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Highly sensitive person [複製鏈接]

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發表於 04-9-16 00:59 |只看該作者

Highly sensitive person

Following is a summary of the new book from the author who coined the phrase "highly sensitive person." Apparently this term (HSP) came from Carl Jung (楊格-與佛洛伊德齊名的心理分析學鼻祖)'s original theory and might not be scientifically valid.

AUTHOR: Aron,-Elaine-N
TITLE: Revisiting Jung's concept of innate sensitiveness.
ABSTRACT: Jung suggested that innate sensitiveness predisposes some individuals to be particularly affected by negative childhood experiences, so that later, when under pressure to adapt to some challenge, they retreat into infantile fantasies based on those experiences and become neurotic. Indeed, this probably innate tendency is found in about twenty percent of humans, and, in a sense, in most species, in that about this percentage will evidence a strategy of thoroughly processing information before taking action, while the majority depend on efficient, rapid motor activity. Given this thorough processing, sensitive individuals readily detect subtleties--including whatever is distressing or threatening. Hence, as Jung observed, given the same degree of stress in childhood as nonsensitive individuals, sensitive persons will develop more depression, anxiety, and shyness. Without undue stress, they evidence no more of these difficulties than the non-sensitive-- or even less, being unusually aware of supportive as well as negative cues from caregivers. Given this interaction, one treatment task is to distinguish the effects of such childhood difficulties from what does not need treatment, which are the typical effects of the trait itself on an adult without a troubled developmental history.

To Faith:

Your topic is far too interesting and I can't help throwing away all my other work and findi out what exactly is HSP. My opinion is it is a term invented by a social psychologist based on psychoanalytic theory (Jung). I think it'd be more helpful to explain a child's problem through using commonly understood terms.

[問題1﹕我的孩子除了數學方面較突出...但他好像卻沒有很多gifted的特徵...又有冇一些數學能力超前如my son但結果不是gifted 呢?]

I think human brain functions in a mysterious way. It's not uncommon (especially in the university setting) to find people who are only specialize in their own areas but know nothing about the outside world. Their social life is a mess (but some of them manage to get married!) Also your son might just be too young to show his other talents as he's only 3+years old!

[問題2,如果到他五六歲時,咬字發音仍不清,會否很難做iq test?可怎辦?]

3 years are a long time. With suitable training it shouldn't be a problem. Kids improve VERY quickly!


I might not be the best person to answer this question as I'm not a ST. But I think it's more likely due to insufficient use of vocal muscle (STs forgive me for using the wrong term) than actual brain damage.


The left/right brain division is only a myth. In real life both side compensate each other. Einstein was a good example (he's maths wizard and also an avid violin (?) player.)

Faith, I know that at times parents want to find an answer for their children's "problems" but most of the time it's impossible. I once met parents kept pressing me to label their son as autistic as they could not explain his behaviour. I don't think label is very useful, especially for terms like HSP (for reason I explained in the beginning). It's not really a scientific term but a left over from an old psychoanalytic theory.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-16 14:42 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

"I don't think label is very useful, especially for terms like  
HSP (for reason I explained in the beginning). It's not
really a scientific term but a left over from an old psychoanalytic theory."

也許真的並不科學化,但我想,正如信仰一樣,無多少人見過神,但有部份人依然相信神吧。靈性或創造力的事情,根本不容易用很科學化,循著一定的邏緝或程序可以真正的測知,而人性這回事,也不是單單九型人格這類東西可以一一說清。但至少,我這麼一把年紀,追尋和了解自己和內省了這麼多年(其實不是很老),困擾了這麼多個年頭,當發現HSP這個"東西",再做完個唔科學化TEST(100條),再看完ELAINE--HSP本書,她簡直就是我的再生父母,多年來的疑團解開了八成......正如讀過ELAINE的HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSON的人都會發現,原來我們並不孤單,而且以前心理學上或外間(那80%-85%)的人認為在我們身上的負面特徵,現在都變成正常,甚至是恩賜﹗


Dabrowski 所提出的overexcitabilities有一定程度的共通,只是elaine能更深入的研究和統計而已。


另外,只要你小心留意身邊的朋友或人,你不難看出他或她是或非hsp,而奇怪是,那些你覺得他是hsp的人或朋友,當介紹hsp的資料給他們時,你會發現他們和自己一樣都感到極有興趣和欣喜,而且從未想過有 "人"會如此瞭解自己。

如果我有這個機會和經濟(不用為衣食憂)和時間,我真的也想做個心理學的研究者或助手(助手少壓力),完全不會基於賺錢考慮(hsp have a rich and complex inner life,對於物質上的東西我想一定不放在首位呢)


真抱歉,浪費了你很多寶貴時間,不過十分十分謝謝你和我分享....真的,真的很多謝你﹗) 我不知你是不是我估到的那位dr.,但在我於yahoo設立的giftedgroup裡,有位家長很早前曾提及(可能是你)<因我們都會問及那兒做評估好?>,因為我覺得那家長不錯,所以當時也想著待孩子大點希望到(可能是你)那兒做評估....呀,我想應該是你吧?t是tang嗎?

