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民生書院小學部家長分享 - (高小集中地) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 03-9-25 10:13 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

Hi, my daughter is P.4 already. She likes this school very much. That's why I haven't tried another school when she promoted to P.1. The homework load is not so heavy when compare with other subsidized school. She can finish her homework around one and half hours now. But one thing I can advise you, try to buy some more complementary exercise for your daughter. Since the examination is a bit difficult than what they teach, expecially Maths. I really don't know where the questions come from. There is a part named "簡答題", you cannot find similar questions from the other supplementary exercises.
There are no "精英班" in their school. Every year, the ranking before fifteenth will promote to the same class, the others will be divided into the other classes.
Does your daughter join any activities? Your daughter is in which class?
Happy to meet the others schoolmates here.

Rank: 4

發表於 03-9-26 10:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

Nice to meet you all here.
Glad to hear your daughter is learning Chinese Flute. Is she teaching by Wong Sir, he is excellent. My daughter is learning 二胡, and she is the member of the Chinese Orchestra in school. I think your daughter will also be invited to the Chinese Orchestra one year later. Same as you, I also want my daughter to learn Western musical instrument, but she doesn't like . Hope to you meet in the Orchestra.
There are three test, three examinations for an academic year. Also, two dictations per week. It really seems too much as comparing with other schools. For me, it's OK. Since for my daughter, she only do the revision during test or examinations(lazy girl),  if there are only two test, that means, more things need to memorize each time.
For the standard of the school is quite good. I know some of the students in P.4 or P.5 will be asked to left the school since there will be no chance for them to promote to the secondary for the poor result. Some of them have the high ranking after they change to other schools. Let me share another case to you, last few years, there is a student allot to a band two secondary school, her English always fail in Munsang, but she became first in that Secondary School. She has high reputation by her English teacher in her Secondary.
The Chinese Text book is much more difficult than last year. For the test and examination of General Studies, I know there is only mutiple choice and fill in the blanks with given words when my daughter in P.1, don't be worried. But for the safety sake, you better ask the teacher again.

Rank: 4

發表於 03-10-25 10:39 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

Hi, everybody,

Long time no talk. How are you?
I find that Mansung is really keep on changing year by year since Ms Leung to be the headmisstress. Last Saturday, I talked to some form one students, they said that there were no Mathematics(English) when they were in Primary section, also there were no foreign teacher for Oral. Are there any foreign teachers for the lower class? How about the Phonetics, teach by the English teacher or the foreign teacher? When my daughters in lower class, there are no Phonetics, it's very useful on learning Phonetics. I know the Principal of Secondary section will also change next year, hoping the secondary section will become better and better.

The cost of 二 胡 is around $600. The instructor of 二胡 will prefer the new student join the lesson at 9:00 or 10:00 am. Since the class of 11:00am is for the member of Chinese Orchestra. For more details, you can ask Ms Yip.(Hints: better ask by yourselves, don't let your children ask her, because she is only kind to the parents.


Rank: 4

發表於 03-10-27 10:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

Zoey, Abbybear,

My daughter plays the 二胡 on 11:00 - 12:00 since she is a member of Chinese Orchestra.
It's quite difficult for me to compare 二胡 or flute which one is easier. I can only say the Chinese musical instrument is 易學難精. The Miss of 二胡 is quite good, but you know, learning the musical instrument in a group had a big different between learning in one by one. But for my daughter, she likes to learning in the school, since there is a lesson for the Chinese Orchestra every Saturday (12:00-1:00pm).Every year, there are two or three times performance for them. If you are interesting, you can go to 林余寶珠堂 on Saturday to see their rehearsal.
If your children want to join the Chinese Orchestra, there are more chance on playing 二胡 or the others rather than flute. For flute is the hottest item in the Chinese musical instruments. There are already a lot of members of flute in the team. However, if comparing all the instrutors of the Chinese musical instruments, the instructors of flute (Wong sir) is the best.   

Rank: 4

發表於 03-10-28 11:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

For the Chinese Handwriting, the students are required to copy some sentences. I remembered when my daughter is in P.1, she was required to copy 三字經. For the Chinese composition, they will be given a few words to make sentences.

Rank: 4

發表於 03-10-30 09:43 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享


There aren't any restriction for using which Chinese Dictionary. They will use the Dictionary when P.3. I remember Longman will have discount to the students. My daughter also use this Dictionary. It's quite good.

Rank: 4

發表於 03-11-19 10:53 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享


For the ranking, some of teachers will tell you, but some won't. Since  the headmistress forbid the teacher to do so. Luckily, these three years, my daughter's teacher are willing to tell me.

