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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 有冇可能讀住 i 位等 e 位?
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有冇可能讀住 i 位等 e 位? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 11-11-5 01:08 |顯示全部帖子
My experience share.
I wait S位 & E位 at the very beginning, and E位 was available first, S 位was also ok after few months when we was taking E位 service, so I change to S 位 then.

2 years I spent in S位 and seems ok for my son can go for main steam school. and then I apply to change  I位 for next school term which make him can fit into normal kindergarten (thro' social worker, and the priority of my son was 1st since we change the service which we didn't take before and we can use the previous application date as our apply number) !

And I need not to give up my S位 service immediately until the I位 is ok!

Of course we took the I位 very smooth, and we left S位 as the end of school term and change to I位 after that summer holiday!

Luckily, my son follow the normal primary school application scheme, and he is P.1 now!!!
Good luck!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 11-11-5 02:12 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 jjcow 於 11-11-5 01:24 發表
其實係咪都係讀番兩年 S 位穩陣D呢?我仔自理 OK,基本上日片都叫做戒咗,返到學校純如羔羊,老師叫乜做乜,係有時會起身行開,但佢返嚟又唱得番學校D歌,俾本教科書佢,佢又識晒喎... 咁佢算唔算遊雲呢?除了這樣,老師都無投訴過佢D乜。


sorry, computer problem, only english!!!
if the progress is good , might be 1 year be ok at S位, but your son seems small boy, then if you wanna spend 2 years to solid his development, surely be better.

it is no need to 行埋去捉佢 cos he didn't run, just make yourself face to face with him,keep you and your son with the same eye level, hold his hand to touch your chin下巴, his eye will look at you naturally.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 11-11-29 21:36 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 midcocc 於 11-11-29 12:18 發表

you better to ask your social worker, might be you need to line up again for E位!
be consider that, I位 can make the training and the school lessons in same place, you no need to pick and take him for training. both of you and your children will be more comfortable.
E位 training  sure be more intensive, PT and OT especially .

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