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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 禮賢定德雅好 ?
樓主: Valerie

禮賢定德雅好 ? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 05-11-19 13:52 |只看該作者

Re: 禮賢定德雅好 ?

今次唔講pronunciation!   去講禮賢既英文唔係教高一個level,所以就唔夠德雅甘好啦!其實我唔係禮賢or德雅既家長,唔知禮賢小學英文教mud,但朋友個女係禮賢讀,佢只係話禮賢好,程度好,老師好,無講其他。其實禮賢和禮賢家長係好low profile。德雅係禮賢上少少,location一流,很清幽,相信係一間好學校。
但如果單靠英文教高一level,而define一間學校既英文程度好or 唔夠好,這位發表者實太眼淺。據我知宣道,培正都不是教高一level,只係用外國訂番story book教英文, 問佢地d媽咪都唔知,係咪教高左一level,難道佢地既英文��is not quite good! ��   

Fatherofdaughter 寫道:

{發音正確,只不過係一般亞洲小朋友一樣,唔係鬼仔甘既發音} ??   正確 or 不正確 then...

I choice 德雅's because their english is one level higher from standard school. This is just what I know from my friends.


發表於 05-11-19 15:43 |只看該作者

Re: 禮賢定德雅好 ?

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-19 17:37 |只看該作者

Re: 禮賢定德雅好 ?

新加坡係國際都會,一向英文都好好 (香港都係國際都會,但一向英文都唔好。)佢地有些讀完大學(新加坡不像香港有甘多大學學位),就算英文好好果d,都有佢地既accent,除非去過外國,(仲唔係成日係China Town果種留學生。)
我個人認為英文只有講得好與唔好,good pronunciation or not,  點為之少Cantonese accent??         
//to find a way for our kids to speak English with less Cantonese accent//。德雅�禮賢�宣道�培正,這些都是比較出名學校,單靠入去讀這些學校,而又想學到6�7成鬼仔甘講英文?  
男女拔會好好多,入到去讀,可做到//less Cantonese accent,//因朋友(美國回流)個女咪係女拔讀law,佢地屋企係全英文對答,所謂英語家庭,男女拔都有好多這樣英語家庭。所以想自己小朋友less or no Cantonese accent,甘這位家長咪自己講英文既時候,錄埋音,自己聽番,If you can speak Eng well,then yr kids also can speak English with good pronunciation. Like father like son. Otherwise, let your kids study in international school such as 英基,Phoenix, 耀中&so on.
FACE THE REALITY ! No short cut!
Or搵個native teacher番來屋企,日日操你d小朋友既 English,一定點+!     

Fatherofdaughter 寫道:
catcatmom 寫道:
今次唔講pronunciation!   去講禮賢既英文唔係教高一個level,所以就唔夠德雅甘好啦!其實我唔係禮賢or德雅既家長,唔知禮賢小學英文教mud,但朋友個女係禮賢讀,佢只係話禮賢好,程度好,老師好,無講其他。其實禮賢和禮賢家長係好low profile。德雅係禮賢上少少,location一流,很清幽,相信係一間好學校。
但如果單靠英文教高一level,而define一間學校既英文程度好or 唔夠好,這位發表者實太眼淺。據我知宣道,培正都不是教高一level,只係用外國訂番story book教英文, 問佢地d媽咪都唔知,係咪教高左一level,難道佢地既英文��is not quite good! ��   

Fatherofdaughter 寫道:

{發音正確,只不過係一般亞洲小朋友一樣,唔係鬼仔甘既發音} ??   正確 or 不正確 then...

I choice 德雅's because their english is one level higher from standard school. This is just what I know from my friends.


Agree, they are both good schools.

But I just wonder why they post those "not quite good" pronounciation in the web.   From my experience, lots of young kids , 4 - 6 years old, speak with their parents in the MTR using beautiful foreign accent.

Anyway, I think the most important thing for us is to find a way for our kids to speak English with less cantonese accent. Maybe there are some good English teacher, for example Vernique2005, can show us ways.

Once again, I think both schools are good. I just prefer 德雅 because of my own experience.


發表於 05-11-19 18:05 |只看該作者

Re: 禮賢定德雅好 ?

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-20 21:27 |只看該作者

Re: 禮賢定德雅好 ?

不如你講下有邊間local私小�學校,屋企不能provide good english environment,即父母英文水平不高,單靠學校既英文老師,(except hire native ) 而個小朋友又能講到無mud cantonese assent 既英文? 即係英文音調好似鬼仔差唔多果類。我真係好想知呀!真係+!唔係講晦氣話。

Fatherofdaughter 寫道:
Is it really that difficult? I do heard lots of kids speak well in the MTR. Any other 高手 here? Pls help?      

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-20 22:02 |只看該作者

Re: 禮賢定德雅好 ?

Why do we expect my kids to learn the english oral without hongkongese accent? In U.S.A., there are many americans with less ecucation; In Singapore, english is its first language, but they have their special accent too. In Hong kong, most of government officials, doctors, or university lecturers speak english with accents too, so do you think they are poor in english???
點解d家長希望仔女一定要學美國/英國口音英文? 這是價值觀的問題.?....外國的月亮份外圓?   
;-) 學做人, 求知識 :-P

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-20 23:33 |只看該作者

Re: 禮賢定德雅好 ?

小夜曲 寫道:
Why do we expect my kids to learn the english oral without hongkongese accent? In U.S.A., there are many americans with less ecucation; In Singapore, english is its first language, but they have their special accent too. In Hong kong, most of government officials, doctors, or university lecturers speak english with accents too, so do you think they are poor in english???
點解d家長希望仔女一定要學美國/英國口音英文? 這是價值觀的問題.?....外國的月亮份外圓?   

發表於 05-11-21 19:34 |只看該作者

Re: 禮賢定德雅好 ?

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-23 00:38 |只看該作者

Re: 禮賢定德雅好 ?

The most important element to reduce Cantonese accent is to read aloud.  When the child reads, you and your child can hear words that need improvement.  Like playing piano, your child needs to practice oral every day.  

I think nowadays teachers hardly ask students to read English in class.  Perhaps the curriculum is too tight or teachers don't think it's important..., not sure.

My parents and grandparents were teachers and they made me practice my English oral every day.  At first I hated it but later on I started to do it on my own, just because I noticed my own improvement.  I am not showing off here but foreigners always thought that I was a native American.  

My advice here is "practice makes perfect".  If I can achieve to where I am now, so as your children.  

發表於 05-11-24 01:38 |只看該作者

Re: 禮賢定德雅好 ?

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