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SKH's interview (Central) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-5 15:26 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

My son also went to the interview yesterday and we waited for quite a long time to enter the classroom.

The teacher responsible for interviewing my son also asked the same question, that is, whether I could accept PM class or not. I just be very honest to her and I said I prefer AM Class. I think if I couldn't get the offer on Nov13, then I will send a letter to that school, asking a place in the AM Class or if it is really not possible, then I will accept PM Class.

Yesterday was also St Paul's Church Open Day and I visited the school. It's new and comfortable and warm. I also like that. Could anyone give opinion whether this school is good or not? Tks!

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-6 00:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

No matter how the interview was done, SKH receives a lot of applicant every year. It seems that quite a lot of you are not satisfied with the school. But for Mamis whose children are studying in this school, they give very good comments.

I would like to ask one question, that is, if both SKH and St Paul's Church offer your children a place, which one will you choose? Why?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-6 14:58 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Hello 各位媽媽,

我又無覺得好似你地講得咁差wor...負責個老師都好nice好好笑容, 雖然ng係用左好多時間int我個仔, 但感覺都ok...可能呢間學校真係太多人報名啦, 所以學校好難分配時間la...
仲有, interview好多時都真係要講下彩數, 如果撞到個好interviewer 就好, 遇到個not good gei 就真係....

我都有去St Paul's Church Open Day呀..好舒服, 好warm, 好有feel, 講真個環境仲好過SKH, 老師都好nice..but 始終無SKH出名...

SKH interview 可能安排得not so good, 但係好多番緊SKH既學生既mama都覺得SKH 好好wor..究竟係好定ng 好呢?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-6 16:06 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Fax Fax,

依家St Paul's Church剛剛裝修完, 2007年入學既小朋友有
福啦...有齊獨立課室, 仲好舒服, 超新淨 (但係又好有生氣, ng 覺得冷冰冰), 老師都好好人呀, 個English Teacher and the English Corner (also a individual classroom) 都好好...我同老公都好鍾意...如果touch wood入ng到SKH, 就肯定choose St Paul's Church...

咦, 講開又講呀, 妳地話SKH有無內定名單ya na?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-6 18:46 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)


我都無留意到我同老公同仔仔入邊間房添, 總之係一上樓梯右邊個間 (not 對正樓梯口個間呀.)

其實我之前因為見到好多mamis(小朋友依家已經讀緊既) 讚間學校好, 話小朋友讀得好開心 (Then推測d老師應該not bad gwa), 而且又係名校一間, 所以落足心機爭取...我用左成個禮拜時間, 幫仔仔做左本profile / album, interview 時仔仔都好free gum同老師介紹自己本書仔(小朋友都係ng好太老績/作狀好), 老師問問題都有答, 老師比貼紙都有自己主動講多謝, 不過就無咩笑容, 因為實在等得太耐, "牛" 晒lu...

係呢度都真係好想大家比d意見, 以下邊間最好呢?
1. SKH
2. St Paul's Church
3. 救恩學校
4. 禮賢會學校
5. 維多利亞 (寶翠園)

請多多指教, thanks!

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-7 11:32 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

我比較好彩, In 我地個老師係young and nice and 好好笑容...(地下上一層樓梯右手邊間房)...問我仔仔問題時亦好好笑容, 所以仔仔一d都ng驚. 講真, 因為等候時間比較長, 人又多, 如果仲要遇到個ng nice 既老師, 小朋友都真係幾難表現得好好...

話時話, 點解呢間學校年年都gum多人報名? 係咪因為派位好? 不過講真, 好多家長都話小一中央派位係好似六合彩搞珠, 主要取決於住址同彩數, 除非自己去間小學度叩門, 否則讀邊間kindergarten同升上邊間小學ng係好大關係wor...

其實聖公會d學生係咪真係gum 多人升 St Paul Co-ed呢?
知道實際有幾多人升St Paul Co-ed嗎? 又點解gum多人可以升得好呢? 懇請知情人士比d意見/資料...tks!...

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-7 16:13 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

我地係一樓in ga...個老師好後生, 肯定ng過30...she's really nice ga... although didn't have too much time to talk a lot to her, but she always 笑容滿面 ga...所以我話真係要see好ng 好彩lor...

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-7 16:57 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

都未必既, 可能每個老師都負責收一定數目既學生呢...即係無論係遇到nice老師或bad老師, 都有學生得米或入ng到...

