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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 幾歲開始學phonics好
樓主: pheonakkc

幾歲開始學phonics好 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-16 20:46 |只看該作者
This is a question to me also.
My daughter is turning into 2 yrs and 10 months in March and I'm thinking of whether it's appropriate to enrol her into phonics class.
She's able to recognise all 26 letters' names and some of the letters' sounds.
Her first language is English and it's very natural for her tospeak English, but, of course, she can't pronounce all words accurately, e.g. she can't say /r/, that's why, she would say "green" into "geen", "bread" into "bed",..she can differiate these words when we talk to her, she's just not able to manage the sound at this moment.

A few days ago, I talked to her when she was having her milk and I ask her what letter does the word "milk" start with? She was puzzled at the beginning, then I read out the sound /m/./il//k/. She then said m.

I was so surprised and started to think whether it's the right timing for her to start proper phonics class.  I know some kids start phonics class when they're very little (2.5 to 3 years old) and progress very well. However, I would think maybe those kids are gifted in language and that's why they could do it very well.

I don't think my girl is gifted in language, she's not talkative at all. However, she has quite good memory and comparatively high concentration level.

I'm a Childhood Math teacher and I could definitely judge whether a kid is ready to have proper math course. However, for phonics course, I really need help.
May aim is just let her get the right things at the right pace and no pushing her at all.
Could any mum share the experience of enrolling a 2.5 -3years old kid into a phonics class? My questions is:
1. What made you decided that your kids was ready for proper phonics training? Is your kid acquirs with very high language / English skills?
2. where did you enrol them? small group classes or one-to-one tutor?
3. how's the progress of your kid? Able to memorise all the letter sounds and able to do blending?

many thanks.


發表於 08-2-10 13:24 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-2-14 17:24 |只看該作者

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-2-16 21:56 |只看該作者
會唔會買GC Phoncis試下呢? 有冇人用繄?

發表於 08-2-19 23:48 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-5 18:40 |只看該作者
原文章由 pheonakkc 於 07-6-5 23:31 發表
小朋友幾歲可以學phonics, 如果連ABC都不懂, 是否不能學?家住天后, 邊度學好?   

我個囡一歲就開學phonics kids,,,我冇特別帶佢上堂,我响商務買左一套叫"phonicskids"比佢睇,佢好鐘意睇,佢睇左之後學識晒a-z, 同埋a-z既生字....eg.) a for apple, b for book.....---> z for zebra....
全套三部曲: 裡面有1a,1b(認識字母), 2a,2b(認識字音), 3a,3b(認識母音)....一書共6卌....針對初學英語,將要開始學習字母拼讀的孩子設計的拼讀工具書....
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