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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 第二屆全港學生公開音樂比賽
樓主: kikispider

第二屆全港學生公開音樂比賽 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-17 12:34 |只看該作者
To my limited understanding (I'm not a piano teacher but my kid has studied piano for several years), this is very common that pedalling marks are not shown on the pieces (except music for early learners).  Players should have the "music sense" where to hold or release the pedal.  Of course, for early learners, the piano teacher should have the responsibility to tell his/her students how to interpret the music and where to use pedal, even the music scores did not mention that.  This is acceptable & most welcome in all competitions, including music festival.  (Pls correct me if I'm wrong!)

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-17 22:41 |只看該作者

perhaps this is one reason this competition is more important for your child to participate again and again. Notice each child receives a Medallion, that is his/her reward for her hard work. I don't even tell my daughter about the 1st and 2nd and 3rd.... because to me, it's not important. I was pleased that she went up looking very poised, bow gracefully, and did her best in performing. She told me when she came back down, her heart was beating so fast, she was so nervous. I just gave her a BIG hug that I can't tell she was nervous, what a great job she did.

At the end, she did get third, but I didn't make a big deal out of it, she will get a trophy later, but at this moment, she noticed everyone gets a medal, she said, the judge is SO nice!

It's sometimes up to us as parent to guide our child's thinking to be looking at the other things other than the ONLY thing in front of you. There is always ONE winner only, our child must learn most of the time, we don't win. So when you do win, it's a bonus, but when you don't win, it doesn't make you less worthy or less loved.

Just my opinion.

原帖由 lily99lily99 於 09-11-17 01:41 發表


Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-17 22:48 |只看該作者
A1 already posted what I want to say.
However, do want to add, parents and teachers MUST realize:

1) Comments made by adjudicators are PURELY one person's opinion. Yes, life is unfair, if you don't agree with his or her comments, then maybe next time, you might have one that you agree with. You can ignore the comments and advise your child to play the way he wants to.

However, the point of having children go perform in public, and receive critique is precisely this, listen to more comments, learn and try to apply the new information, does it make you better? What works for you ? What doesn't? It's ultimately your decision.

2) Regarding the markings, not only are PEDAL markings just suggestions, music playing is an ART. It's NOT mathematics. One will find the same piece of music, if you buy different editions, by different publishers, and even urtext versions, there are many versions and amendments. Because, composers themselves often changed their minds too ! And because of our sources, many manuscripts are actually just edited to the best of our knowledge what the composers SHOULD have wanted. No one knows, unless we go back 200-400 years to see for ourselves.

However, what I am really trying to say is, we must use our imagination, and ears to hear what BEST suits the music and whether WE can produce the music to its BEST interpretation. This doesn't mean you can do whatever you want, but it means DO NOT look at the sheet music or piece of music like a math question. One needs to be flexible. As long as your playing is convincing, musical, and colourful and according to the style and necessary interpretation ... is all there, then it's a good performance.

I hope you understand what I am trying to say.
Don't think if one does EVERYTHING written in the page, then one is a perfect musician. I know it sounds very hard ... but that's why studying music is a LIFE long journey. I will be learning continuously until the day I die. Even after playing the piano over 30 years, I still have SO much to learn.

原帖由 十月媽咪 於 09-11-16 08:23 發表

冒昧請教一個問題....我女響剛過去的星期六下午, 完成左流行曲初級組既比賽, 評判畀評語既時候, 話嗰幾首歌踩左腳掣之後, 會好聽好多, 例如star war會更有氣勢, once upon a dream會更優美等等...

我想問 ...

[ 本帖最後由 Pianokc 於 09-11-17 22:55 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-17 22:48 |只看該作者

Perfectly said.

Thank you !

原帖由 A1 於 09-11-17 12:34 發表
To my limited understanding (I'm not a piano teacher but my kid has studied piano for several years), this is very common that pedalling marks are not shown on the pieces (except music for early learn ...

發表於 09-11-17 22:57 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-18 07:54 |只看該作者

好多謝你咁詳盡既回應, 我而家清楚多了!

女兒只係單對單學琴兩年, 比賽經驗只得一次校際, 今次係第二次....呢兩次比賽, 老師都係跟足個譜唻教, 咁校際首歌, 我覺得跟足都無問題, 因為首歌唔踩腳掣反而好d! 但今次呢首, 我之前都有問老師, 呢首係跳舞歌, 如果可以教阿女響某d位加埋踩腳掣, 我諗效果會好好多的!

但老師就話...個譜無話要加, 唔好自己加, 免得被評判扣分, 同埋個譜寫左係咁, 都唔應該自己亂咁加的! 就係咁....我女練呢首歌嗰陣, 總係改善唔到我想佢改善既野...練唻練去, 都係一種好操兵既感覺, 而無一種跳舞好優美既感覺!

所以...當評判話畀我地聽, 係應該響某d位踩腳掣, 咁就會連貫好多同埋會無左嗰種操兵感覺既時候....我心裡係千萬個疑團...又話唔加得既? 點解評判話要加架?

其實我女當日比賽好緊張的, 但到上台鞠躬開始彈....又好似另一個人咁, 盡佢所能完成整首歌...佢有獎無獎, for我唻講, 真係唔重要, 因為我真係好欣賞佢咁勇敢的...只係我想清楚知道, 其實係咪可以加....因為比賽後, 我再同番老師講, 老師都堅持話唔可以的...尤其校際, 更加唔好自己加上去....就係咁...所以我至會發出呢個問題架咋!