The competition between the classmates are very keen. As I know, the score of the top ten only have a difference of 0.xx.
As I know, all the students will receive a present on the last day of the academic year. Since Headmistress Leung will give money to ask the classteacher to buy present for the students. From my daughter's experience, the teacher will ask the first fifteen to take the presents first. Then my daughter will count the ranking of herself.

Rank: 4

發表於 03-11-19 10:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享


For the ranking, some of teachers will tell you, but some won't. Since  the headmistress forbid the teacher to do so. Luckily, these three years, my daughter's teacher are willing to tell me.

The competition between the classmates are very keen. The score of the top ten only have a difference of 0.xx.
As I know, all the students will receive a present on the last day of the academic year. Since Headmistress Leung will give money to ask the classteacher to buy present for the students. From my daughter's experience, the teacher will ask the first fifteen to take the presents first. Then my daughter will count the ranking of herself.

Rank: 4

發表於 03-12-19 09:43 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

I will ask the ranking of my daughter. I hope the teacher will tell me. Since I know some of the teachers will not tell the parents.
The weather is really very cold today. You may try to let your kids to wear 棉背心 inside as the underwear. It's warmer and more comfortable than wearing the wool underwear.

Rank: 4

發表於 03-12-22 14:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享


I mean 絲棉背心, very thin, you can buy in the Chinese department store.

The grading of conduct showed in the report in very tight comparing with other school. Referring to the teacher say, if you got "B", it is equal "A" of the other school. Actually, I don't understand why the school have this policy.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-1-10 09:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

Hi, Zoey,

When my daughters was in P.1, there were given words provided for  fill in the blanks of the General Knowledge.
For the Chinese in Munsang, I feel quite difficult when comparing with other schools. As the other schools, there are given words provided for the fill in the blanks in P.1. Last week, I borrowed my friend's daughter's test paper for revision, they also have given words for fill in the blanks for Chinese, even though in P.4.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-1-12 10:01 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

Dear Zoey,

I remember they need to write the words until P.3. But don't worry, at that time, the children already know a lot of words, no need spend too much time on memory how to write the words.

Sorry, I cannot attend the gathering, since my daughter has the badminton class on every Sundays afternoon.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-1-20 10:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

Dear all,
According to Principal Leung, over two hundred primary student can promote to our secondary section in these two years. The result is quite good.

Zoey, Abbybear,
Happy birthday to Maggie and Alvyn. Are your kids also born on January 18, so coincident, my daughter also born on that day.Next year, we can hold the birthday party together.

Test is over. Hoping you all enjoy the holidays.


Rank: 4

發表於 04-1-30 16:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

March 8 is the school holiday. Only the students of the secondary section need to attend celebration celemony.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-1-30 16:52 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

How lucky you are? I have much trouble. My daughter need to attend the celebration in the afternoon for the Chinese musical orchestra, however, she need to have the body check in the morning time. In between, I don't know how to spend the time,you know, examination will be held on next day, I don't want to waste the time. Another trouble is the competition date of the music festival is on March 9, now I am thinking whether let my daughter give up the competition or change the date for her. Actually, she doesn't have enough time to prepare the competition. Since she spends a lot of time on swimming and badminton. Maybe, I need to ask her to decide by herself tonight.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-2-2 09:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

May I know anyone's kid is studying in P.1A. For my daughter need to have an interview(in English) to a P.1A student. Any volunteer?

Rank: 4

發表於 04-2-2 20:37 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

They need to wear long white socks for photo taking.
All the P.4 students start to do their interview on 2/2, but my daughter is a prefect, she need to  on duty today, then she will do it on tomorrow.
The questions they ask are simple, e.g. What is your name? Who is your English teacher? And ask them to spell some words.....

Rank: 4

發表於 04-2-4 09:52 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

Good morning everybody,
This morning is really cold, only 10'C. When I bring my daughter go to school, there are still no girls wear long trousers to school, even though the dawn jacket, also not much students wear. VERY STRONG!!!

Rank: 4

發表於 04-2-4 14:38 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

You can wear your own jacket in blue colour. For the other colour, I think you better check the school rules in the student handbook. But I think black or brown is also OK.  For my daughter, she always wear her own fleece jacket to school. It's really warmer than the school jacket. So far, Lee sir doesn't punish her. Especially, your kids are only in P.1, the teachers usually 隻眼開隻眼閉. As my daughter always complain, in some occasion, the teachers only punish the higher class students. For Prinicipal Leung says they must act a 好榜樣 to the lower class. My daughter says it's unfair to them.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-2-11 09:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 民生書院小學部家長分享

Hi, Zoey,

I really want to join your BBQ on 4/4. But I want to know when you will start? Since my daughter have to attend two badminton classes on Sundays. Maybe I ask my daughter skip one lesson on that day.
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