係呢, 11月13日通知既意思, 係咪即係11月13日寄信比家長呀? ng知道可ng可以早小小打電話去問呢ho?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-7 17:34 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

真係好緊張呀...希望會得啦, 落左成擔心機呀...

請問有無mami even 聖公會收妳地都ng 會要呢? 你地心目中有邊間好過聖公會呢?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-7 20:40 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

I came from BPS (Belilios Public School) and actually I just graduated from Pukfulam Gov't Primary School (and I was born in China and came to HK at the age of 10). I totally agree with you that the family is of highest importance to the child, esp in this stage. Therefore I give a lot of love and care to my child. My son is a very happy and smart boy..^.^
Even if SKH won't offer a place to my son, I won't feel unhappy...

I just want to ask one question, that is, if the teachers are not good and there's no big relationship between entering a good kinder and a good primary school, then why there are so many people applying SKH each year nei? Really want to know the reason behind....

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-8 15:43 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

In 我仔仔個老師都非常好人呀, 但係我都完全明Esmehouse既感受, 如果調轉我個仔比人忽視, 我都會覺得好ng開心...我覺得無論有幾多人申請都好, 又無論有無"內定"或者"黑幕"都好, d老師都要儘量平均分配時間, 起碼令每位家長都好過d...

係啦男男, 你兩個女都讀緊St Paul Co-ed, 請問妳係by relationship入去既, 定係by 自己努力爭取(interview)ga nei? 間學校係咪真係好好呀? 如果妳係靠自己努力既話, 可ng可以分享一下秘訣呀?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-8 17:53 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Hi Wing05,

我同仔仔仲報左英基, 寶翠園Victoria(now attending their playgroup on Sat, but really 好麻麻...for playgroup, a lot of mamis said not good, but for kindergarten, there's no complaint at all..), 救恩, 禮賢會, St Paul's Church...我覺得任何一間都好ok...

ng計英基同Victoria, 我自己仲意SKH同St Paul's Church, then 救恩, then 禮賢會.. 可能地點關係, 後者比較"街坊" (我絕對ng係話高眼角, but 我真係見過d好rude既家長..)...
如果選英基, 就肯定第日要走'國際'路線, 無得轉番local primary school, 因為中文一定追ng上, 我都係寧願比仔仔讀番中文學校, 第日想既話, 先send him去外國...)

Victoria英文應該好ng錯, 但係我個朋友教緊Causeway Bay Victoria, she told me a lot of "dark side" of that Kindergarten. E.g. 選合唱隊成員啦, 甚麼代表啦, 都要比面有勢力人士 (e.g.陳方安生個孫, even Mrs Chan doesn't request special treat, 老師都識做啦...)...and my friend actually not much things are taught as there's only 3 hours school time each day...everything is very rush..and the school is very 商業化...she said even she has children, she won't send them to Victoria because it's not worthwhile spending that high fee..

如果講環境, 我同老公都最鍾意St Paul's Church..個環境比SKH更適合小朋友, 細細地反而好warm..老師又好鬼nice, 不過派位就好似一般 (其實好多家長都話派位主要關地址事, 不過各位mami心理上都會鍾意派位情況好d既學校, right?)

skh比較似小學, 救恩d老師同嬸嬸都very nice...禮賢會都ok, but 就係比人感覺比較街坊...

Eeee, Esmehouse, 妳已經有小朋友讀緊 skh la? Then totally don't need to worry lar wor... 如果有家人係間學校讀, 通常都實收ga, am I right?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-8 17:55 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

sorry, I've made a mistake, I wanted to ask Faxfax whether she has child attending SKH but I asked Esmehouse...sorry sorry...

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-9 17:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

男男既女女真係醒! Let's clap for your girl! Clap clap clap..... 我都覺得小朋友一定要smart and curious and happy....not only have good academic performance, right? 我想男男都係個好媽媽, 因為我覺得一個smart and happy既小朋友, 通常都有個healthy/happy既family...(even 係單親家庭, 如果個媽媽/爸爸好愛個小朋友, 都可以好好ga..)

我有一個難題, 想請教各位ga...我仔仔英文好過廣東話(兩樣都聽得明, 不過絕大部分時間都講英文) 妳地話以下邊個選擇/做法好d呢?
1. 讀international school / Victoria Kindergarten
2. 讀local Chinese kindergarten but join some English activities (e.g. the Saturday English Club by the Woodland pre-school, ard 90% students are foreigners..)

