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樓主: iantsang

全新2013-14一條龍幼稚園->小學->中學名單     [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-24 00:19 |只看該作者
Hi, it's my 1st time seeing this post.  I also have a younger daughter going 15 mths... thinking for pre-nursery.  What's your shortlisted options?

I live on HK side, my elder daughter studied in Creative K, and i just got a seat in Precious Blood (PBK) pm class.  As last year we thought nearby one is better... while more and more friends suggest that thinking of primary school opportunities are much more important... so I make the application these days, hoping to get a seat in those kindergarten with better primary school allocation history....

It seems that Marymount is great, but is it very harsh?... any other suggestions???  What kindergarten will be best for getting a place in Marymount?

On HK side, is that SPK the best?  what about St. Margaret's, and PBK?

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-9-22 23:42 發表
Hi NT-1,

My younger daughter is now 15 months old, so preparing to apply for pre-nursery again!  Is it the same as your younger son?

Sorry to hear that she will feel uncomfortable to take the bus af ...

[ 本帖最後由 wjazzw 於 09-9-24 00:22 編輯 ]
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發表於 09-9-24 00:37 |只看該作者
So glad to know that I have fans!  Good luck!

btw, I have answered your post on another thread.  My suggestion may not be absolutely correct but hope to give you another view.  Just treat is as a reference.  My approach is always to take the safer one, I guess you already know.

原帖由 stinkyrabbit111 於 09-9-23 20:09 發表
係ian 的fan就知: 聖心, spk 啦~~ 因為一直有follow佢d post

by the way, thanks iantsang so much for these information!! you had done soo much hard work!! I had been following your post since last year w ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-24 00:45 |只看該作者
This will be my personal comment only.  When I prepared to apply for kindergarten last year, I have went through a long list of kindergartens for my consideration.  So when I make the decision to apply, I decide that I won't apply to kindergartens when I consider them in similar nature.  The main concern of my wife and I was to choose kindergartens which teaches the students with good self-discipline.  So, I chose Kentville and didn't apply for St. Catherine, where they are very different but similar in my view as both are famous kinder in Kln Tong.

Similarly, our preference when consider to apply for Pui Ching and Munsang, PC is more traditional and personally I think PC has a much longer tradition of success.  When comparing these two, the concern of CMI or EMI was less important.  PC's secondary is CMI, but they use English books.  It's the best way but I had that experience in another school with similar approach.  It's not really that bad afteralll.  So, we will choose PC over Munsang.  

原帖由 kakaju 於 09-9-23 21:34 發表
just curious why Munsang colleage wasn't your cup of tea? do their curriculum is like other kinder in kln tong?

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-24 00:49 |只看該作者
  I am glad that my comments helped, especially happy to know that you son enjoys school so much!

Thank you so much for your note of appreciation!

原帖由 heidy4ever 於 09-9-23 23:15 發表

好多謝你上年意見.  我先生同我考慮好耐, SC/KV 定PC 好.  我先生才決定揀培正唔揀其它.  

  小朋友而家讀得好開心.   而家對小/中學已經唔需要太擔心.

   呢個Post 分析得非常專業.  Thanks you so much ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-9-24 01:06 編輯 ]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-24 01:03 |只看該作者
Hi jaspachate,

Since a few of my friends' children are studying in Victoria, I think I would rather skip my comments for this group of kindergartens......

For the IB program, it is good if (1) you are prepared to send your child to study aboard and (2) financially prepared for the coming costs.

Few thousand a month is one thing but paying it for the next 15-20 years is just another mortgage.

Personally, I must stress, I don't think it is a must to study IB even you plan to send them aboard.  I also studied in traditional school in Hong Kong before I study aboard.  I don't find the benefits of the extra costs.  But this certainly vary for different parents and children's ability to find the best program which suits them.

原帖由 jaspachate 於 09-9-23 22:42 發表
Thanks Ian for the information.  I am a father as well.  Would you please comment on the Victoria (Belcher) Kindergarten?  It stresses the implementation of IB (國際文憑) curriculum. What are your com ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-9-24 01:06 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-24 09:27 |只看該作者
Hi Ian,

Thank you so much for your comments ~~

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-9-23 17:27 發表
蘇浙 has local stream and Internatinal section.  Most parents like 蘇浙 because of their training on Putonghua and since they use Putonghua for teaching, it follows the increasing demand on this langu ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-24 13:35 |只看該作者
Thanks for your advice esp. it was at 1:00 at night.

You remind me to cost of paying such fee for the next 10 - 20 years.

By the way, the more I study the education system in HK, the more I think the HK government is shifting the system to a market approach, meaning supply / demand, improvement by market force etc.  DSS is a typcial example.  It seems to me that they are doing similar thing with what they are doing in Medical system.

Anyway, thanks for your information.  I would also apply for 根德園 and 培正 as well.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-24 15:17 |只看該作者
Hi jaspachate,

You are welcome.  Concerning the education system in HK, I would use the term "outourcing" to describe what the officials have been trying to do, so they have less schools to manage.  Of course, this is just part of the whole apporach.


原帖由 jaspachate 於 09-9-24 13:35 發表
Thanks for your advice esp. it was at 1:00 at night.

