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樓主: marieng

LA or 繼續等 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-11-18 07:26 |只看該作者
Hi 小豆媽,
學習真的是長遠嘅路途,相信being LA parent都係想俾小朋友有一個enjoyable study life,將來可以面對社會、成功、失敗...(有EQ)
而LA只開辦咗2年,時間尚短;andY7/Y8嘅student都係中途入學,未能真正反影IB +一條龍嘅成效.
你提到日後嘅疑慮...appreciate if you could share your point of view!如何planning???

原帖由 小豆媽 於 11-11-17 12:51 發表

老實講, 呢樣野係我地依家呢班家長"最擔心"的.
小學ok, 開開心心6年係LA sure比到你的, 不過, 到左中學, 點都要面對公開試考大學.
依家的Y7Y8, 你自己來看看, 唔想comment.  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-11-18 11:35 |只看該作者
唔.......我覺得真係好睇家長的取向. 我知道很多國際小學的小朋友在課餘有上不同的學習班, 我相信宏信的情況也一樣. 但參加其他學習班與否, 就視乎家長的要求.

對於一直有上學習班的小朋友, 我相信小六後跳出宏信, 也不會太難. 當然, 最希望宏信好, 咁大家都唔想走啦!

又或者咁講, 宏信教到的, 並不是在書本上學到的, 反而一些知識的學習, 我們在課外可以很容易找到代替品, 但小朋友現在在宏信學到的, 自己不易教到.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-11-18 14:38 |只看該作者
原帖由 kamtsk 於 11-11-18 11:35 發表
唔.......我覺得真係好睇家長的取向. 我知道很多國際小學的小朋友在課餘有上不同的學習班, 我相信宏信的情況也一樣. 但參加其他學習班與否, 就視乎家長的要求.

對於一直有上學習班的小朋友, 我相信小六後跳出宏信, ...

選得宏信, 當然希望唔使跳返出去啦..

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-18 16:27 |只看該作者
Hi all my friends,

Having been gone through so many valuable feedbacks on the Lutheran Academy, there are many advantages and disadvantages of such elementary school. However, the benefits far outweigh its drawbacks.
General speaking, the major objective in majority of primary schools is to spoon-feed junior children as much as possible. Just like all childish kids, teachers have tried their best to feed all the materials ,which are totally to fufil all the requirements in governmental syllabus, to their pupils. Unfortunately, they did not care so much knowledge where they were able to comprehend or not and would like to pay full attentions what kinds of methods were to feed your children with successful results. Certainly, they are merely to focus on how many scores in public examinations. In fact, it is totally to disapprove from the original principle of the whole person development.

Even though your kids graduate with 1st class in well recognized univerisity, they are unable to apply their skills in their workplaces. Some people would say that they are classified as " High scores -master with inadequately practical skills". For example, an elite ,being graduated from top univerisity with distinct results in public examination, is incapable of seeking appropriate job to earn his living. Finally, he is only to feed himself as a result of welfare subsidy.

In my belief, children-study is a relatively longer learning process not only to nurture themselves with fundamental materials , but also to learn what they have done to contribute their livings.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-11-18 18:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 yan814 於 11-11-18 16:27 發表
Hi all my friends,

Having been gone through so many valuable feedbacks on the Lutheran Academy, there are many advantages and disadvantages of such elementary school. However, the benefits far outwe ...

而係LA始終同其他international school唔同

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-19 12:27 |只看該作者
To some extent, I partly agree with your opinion. If you profoundly consider the future education in the world, it would intend to be open and actively devote themselves into knowledgeable environment , for instance an educational trip, rather than "pen and paper " learning process. Hence, there are many DSS and traditional primary schools to offer many overseas voyages to their pupils. In fact, they believe that there are somethings  missing  from the traditional nurturing.
On the whole, children are our future and education  should be adaptable and practical rather than ancient approaches.  Let me give you an example, English where students ,in elite schools, are experts to remember all the basic rules in grammer books because of intensive training from course tutors. However, they are unable to wirte an essay without distinctively grammatical errors. If the same question is applied to international students, they would manage all of them far away from careless mistakes. The answer is a global student to learn english through reading and writing. As a result, the modern teaching -skills for english is speaking, listening , reading and writing. Additionally, there are many essential elements to be emerged with four principles such as daily work and social life. One such a simple conversation with foreigners is an educational topic  to learn how to be a good communicator rather than speaker. Indeed, children are what they have done to contribute to their livings.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-11-19 21:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 yan814 於 11-11-19 12:27 發表
To some extent, I partly agree with your opinion. If you profoundly consider the future education in the world, it would intend to be open and actively devote themselves into knowledgeable environment ...