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-10 15:13 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Hi mamis,
SKH Kindergarten 好似ng使著校服ga wor... do you think it's good or bad? Will this create a little social level among the kids? For me, I prefer uniform rather than our own clothes... what do all of you think?

男男, your daughter is now having her studies in St Paul Co-ed. Do you think it is really a very good school?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-13 12:53 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

SKH 今日出信通知wor...請問有人收到未呀? (應該未gum快gei...快則聽日, 慢則後日, 不過始終好心急呀...)

雖然好多去完interview 0既mama都ng滿意間學校, 但係我識d仔女0係度讀0既mama都話間學校好好, 小朋友讀得好開心, 老師都好好wor... 可能真係interview 0個日太多人, 安排ng完善, 先會令大家覺得0甘差lor...當然仲有一個原因, 就係入0左去讀0個d都係千挑萬選, 所以學校都對會好好對待lor...

上星期六我都有同仔仔去St Paul's Church and Victoria (The Belcher's)...St Paul's Church d老師真係無得彈, nice到不得了, 無俾人interview 0既感覺, 好似去playgroup gum...所以仔仔表現非常好 (雖然係in 2.15pm, 去0既時候0係的士 "hup" 0左大概15分鐘就俾我叫醒), 同老師差不多傾0左15mins...我覺得老師都好鍾意仔仔, 應該都會收... 至於維記, 由於我老公都有一起去, 但只可以一個入課室, 而我0地事先又無心理準備, 所以仔仔喊得好淒涼, 不過由於呢間ng係我0既心水選擇, 所以我都好淡定gum "tum" 仔仔, 當去playgroup 玩玩就算...

如果俾我揀, 我會第一: SKH am... 第二: St Paul's Church am...
ng知各位mama 又如何選擇呢?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-13 16:26 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Dear Lifesharing,

I appreciated very much for your sharing and I agreed with what you said very much. For me, I think it's better to trust parents who have their children studying in SKH rather than to give grading to the school depends only on the interview day. At least a lot of parents and kids do really enjoy their lives in SKH. Therefore, if SKH offers my boy a place, I will take up that offer for sure.

However, there's one thing they should improve, that is, the distribution of application forms. I don't think SKH would have any difficulties in doing this very simple thing (I mean upload the application forms onto the web-site and allows free download). I couldn't understand why they still prefer the very traditional way of forms distribution. Is that this tradtional method helps to secure that applicants are really sincere in enrollling this school, or to have a "promotion" effect on the school? I think SKH should do something on this point to save time for both the parents and teachers...

Lastly, I would like to know when could we receive the offer letter earliest? Tmr? or the day after tmr? pls advice, thanks!

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-13 16:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

Hi head,

Don't be so angry. A lot of us type English instead of Chinese just because it's faster to type English than Chinese. A lot of us speak English to our children just because:
1. helpers speak English to children and they get used to speak English.
2. We speak English to our kids, aims to give them an English speaking environment, which means that it will be easier for them to learn English when they go to school. Not for show off absolutely, just for the goodness of our loved kids.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-14 10:29 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

如果我收到SKH 0既offer, 我都會選呢間. 因為so far真係未聽過有小朋友0係度讀0既爸媽投訴過呢間學校ng好...

係呢, offer係咪yesterday開始寄出呀?係咪即係最快今日可以收到呀? 有無人已經收到呢? 我想問學校只係寄俾會收0既applicants, or 全部applicants都會收到信 (然後信入面會話俾我0地聽得或ng得)?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-14 10:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: SKH's interview (Central)

嘻嘻, 由於太心急0既關係, 我剛剛打電話去SKH問, 個staff話學校yesterday已經將全部信送0左去郵局 (全部applicants都會收到信)...快0既今晚就會收到...

share番一樣0野先, 我成日一有問題就打電話去SKH問, d人態度又好鬼好ga bor...我記得之前我打電話去問學校幾時開始報名同要帶d咩, 個staff 好好態度0甘答我, 仲提我早d去, don't wait until late afternoon, otherwise 可能派晒d表格... 不過講真呀, 我相信每間學校都有好0既老師同ng好0既老師, ng會清一色係好or not good...
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