You remind me to cost of paying such fee for the next 10 - 20 years.

By the way, the more I study the education system in HK, the more I think th ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-24 16:00 |只看該作者
Hi Ian
你好, 我都係你fans, 好佩服你, 唔知你可唔可以比D意見我, 我個女係07年8月都算細B, 佢都怕陌生人, 叫佢去東佢就去西, 係麻煩友一名, 所以搵幼稚園都好頭痛, 想問下有無一D好但又比較易入的KG呢?佢宜家讀緊嶺南, 老師話佢都好快適應, 但比較少同同學講野, 希望你可以比D寶貴的意見,我應該幫佢報邊幾間呢?我地住港島, 我無做野, 唔知有無影響呢?我地都唔介意過kowloon tong, 我驚佢最後連一間都唔收, 咁就唔知點算, 麻煩哂你, 謝謝.
Best regards

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-24 16:59 |只看該作者
Hi wjazzw,

I assume you have two daughters and the elder one is not studying in Precious Blood and the younger one is applying for pre-nursery this year?

I have not decided on the list of pre-nursery for my young one yet so may be will update you later.

Concerning your elder daughter, if she is already studying in K1 now, that means you will need to apply for K2 or K3.  As I mentioned in my post, application for gov't aided schools has very minimal difference on what kindergartens you attended.  The allocation results have no meaning, it simply means these kinder accepts more students whose parents are graduate of famous schools, or these children live in that area and has higher chance to be placed in these schools.

Hope this helps you to understand more.

原帖由 wjazzw 於 09-9-24 00:19 發表
Hi, it's my 1st time seeing this post.  I also have a younger daughter going 15 mths... thinking for pre-nursery.  What's your shortlisted options?

I live on HK side, my elder daughter studied in Cre ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-24 17:15 |只看該作者
Hi Fifi,

Thanks for letting me know you are also my fan!  I hope I won't get my wife jealous for having so many fans!  Just kidding!

Actually, my elder daughter is also born in August but her personality is very outgoing.  She usually complains that her classmates cannot talk to her very well and she feels boring.

Do you take your daughter out a lot?  I think it definitely helps for them to feel more comfortable with strangers.  It will certainly help with their performance on interview.

I think Lingnam is a good kindergarten too, will you let her continue to study in their K1?  I think it is good for children that are more active.  Unless if you want to train her to be more self-discipline, then I will suggest you to start looking for kindergartens of those type.

If you worry, I will suggest York in Kowloon Tong.  However, some parents complain they are too commerical and in fact, there are many extra charges for additional courses so you need to consider this point.  However, they focus on English training so if that's what you want, then can consider it.  They accept students after interview on first-come-first-serve basis.  So, it is better to act early!

What is your expectation for your daughter's education?  If you can let me know, may be can help you more on what kindergartens to apply.


原帖由 fifi8844 於 09-9-24 16:00 發表
Hi Ian
你好, 我都係你fans, 好佩服你, 唔知你可唔可以比D意見我, 我個女係07年8月都算細B, 佢都怕陌生人, 叫佢去東佢就去西, 係麻煩友一名, 所以搵幼稚園都好頭痛, 想問下有無一D好但又比較易入的KG呢?佢宜家讀緊嶺 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-24 17:18 |只看該作者
Fifi 妳好,
我仔仔都係出年讀K1, 我有打算幫佢報嘅其中有嶺南, 唔知妳介唔介意分享下, 妳同個女轉校嘅原因比我做個參考? 麻煩晒妳 ~~~ 唔乖晒 ~~~

P.S. : 或者PM我都可以呀. 謝謝 !

原帖由 fifi8844 於 09-9-24 16:00 發表
Hi Ian
你好, 我都係你fans, 好佩服你, 唔知你可唔可以比D意見我, 我個女係07年8月都算細B, 佢都怕陌生人, 叫佢去東佢就去西, 係麻煩友一名, 所以搵幼稚園都好頭痛, 想問下有無一D好但又比較易入的KG呢?佢宜家讀緊嶺 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-24 17:22 |只看該作者
Hi Ian,

I also followed your posts since last year when my elder daughter applied kindergarten. Thanks for your advice at that time and she is now studying happily at school. This year is my younger son's turn. Knowing that you are in the same case with me. Will you consider sending your younger one to a whole-day nursery? Since I only have one maid, I think it may be better and safer to let my son stay at school longer. But the academic level of this kind of school will be lower than those in Kowloon Tong and also the chance of getting in HKPS (one of my favor) will be much lesser next year too.

So I am still struggling. How's your plan, still Creative?

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-24 17:46 |只看該作者
Hi kyliejet,

It's nice to hear from you and I am glad to hear that Chloe enjoys her new kindergarten!  It's a very good one so she will definitely enjoys the coming 3 years.

In fact, I am considering full-day pre-nursery for my younger daughter too.  She is very different from her elder sister.  Very active and naughty.  So I hope to send her to full-day pre-nursery to get more training with the teachers' help.  Otherwise, I am afraid she cannot be accepted by her elder sister's kindergarten next year.