「對弱者的同情往往變成對強者的仇恨,我們尤其要學會如何將這種愚蠢的傾向昇華。」 ---馬斯洛,<<人本心理學>>

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-16 15:05 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

Now I think that I know who you are...

The Educational Psychologist Dr. Tang who was intervewed by today Sing Tao post....

Anyway, your messages are very impressive and thank you for your detailed & in depth professional advice to BK mommies here.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-16 17:03 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person


Personally I enjoy reading articles and books by psychoanalysts (my all time idol is Anna Freud) as they usually have more width and depth than common psychological research reports. Yet they're also difficult to prove...

In fact if you have read my previous reply on my own interpretation of some of the autistic behaviour (such as spitting and spinning), they are also very "psychoanalytic"


Someone just told me what was written in that Singtao article. As I said, IQ test is often critizied by non-psychologist who knows nothing about it. They have their own agenda and other things to promote.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-16 23:46 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

    你是不是 "兒童大腦xx增值...百科手冊的作者之一?(我沒有看singtao),另一作者邵x華是不是小時在深水居住的?而且當過青年中心義工(因我覺得他好似我以前認識的一位朋友)?


anyway ,再次謝謝你﹗thank you﹗)你真是一大好人﹗
「對弱者的同情往往變成對強者的仇恨,我們尤其要學會如何將這種愚蠢的傾向昇華。」 ---馬斯洛,<<人本心理學>>

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-17 00:39 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

Faith & Gigi2.....sh

My only regret is my Chinese typing is too slow and I still haven't invested a Chinese writing pad.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-17 08:50 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

Thank you for your efforts to us.  Please continue to stay here as parents need your advice very much.



Rank: 4

發表於 04-9-17 16:48 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

Dear Dr. T,
My son, 4 years old, has attention problem.  Private child psychiatrist diagnosed him as autistic but government doctors diagnosed him as developmental delay.  I have tried some attention training courses and O.T. for him.  It seems that nothing is effective.  I feel that his ability should be higher than his performance.  What else can I do for him to improve his problem?  Should I send him to an educational psychologist for further investigation into his problem?  Should I follow child psychiatrist's advice to give him medicine when he is 6?  Can you give me your professional advice?  Thousands of thanks.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-9-17 22:18 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

Dr. T:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-17 23:21 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

網友 mrsphcheung,

Thanks for your trust. Do allow me to get back to you later next Tue. I have to concentrate on my work these few days.

I'll keep on reading but have to restrain myself from answering

Do apologize for that.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-17 23:23 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

auntie1234 寫道:
Dr. T:

I don't have a clue either  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-18 10:58 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

Dr. T,

Please check your PM.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-21 19:32 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

mrsphcheung 寫道:
Dear Dr. T,
My son, 4 years old, has attention problem.  Private child psychiatrist diagnosed him as autistic but government doctors diagnosed him as developmental delay.  I have tried some attention training courses and O.T. for him.  It seems that nothing is effective.  I feel that his ability should be higher than his performance.  What else can I do for him to improve his problem?  Should I send him to an educational psychologist for further investigation into his problem?  Should I follow child psychiatrist's advice to give him medicine when he is 6?  Can you give me your professional advice?  Thousands of thanks.

Individualized treatments, no matter how experienced the therapists are, are seldom effective when the true problem lies in the natural habitat of the child. I think it is more important to find a KG with better teacher:children ratio so that adults can really deal with children's individual needs. But that KG needs to have some kind of structure and not too permissive. Think of a school somewhere between Kentville and 靈糧堂. Yes, it's difficult to locate one but not impossible.

Further diagnosis by whoever is unlikely a solution of your child's problem and labelling is meaningless for end-user like you. If you can identify someone within that KG who can design a behaviour programme for your child, then it should be much more effective than seeing any doctor or any medication. Otherwise get a therapist who is willing to do site visit and talk to the teachers directly.

