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教育王國 討論區 深造進修 放低書本咁耐,有無媽咪仲有衝勁再讀書? ...
樓主: Hipuppy

放低書本咁耐,有無媽咪仲有衝勁再讀書? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-7-25 12:10 |只看該作者
你都好勁呀, 我都係覺得有心讀書既,總抽到時間既,你咁忙都讀到咁多野,我都好佩服你呀.要以你做借鏡,唔好比咁多藉口自己先得啦.

原文章由 Calpurnia 於 08-7-25 00:01 發表
bb0809 & Strawberrys, 你地好犀利啊! 我而家都讀緊個碩士課程同一個普通話文憑, 而且成績都幾好嫁!   

另外, lemontree,
你同我都有d相似, 我又係屋企環境唔好, 所以讀完中五就無讀啦, 不過當時都有進修 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-31 21:14 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-3 22:28 |只看該作者

原文章由 easybring 於 08-7-31 21:14 發表
今日見到呢個topic真開心,我結婚前已完成自己專業既碩士.而家好想讀一個心理學文憑.大囡4歲&細囡1歲,會否遲幾年等佢地上晒小學先讀好d呢?正考慮中....各位前輩有咩提議? ...

[ 本文章最後由 Calpurnia 於 08-8-3 22:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-8-4 21:25 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 Calpurnia 的文章

多謝回應. 這個課程有幾個上課地點, 與office相距不太遠, 只是怕壓力影響情緒, 影響與家人關係. 我會去聽聽個information session, 若個course係少assignment/exam會比較好.  我不是要一張cert去搵工, 只是為"求知慾", 但若個course著重分數, 學生是有責任去全力以付, 壓力便大了.  anyway, 很多謝告訴我小學會照顧佢地更多, 我還未想像到未來既日子有多忙呢!

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-8-5 17:54 |只看該作者
當初諗住快快趣讀個 master 之後可以安心生 bb, 點之讀到一半見到個更想讀的 master, 都冇辦法, 唯有繼續讀埋佢.  雖然都仲係有啲想讀嗰個 course, 但係會少咗時間陪個女, 反正讀咗我又未必會轉去做嗰行, 所以都唔諗喇.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-20 17:20 |只看該作者
There is a will, there is a way.
You're a degree holder so it'll not be hard to take up studying.  My wife who left school without degree went back to school.  She started all over again after almost 20 years out of school.  She will get her first degree next year.  We have 8 children and two elderly to take care and without domestic helper.  5 of the children are disabled and she managed well with time and she even has time for PTA.  All the children academic results are impressing.  The eldest join the work force two years ago and the second will get his first degree next year too.

My wife told me she plans to get Phd and I believe she will.  She told me since she re-take CE many years ago and now I myself are very much astonish by her marverlous results.  Her GPA is 4.0 with all A for every subjects.  The most surprising one is her exam are mostly full marks.

To be honest, she did not study hard.  At least I never see her studing.  Most of the time, during the evening, she is guiding the children and checking homework and preparing meals or cleaning.  She is not clever too as she did not do well on her first attempt at GCE 'O' Level many more than 20 years ago.  I think she is better than me in many things as I need to ask her how to do this and that since marriage.  In fact, I always ask her how to spell this word or that word.  One thing for sure is she has a fantastic memory.  She can remember precisely everything in detail.  Sometimes, she amused me by remembering the exact day, date, time and conversation topic plus location.  Other than this talent, I find her a very ordinary student.  Still, her result surprised me.

She did not tell the children about taking lessons until she was admitted to University.  I guess woman has a way around things much better than man.

So, please do not get discourage.  Study as much as you can as you're improvement is not only for career.  I find my wife getting better in many field.  She is a much better person to get along with and my home is always in harmony when she is around.  For yourself, for the family, for your children, learn something.  Age is not a matter.

I hope I do some encouragement and hope to hear your advancement.  Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

原帖由 Hipuppy 於 08-6-26 02:53 發表

Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-29 20:34 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-27 15:42 |只看該作者
可否請大家提供一下報個part time degree 大約要預計幾錢左右?  唔該晒各位.

原帖由 mcc014 於 08-8-29 20:34 發表

發表於 08-9-30 12:59 |只看該作者
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