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民生 vs 根德園 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-1 09:24 |顯示全部帖子
Hi dlmcdlcl
My daughter (Jan-05) is studying in KV K3 also and her academic reports are also very good since K1.  She also studies a lot of extra-curriculum activities, got some cert such as Starters and even got some awards in verse speaking open competition.  All her teachers commented she is very smart and quite matured than other students.
However, the result of P1 admission is not good as expected, only 1 offer on hand now (not top rank school), no offers by SFA and GH that we was quite confidient in the original.  Need to wait for the results of the remaining schools.  (we applied MaryKnoll in Govt 1st round 派位 as we thought my daughter should got offers from most of the schools)
We really don't know what happened to my daughter ?  We now think that even how smart you think your kids are or study in KV, the results may not as expected as there are too many other factors would affect the interview results.  So, we plan to get a offer first for my younger daughter (K1 in KV now) from the school that my wife gradurated in the Govt 1st round "派位" as a backup, then try to apply other private/DSS schools.  

原帖由 dlmcdlcl 於 10-11-30 22:20 發表

其實我再諗遠小小, 大家一起討論一下點揀.

KV, 雖然係教學理念, 教學課程都好合適"咸"接小一, 但係, 都要睇個小朋友有幾多斤兩, 如果佢唔夠SMART, 到將來考小一, 都唔會太標青. 可能考好多 ...
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