I guess will apply for Creative as it is so convenient location-wise, but I will also try other pre-nursery too.  Now is busy shopping for one.  But I feel there are not many good choices around.  May try SPN this time.

HKPS has pre-nursery, why don't you try it this year?  Or you prefer to let him train at a full-day pre-nursery first?  I have heard their program has become much more advance nowadays so he will learn a lot from it.


原帖由 kyliejet 於 09-9-24 17:22 發表
Hi Ian,

I also followed your posts since last year when my elder daughter applied kindergarten. Thanks for your advice at that time and she is now studying happily at school. This year is my younger  ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-9-24 17:48 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-24 17:56 |只看該作者
Hi Ian

你好, 我都係你fans, 起級佩服你, 唔知你可唔可以比D意見我, 我個仔係07年9月都算細B,覺得他平時較活躍但又有啲怕醜.
想佢返学返得開心唔想佢太辛苦但又想佢學到嘢,小学預算會apply私立 or 直資,

pls advice,tks so much

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-24 23:35 |只看該作者
Hi Jw291120,

I think your list is quite suitable for your son, but you need to consider if Kentvile's workload may be slightly too much.  If you have read my posts before, may be you know KV is my favorite since I like to prepare my daughter a bit more.

However, more workloads doesn't mean very hard so just apply first and decide later.  Thing to note is small B has slight disadvantage on KV but it is not impossible to be accepted.  I know many KV students which are born even later than September.

Good luck to you and your son!

原帖由 Jw291120 於 09-9-24 17:56 發表
Hi Ian

你好, 我都係你fans, 起級佩服你, 唔知你可唔可以比D意見我, 我個仔係07年9月都算細B,覺得他平時較活躍但又有啲怕醜.
想佢返学返得開心唔想佢太辛苦但又想佢 ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-9-25 00:55 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-25 00:20 |只看該作者
Hi Ian, you are very professional~Could u pls give me some suggestion?
My son is quite active & outgoing, he's studying in Learning Habitat now and will apply another K1, my list is quite long coz i didn't make up my mind which kind of primary school i'm looking for. Actually ends up i'll bring him back to Canada before secondary school, but i would like him have a certain standard of Chinese & English too. Another problem is the language, till now he cannot speak very well especially Cantonese, i'm afraid most of the kinder will reject and have to find some for back up.
List of K1:
HKBU Kinder, SC, KV, HKPS, Victoria, York, PC, SPK, Soka, Yau Yit Chuen

Thousand thanks~

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-25 09:58 |只看該作者
Hi muji,

I am not sure how well I know all of these kindergartens so let me try my best here:

When you mention Chinese, do you have any preferences on Cantonese or Putonghua?

HKBU: I think this kinder have some good comments from parents and its style is not traditional classroom teaching so I think it may fits your son.

SC: The main focus will be their English skills and less focus on traditional teaching

KV: The main strength is on Chinese and Math so the students are better prepared on these areas especially for application to DSS/ Private primary school.  Also, students are well discipline.

HKPS: It is having a more advance program and the language training is quite good.  But I think their Chinese portion is on Putonghua.  I am not sure if they have Cantonese-English stream.

Victoria: Depends on which campus you choose.  Usually the belief is the Causeway Bay (main) campus is better.  It offers more international program e.g. IB as mentioned by another parents.

York: It also focus on English training and have a lot of programs to train the students to attend external examinations/ certifcations.  Some parents consider it too commercial but education costs anyway.

PC: It's a traditional famous school but need to consider it is more Chinese focus.  It's one-dragon to their primary section so you don't need to worry about applying 3 years later.

SPK: Since yours is a son, I don't recommend SPK since there are no benefits and their kindergarten is relatively relax and easy.  So, doesn't serve your objective.

I have little knowledge on the others two so I think I rather skip.

Hope it helps you.  My suggestion will be to try the first six since they seems to fit your need better.  You may want to go thru the posts on each of them in more details so you may be able to understand more.

原帖由 muji 於 09-9-25 00:20 發表
Hi Ian, you are very professional~Could u pls give me some suggestion?
My son is quite active & outgoing, he's studying in Learning Habitat now and will apply another K1, my list is quite long coz i d ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-25 11:10 |只看該作者
Hi Ian,

Thanks. I will apply HKPS for my son this year but just curious if one maid can look after two little child at home in the same time so that's the reason I want to apply a whole day nursery for my son. ( Now they are taking care by a maid and grandparent, but grandparent will move out soon.)

If you younger one gets into SPN, I think you must move to HK Island la.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-25 12:18 |只看該作者
Hi kyliejet,

Agree that it will be tough for the maid to handle two kids so it's not a bad idea to try the full day nursery.  Especially boy may be more active!

We are planning to move back to HK island anyway.  Since we will let her continue in SHCSPS later so there will be many more years to attend school in that area.  However, the current environment we live is nice and have a park for kids to play, so we hope to let the kids enjoy it a little bit longer.


原帖由 kyliejet 於 09-9-25 11:10 發表
Hi Ian,

Thanks. I will apply HKPS for my son this year but just curious if one maid can look after two little child at home in the same time so that's the reason I want to apply a whole day nursery f ...
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