大家choose LA 都係因為唔再認同/信任現行的教育制度及方式.

理想....可以好理想, 可惜學校有限制, 未有IB牌, 就算有, 都有51%學生要走回"現實"的334.

暫且不去諗中學, 小學部是OK的.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-21 00:14 |只看該作者

回復 1# 小豆媽 的帖子

Hi all parents,

As far as I know your concern, it may be a major reason to generally restrict so many parental decisions that  are how to decide finally educational systems for their children. Even, I have struggled to choose traditional or modern approach. Education, general speaking, is an expensive investment as same as house purchasing. Some parents may choose alternative method. This would be a long investment to buy two properties for their children no matter how to face worse situation. However, in my opinion, practical skill, being learnt from schools,  is sufficient technique to survive.
From my understanding of parental principles, it is an effective way to secret top univerisity place from elite kindergartens to  famous secondary schools. Of course, if your junior teenagers were lucky, then it would be an effective method to follow. Although there are many top students , like high score-winners in public exmainations, to be qualify with 1st Class Honour degree, they are unable to survive in a business jungle. The final answer is how to build up children with the following features.
1. individual thinking
2. creative mind
3. excellent interpersonnal skill
4. initiative
5. Self -confidence
All in all, the issue of dealing with modern approach in education system is based on what is society's aspect.If it is to ensure that children are able to learn what they have requested , then it may be an optimal solution. However, if parent would prefer to accept all tests , internal examinations as an universal indicator which measures pupils how to grade , then it is better to follow your favourable way.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-11-21 10:12 |只看該作者
原帖由 小豆媽 於 11-11-19 21:11 發表

大家choose LA 都係因為唔再認同/信任現行的教育制度及方式.

理想....可以好理想 ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-22 16:36 |只看該作者

Favourable primary school place

Hi all parents,

Yesterday was unlucky to many parents who want to request a place in favourable primary school, because it is hardly to turn your dream coming true due to many secure places for sibling factors. In fact, the success rate of applicants has dropped for five consecutive years, and this year it hit the lowest level since 1997. Only 45.5 per cent out of 45,715 children won a place in government or aided priamry school. However, educational authorities should take this as an example to consider the new bill in order to provide an effective method for place-allocation of primary schools.
Although there is a numerous money to spend on our Hong Kong education systems, the results, sometimes, have turned me down, for instance inapplicable university graduates and pupils , like artifical robot for purpose of examination, with ascending pressure from parents and school tutors.  

Finally, it seems to be a loophole and seldom to find a possible solution. Junior teenagers , under parental stress, have to take all the acaedmic activities so as to secure university place.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-24 11:52 |只看該作者


Hi all members,
Having been gone through some news from local paper, I have found there are some interesting topic at how much money spending on a pupil between DSS and ESF as a result of governmental fund. For the DSS, it is offered around 35200 per year. For the ESF, it is around 70% of DSS's subsidy. Hence, it is an evidence to prove education authorities put so much efforts on DSS school rather than ESF. Indeed ESF, under inadequately financial supports, will further consider " spending cut" on their budgets. Thus, if parents would prefer their children to have such qualified education, it would be merely a few choices for them such as international schools. My question is traditional or DSS scshools are not suitable for foreigners or to be classified as moderate level. Perhaps, if you have sufficient free time to do a few study, then you may have a chance to profoundly consider the result beyond. This would be children , who are studying in an international school, not only to be offered with an excellent environment in terms of languages, but also to nurture them the way of thinking rather than spoon-feed them with what they needed for the public examination. Moreover, our junior teenagers are facing a numerous competitors  from Mainland. All of mainlanders are machines with supreme brain powers. If our children, regardless of their genders and national characters, are educated under ancient education system to be dull robots without sensible individual thinking, because it , may be, is a principle for communist to control their people.
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