say an empty tissue box and then wrap it up so that we will be judged on the design of the gift wrap only?  Thanks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-23 19:18 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

KM moms,
Can someone tell me the deadline for submitting the Christmas present?  I have lost the memo given by the teacher.  Thanks.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-23 22:39 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

Thanks a lot, jc_mom.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-24 00:07 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

Hi tanny,

Honestly, I don't have any idea yet.  Artwork, crafts, drawing, designs and the like have always been my No. 1 weakness.  It's 1000 times easier for me if I am asked to participate in a mathematics competition!

Initially, I thought this was not a compulsory activity and so I never really consider it seriously.  Only until recently that I realise that almost everyone is participating.  What about you?  Any good ideas?  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-24 15:05 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

Hugmami, thanks.  

I am not sure whether 281A share the same bus stop(s) with 81C/87D/182 etc.  But in case it does, you may try the following:-

1. 81C/87D/182嚮窩打老道拔萃小學(九龍塘會所對面)有個站
3.一落行人天橋就已經係九龍塘會所,再向前行兩分鐘就見到Kingston International School
4.嚮Kingston轉右,入果條內街就係雅息士道,入左雅息士道會先見到Pui Yan Nursery,再見到St. Catherine's.
5.經過St. Catherine's 門口再向前行兩分鐘就見到劍鳴.

Note :回程九龍塘會所門口有81C/170/182巴士站返沙田,我由劍鳴行去九龍塘會所只需5-6分鐘.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-25 06:10 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進


Daniel帶返黎既Halloween photos有同少部份既A班B班小朋友合照,唔知Janice果日扮mud呢?著mud野顏色衫呢?

D小朋友真係好smart架,尤其D女仔,唔單止認得小朋友,連我都認得,自從Daniel11月開始搭school bus,我就無嚮劍鳴出現過,但昨日for some reason我車佢返學,入到班房有3個女仔笑瞇瞇o甘圍住我,有1個仲指住Daniel嚮個board上面張相,佢無說話,但佢想話我知"你係Daniel媽咪!",有2個仲笑騎騎扮鬼臉撩Daniel,點知Daniel懵下懵下,繼續專心玩玩具,激死我,有1個幾鬼靚女呀!

I saw Ian-king yesterday morning.  He seemed very happy and excited while marching out of the classroom heading for the morning exercises.佢大叫  左一聲,再衝前兩步,好cute呀!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-25 21:35 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進


Daniel also got accepted but Kentville may not be the right school for him.  I am considering it only probably because I still have a feel about my first school.  On the other hand, my husband and even my brother (also an ex-Kentville student) both think that I should give up.  They both share the view that I shouldn't choose a school solely because of its "name".  SC should be a better choice for him.  In case he fails for SC, I actually prefer Stafford or KM.

I am afraid I can't tell you the difference between the 2 campuses.  When it was my time (I am over 30), the only campus was the Kent Road campus.  The Dorset Crescent campus was only built subsequently.  

From your description, I can't find Janice in the Halloween pictures that I got back from KM.  You may ask Ms. Liu next time you talk to her.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-2 20:15 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進


Congratulations to you and Janice.  I haven't got any news yet although I know most people have.  As usual, letters are always delivered late to my area.  I just have to keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow.  If you haven't yet had a final decision as between KV & SC, I suggest you not to stop the cheque.  By the way, I watched the Halloween video last night and finally spotted Janice in her lovely outfit.  

Good luck to the rest of the KM moms!  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-4 07:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有無bb今年9月入劍鳴幼兒/稚請進

As you know, my question is and never has been between Kentville & SC, but rather Keen Mind and SC.  What I dislike most about SC is the vast number of kids.  The attention given to each kid is likely to be little as compared to Keen Mind.  Anyway, I still have a long time to think it over.  I have also decided to give up Stafford.

Same as your case, we are from downunder (Sydney though), SC should be a better choice (as opposed to Kentville) for Daniel.  Besides, he is a very adventurous kid, loves to explore, express himself and meet challenges.  I don't want to suppress his creativity and thinking.  I believe he can cope with traditional teaching method but this is definitely not the best for him.  I was also told that kids are disciplined in SC but only not as much as in Kentville which I kind of prefer.  (I don't like to go for the extremes!)  I will not go to Kentville today and so I can save $550.  We both share the concern now about shifting to AM session.  Daniel is also starting to go to bed late but he still wakes up early in the morning.  I just can't think of a sound reason to request for change but I've got to be quick.  Any ideas?

Hi tanny,
jc-mom is right.  Keen Mind is a very good school too.  Actually, I am still struggling whether to let Daniel stay or go to SC.  If we have decided to stay, Ian and Daniel can be classmates.  By the way, Ian-king was right behind me when I sent Daniel to school yesterday.  He is adapting very well.  I really like his face with gigantic eyes!

Hi 花仔媽咪,
My son is in N1C, not classmates but you are so lucky to have Miss Lee.  She seems to be the most experienced N1 teacher in Keen Mind.  She has such a good memory.  She even knows my son even though he is not in her class.  (or perhaps it is because my son is exceptionally naughty)
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