Just curious to know who the psychiatrist you mentioned is. I know quite a few of them who almost automatically diagnoze any kids as autistic or ADD/ADHD. I wonder whether that helps.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-22 09:03 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

Dear Dr. T,

a PM to you already and thank you for your valuable comments which gave me a 'strong heart' injection!!!!!     

Rank: 4

發表於 04-9-22 12:47 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

Dear Dr. T,
Many thanks to your valuable advice.  Dr. Wong Chung Kong diagnosed my son as autism after looking at him for 10 minutes when my son was three years and nine months old.  My son was later diagnosed as developmental delay (half a year) by a government child assessment centre.  In fact, my son has visited 4 government doctors and none of them diagnosed him as autistic.  I know that there are some parents having similar experiences like me.  I think it is wise to seek more doctors' advice in order to find out the true picture.  My son's class teacher, an experienced teacher in special education, also comments that my son has no autistic features.  The school just comments that my son is not so attentive in the lesson and the school discusses with me about the measures to help my son all the time.  I just hope that he can control himself when he is older.   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-22 14:21 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

Dr. W diagnosed my son as autism after looking at him for 10 minutes when my son was three years and nine months old.   

I knew it's him once I read your description.

Another one to avoid is Dr. C, who will diagnose a child as ADD/ADHD after almost the same period of time.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-22 18:51 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

Dear mrsphcheung
I have the impression that child assessment centre always diagnoses children as developmental delay or mild grade MR instead of autism, unless if the case is really typical autism.  They are very cautious in mentioning this term.  In fact, it is very difficult to define whether a child is autistic or not if he only gets mild A-features.  There is also a saying:"每一個自閉的孩子都是獨一無二的".  
I, like you, trying very hard to find out whether my son is autistic or not when he was young.  I brought  him to govt. psychiatry, clinical/edu. psychologists, OT & ST.  All these specialists could not give a definite answer.   Nearly all  of them told me that it was meanlingless to diagnose whether he was autistic or not.  The most important thing was to accept him, find out his strong & weak points and help him in his development.  
Years passed.  My son's mild autistic features, though mild, never diminish.  However, he is continuously progressing.  For example, he is stubborn  in the changing of routes to places, changing of placement of objects....  But now I can discuss with him & he is willing to make compromise.  This also turns to his good habits - he is a very tidy person and keeps his belongings tidy and in good condition.  He has very good memory - this ability helps him in dictations & he always gains high marks in this field.  However, I have to accept that he is extremely weak in abstract & logical thinking, he can only communicate in simple dialogues, he is lower than average in IQ, he is weak in social interaction......
I also met some teenagers with mild A-features/normal IQ in Caritas .  Most of them are progressing well, can finish secondary education & vocational training.  
Being parent of special children, our road is harsh.  It is also life-long!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-23 14:01 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person


我將你之前覆俾mrsphcheung的一則posting, 轉貼了在另一個topic[好擔心...醫生話BB發展遲緩~~]裡面. 因我覺得你既一番話, 真的很有意思, 亦很有鼓勵作用. 謝謝你既分享.
特此告之你一聲. 請原諒我既唐突.


Rank: 4

發表於 04-9-24 08:01 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

Dear 思佳媽咪,
Your sharing is very touching. Your son is blessed as he has such a wonderful mother.  To bring up my son to be an independent person is my life goal and I will struggle for it.  Thanks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-24 12:20 |只看該作者

Re: Highly sensitive person

Hi Dr T,
thank you for your presence to help BK moms.

My son is 5, and is classified as developmental delay for 6 months. Same as mrs cheung's case, my son is very unattentive in attending school class and also in attending interest class with or without my presence. He would not leave his seat but he just like to look around, scratching or playing his stationery. He simply can't catch what the teacher has taught.

My observation in attending interest class with him is that he always need recognition or praise by the teacher before he will become attentive. My conclusion is that may be he is lack of confidence.

Besides, in school the resources teacher is revising what they have learnt in class. I thought he may rely on the revision of the resources teacher. So I have told  the resources teacher not to revise what they have learnt in class with him. And I try teach him in advance what the kinder will teach to strengthen his confidence.

My hub comment that I am too demanding. Though I always praise him, but are just superficial praise, not those really come from the heart. May be I need a big change also.

Speech therperist confirm that he don't have understanding problem. His consonant cannot be accurately spoken and he speak very slow. His memory is not very good too

Now it come to choosing primary school, which he has to attend in 05. I have registered a project approach school with no dictation and few writing homework. But I am very worried about his attention problem.

grateful for your advice.
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