另外, 呢個比賽, 我無嗰種唔公平既感覺的, 我只係心中千萬個疑團, 究竟係評判既問題, 定係琴老師既問題呢? 而家你地個個都話我知係可以咁做....咁我要同老師講番, 等佢知道係可以咁做, 糾正番佢...咁日後, 就可以更加改善到個女既技巧等等喇嘛!

當日比賽, 得一個小朋友彈阿女同一首歌, 嗰個男仔有踩腳掣的....阿女一聽...就同我講: 媽咪...好聽好多呀! 雖然最終嗰個男仔都無獎, 但真係好聽的...踩左同無踩, 分別好大! 坦白講, 呢個鋼琴比賽既參賽者質素, 我覺得....勁過校際的...我地嗰場13個小朋友, 有超過一半係有姿勢有實際, 我同個女都未見過, 真係大開眼界的...雖然佢地都係參加初級組既比賽, 但佢地擁有既技巧, 認真程度, 絕對唔似一個只得1-3級技巧既小朋友, 好厲害! 我亦都好開心阿女可以欣賞到一場咁有睇頭既比賽啊!

同埋大會亦都真係值得一讚, 小朋友雖然輸左, 但依然畀個參與獎牌佢地, 我女傻更更, 掛住個獎牌唔捨得除, 連佢自己都感受到佢既努力無白費到, 完成個比賽之後, 好安心又好滿足! 小朋友好需要認同的, 大會響呢方面真係做得好好!

原帖由 Pianokc 於 09-11-17 22:48 發表
A1 already posted what I want to say.
However, do want to add, parents and teachers MUST realize:

1) Comments made by adjudicators are PURELY one person's opinion. Yes, life is unfair, if you don't a ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-18 23:32 |只看該作者
Dear 十月媽咪

It's so nice to see what an understanding, and supportive mommy you are.

If you enjoyed that popular class, you should have seen the one today by Mr Phoebus Chan. WOW, amazing talent, and reminds me how much I miss watching him perform in Harbour City.

It's wonderful that the competition can invite such an adjudicator. The competitors today were all superb.... I watched the whole day, what a pleasure and enjoyment it was to listen to all these popular music by intermediate and advanced grades competitors.

I hope we can continue to see this category.... Phoebus Chan said it's the First in Hong Kong.

Just want to mention, being more flexible applies to more popular music than examination pieces and that of the HKSMA competition. Those type of music, I tend to use the edition's markings as closely as possible, if you don't agree with the markings, then don't use that edition because yes, exmaminers and adjudicators of classical music will tend to prefer you to follow as much as possible what is marked.

Good luck to your daughter's continued hard work!

發表於 09-11-19 07:54 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-11-19 11:52 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-19 12:40 |只看該作者

I heard the Preliminary session was a bit rushed last week..... but regarding the one adjudicator for over 30+ competitors, have you been to other competitions ? It's not unreasonable.

Last year, there were about 15-20, I heard parents , OH, too little people, not a REAL competition.

How to satisfy all parents?

發表於 09-11-19 14:25 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-11-19 23:33 |只看該作者
I agree, the competitor's quality is a lot higher than 校際 even in the violin competition.

發表於 09-11-20 18:39 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-11-21 00:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 Heidi媽 於 09-11-19 07:54 發表
昨天我女兒第一次參加流行曲中級比賽, 這是女自學的一首歌, 沒有期望, 只希望佢嘗試彈些佢自己喜歡的, 不只局限古典音樂, 而她亦幸運地取得優異獎! 在我眼中的廿多位參加者, 一半是中學生, 而大部份的參賽者都彈的相 ...

想問你女女彈邊首流行曲 ???

發表於 09-11-21 09:49 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-11-21 17:24 |只看該作者
原帖由 Heidi媽 於 09-11-21 09:49 發表
我女彈崖上的波兒. 原先我買了波兒和天空之城琴譜給她, 她最後揀了波兒作賽, 但現在較喜歡彈天空之城 .

2 首都好聽呀  

我原本都想亞女參加依個比賽 , 等可以攞多 d 經驗 ,
不過比賽個費用貴 , 成 400 蚊
所以最後都冇參加 :(

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-21 18:52 |只看該作者
Today's session was adjudicated by Lily Hong herself.... !!! It was nice to see her and listen to her talk about the arrangements that she did for this competition.

Phoebus was of course, his wonderful self. The Easy level' s competitors were very good today too !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-23 15:07 |只看該作者
我女兒今早參加了cello 分級比賽, 佢係第一次參加這個比賽. 可能係比赛考試歌, 我地覺得大部份的參賽者水準都比校際高 & 平均, 安排也算順利, 小女亦幸運地拿了優異獎 (honorable mention).  評判是 Ms Letty Poon, 佢俾左5少 valuable comments 我地, 個人覺得, 作為拿經驗的賽事, 還是值得參加的.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-23 17:30 |只看該作者
小兒今早也是參加分級cello比賽,由於他是第一次參加cello比賽,這個比賽給我的感覺很好。我不知道校際的cello比賽安排如何,但校際的鋼琴就真的太多人,等候時間很辛苦。今次的比賽人數不太多,但都是有質數的,adjudicator Ms Poon的意見亦很寶貴,真的不錯。

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-23 20:18 |只看該作者
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